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- Darin on Open House 3/16/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
- Darin on Open House 3/16/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
- Darin on Open House 3/16/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 3/16/25
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Is Portland in the North or the South Island?
Alas could be either MAWM, but is actually landlocked in Oregon, about 100 miles up the creek from the sea. Mt St Helens tried to wipe the place off the face of the earth 32 years ago.
PM! Good to see you. Have you got rid of that troll infestation over at PMofNZ yet? He’s ruining a good blog.
I’ve been quiet of late – keep running out of expensive wireless data cap. As for the troll (from Riverton?) I see he’s polluting Keeping Stock – anybody would think it was his private soapbox.
Until Inventory II exterminates it, it will continue to shit all over what is otherwise a good blog. It has been banned from almost everywhere except Keeping Stock (hell, even John Ansell has had enough of it), so I guess Inv is on the receiving end of all of its vile spew.
ps – Cheers for the BZ
the BZ? I’m a bit slow at the moment. (full of codeine is my excuse).
Bravo Zulu (flags for Well Done!) – I guess you can take a sailor out of the military…
Aaaah,,thanks PM. We lowly footsloggers call a buffer zone the BZ.
CR is blessed with wonderful commenters, and I don’t kid myself that it’s due to Wabbit’s sparkling personality and sex appeal.
The reason is, people can come in here and talk among themselves without a) having to self-censor and b) continually deal with zit-ridden juvenile lefty trolls.
It’s a damn shame to watch the readership of good conservative blogs drain away because trolls pollute them.
What you have here KG is a table of adults having a chat over a beer,while the rest are a bunch of unruly spoiled children content to throw food and temper tantrums. :popcorn
Dead right.
I’ve travelled around India and Africa. While the chaos is entertaining, the poverty disheartening, I have to say I enjoy the complete lack of care about where food comes from (as long as it comes) and lack of physchiatrists…
Yep. They never get enough food to suffer from all the gloom and doom predictions about diet and they’re generally too active to have to worry about obesity.
There’s a lesson in there somewhere……
Can’t comment on your site, PFZ, because it keeps demanding I log in with WordPress.com credentials I don’t have. Very frustrating. The Pompuss blog has the same problem. WordPress really screwed the pooch with that change.
Portland was founded on prostitution,sodomy and heroine abuse so no wonder there are so many brain damaged people there.
Seattle is even worse,but they have the highest suicide rate in the states so they have that going for them.
Seriously,those two cities along with San Fransicko are the best arguments against a space program.Once you visit there is no need to go in search of alien life
There is the hope that we will find INTELLIGENT life.
There is bugger-all down here…
What a great scam to get some free wine and bread. Notice that they drank some wine before they Whined?
Sitting at the bar in Marblehead, Ma. I watched a portly gentleman eat 75% of his meal before complaning that his plate was dirty and the meal wasn’t up to scratch. He cited a relationship with the manager to cement his case, and stated that he wouldn’t pay. The Barman, unflustered said fine, no problem then the man proceded to leave. I commented that that guy appears to have had a few too many free meals, and the condition of his plate was most likely of his making. The Barman replied that it had simply cost the restaurant $8 to avoid a scene, and this was a reasonably regular occurance which was best delt with quickly and quietly.
Marblehead? Hmmm….up in lobster boat and Lowell boatbuilding country there, Ciaron.

If Wabbit ever makes a pilgrimage, it will be to the boatbuilding shops of Maine.
That was an annoying bunch to watch, hopefully it was parody, bloody wankers.
I loved the guy’s comment about the slow drive to the restaurant, and how pressing just a teeny bit on the accelerator like, you know, moved the car forward!
So get intimate with the chicken; see the photo, life story, little habits, hobbies, unique preferences, endearing foibles, psych. and medical profile, name, neighbourhood and place in family. Then tear into its flesh? :wtf I never really got that. Me, I’d rather eat a stranger.
RWT wrote……….” hopefully it was parody”
I hope so too. It was bloody annoying.
Terry Pratchett has a neat quote for the comically challenged like me, for humour like this.
“A European says: I can’t understand this, what’s wrong with me?
” An American says: I can’t understand this, what’s wrong with him?