‘Federal authorities are demanding that Florida halt its push to remove ineligible voters from the voter rolls.
In a move that comes just months before the state could play a pivotal role in the 2012 presidential election, the U.S. Department of Justice contends that the state is violating federal law in its effort to identify and remove ineligible voters…’
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- Darin on Open House 2/22/25
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The DNC must be panicing,first Florida cleans the baffles of dead voters and now they are going after illegals,pretty soon they won’t have anybody left,pardon the pun.
Never forget that Florida does not allow ex-cons to vote, and will throw their (usually black) butts back in the jug if they dare register to vote…
Therefore, without the dead Democrats, Mickey Mouse, illegal aliens and ex-con vote, Florida goes Republican for sure!
!!!OOOMMGG!!Miss, Ms., Mrs, Mr, It Darian as a former classmate of Berry and highly trained carrier of his Diplomatic Pouches, Yrs Trly must comment provided of course that the bog administraitor does not delete the comment. Berry HAS indeed fundamentally transformed America causing me to question IF he will resign if not reelected. So my vote in three steaks won’t matter and neither will yours. BTW* pls do not call me “French Fry” again.
Yrs Trly is now residing in a remote location so do NOT try to find me. Gotta beep!! tata.
*BTW – by the way.
BTW* pls do not call me “French Fry” again.”
Okay Tater Chip :whoop
Three “steaks?”
Would that be three of Obama’s “57” STATES?
I live in this f’n state. It appears as though the right thing may still happen as the FL folks under the Governor Scott read the letter and will continue to purge the roles. Ha ha ha!
I’ll trade you a Nancy Pelosi for your cute cuzzie wuzzie Commie Mamasan that points fingers at smokers.
Friend, in these parts Madam Nancy would be considered a Right Wing Extremist! But tha ks all the same, you can keep her. I’d recommend your friends in CA retire her as soon as they get the opportunity.
Hey, mebbe that’s Romney’s 49 State Strategy – make it so that only living, no-felon, American citizens can vote, and they can only vote once. Man, that’s sme serious anti-minority discrimination at work there.
Romney and Obuba both seem to be the bitches of WallStreet. Sad sad state of affairs here. Nancy might not make the flight anyway as her botox would probably explode if exposed to that long of a flight at altitude.
And so please explain to the nice people in TV-land how Pelosi Galore’s face exploding in a mess of botox and lipstick could possibly be seen as a bad thing? Except for those poor souls in the immediate vicinity, of course.
Hello Mr. Holder I’m faxing you a copy of the 10th Amendment.
I have a better idea. My homeland, New Zealand, is currently reviewing its constitutional arrangements (how you can review something you don’t have is beyond me, but that is a rant for another day). As with all government programs, they’ve decided on the result before commencing the process. They’ve found a constitution they like, and are looking to adopt it. It is the constitution of Bolivia, which contains the three important elements of liberty (socialism, animism and racial superiority of the “indigenous”).
I think I have a better idea than going through all the work of plagiarising Bolivia’s constitution. Since you’re not using yours any more, can we please have it?
“Hello Mr. Holder I’m faxing you a copy of the 10th Amendment.”
Better send one along asking if he knows how to read.
Hmmm…how come the smiles aren’t working today,or is it just me???
Holder doesn’t understand English, but he’s fully literate in Ebonics, so you would have put your comment in that language, something like this…
“Hey Bro, you be trip’in on bath salt: Ain’t no way da white cracker gonna do dat sheeit!”
Maybe that’s gonna be Obamas October surprise,putting bath salts in the water supply so everybody turns into face chomping Zombies
Only Nancy Pelosi and DWS will be safe,cuz nobody wants to chomp on those faces
Certainly black cannibals eating white people while high on hi-test LSD is certainly the “in” thing for the extremist branch of African-American national socialism, but I’ve heard Holder wants to make it a civil rights issue for all blacks in the USA.
If you can’t beat whitey – EAT HIM!
Dunno about face-chomping, Darin, but have you seen recent pictures of Pelosi Galore or DWS? If those 2 ain’t already members of the legions of the undead they really, really, really need to sue their plastic surgeon!