crony socialism: A new Romney campaign ad

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14 Responses to crony socialism: A new Romney campaign ad

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    It is just soooooooo good to see this guy come out swinging.

    Obama doesn’t know what to do. He was expecting a younger McCain.

    • KG says:

      So far all Obama has done is repeatedly shoot himself in the foot. But I’m not confident that the Repubs will go for the jugular, because there are so many scandals and examples of ineptitude on Obama’s part that they just won’t touch.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        They’ve taken so much “off the table” they’re fighting with one hand tied behing their back. I mean, why take Jeremiah Wright out of play? Why not let (say) Trump and Sheriff Joe run down the eligibility angle, have a SuperPac attack his running and hiding from his academic record and let Romney and the formal campaign go after him on the economy? Seriously, it’s almost like they want to lose … A-fucking-gain.

    • Ronbo says:

      I realized Romney was a fighter when he “carpet bombed” Florida in an advertisement blitz that destroyed his Republican primary opposition.

      The “smart money” said he wouldn’t have the balls to nuke Obama the same way…Well recent events have proven that theory wrong. Romney is a fighter. Like Lincoln said of the drunkard Grant in the civil war, “I need this general – HE FIGHTS!”

      Yes, yes, I know Romney is a RINO Republican; however, this junk yard dog has quite a bite…and like we TPM patriots say, ” I’d vote an old yellow dog into office as president if the mutt ran against Obama.”

      Also, I think Romney understands that he’s on double secret probation if he wins in November – and We The People will be watching him like a hawk for one false move…

  2. KG says:

    “Seriously, it’s almost like they want to lose..”
    Yep. I just don’t get why they won’t use all the facts available to them–and why they let the Democrats and their yapping jackals set the terms of the debate.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yup. David Axelrod would never engage in dirty campaign tricks, would he?

      • Ronbo says:

        I’d say the GOP and the TPM (Tea Party Movement) are counting on using the negative campaign against Obama.


        Romney will officially take the “high road” and focus on the economy – the TPM and elements of the Republican Party will take the low road and kick butt.

        Like generals on a hot and very fluid battlefield, many political expert folks are fighting the last war. This campaign is totally different than 2008 – for thing the opposition knows that defeat in November will inevitably lead to a socialist putsch against the Republic and an almost certain second U.S. Civil War.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I sure hope you’re right, Ronbo. We (and I mean good and decent people everywhere) need for someone to hold His Imperial Majesty by the nose and kick him in the ass!

  3. Darin says:

    Un-employment up this morning to 8.2% out of 159,000 new jobs predicted only 69,000 were created.Stockmarket plunges 185 points on news.

    America LOST 129,000 Millionaires in 2011.

    Bill Clinton praises Romney’s sterling business career-

    Obama asking donors for second term to “redo” healthcare-

    All in all good news I would say

  4. KG says:

    (I just downloaded two vids, Darin, on tuning the Marlin336)

  5. KG says:

    Another damn good Romney campaign ad, over at Powerline:

  6. KG says:

    I’m convinced that Romney isn’t the answer to what ails America, but right now he’s all that’s available. If his sole purpose is to get rid of Obama, that’ll do and conservatives must turn out like never before in November.

    • Darin says:

      Absolutely,and afterall it’s the congress and senate that set the legislative tone and the Teaparty is gaining even more ground there.What I am hoping for is Romney gets to replace 1 or Lord willing 2 liberal supreme court justices and that he picks conservatives.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    Imagine if everywhere Zero and his minions went, every single stop on the trail, they faced a crowd like this one?