This is a pic of a racist, arrogant, ignorant piece of crap

all too damn typical of what often passes for “teachers”. Her kind irritate Wabbit considerably. Read and find out why.

Update: See how she’s rated by other teachers. Thanks to Webwrat for the link.

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12 Responses to This is a pic of a racist, arrogant, ignorant piece of crap

  1. Katie says:

    What I’m going to write will be considered racist. So be it:

    You can take the black out of the ghetto,
    But you can’t take the ghetto out of the black.

    • Ronbo says:

      True, but she is not representative of patriot black Americans who have literally filled up graveyards fighting for the USA in our many wars.

      In fact, none other than Lincoln said that if it had not been for the black regiments in the U.S. Army at Petersburg, Virginia in 1864/65, the Union would have lost the U.S. Civil War.

      Leftist niggers (and NIGGERS they are!) like the Traitor-Bitch in the article, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do not speak for the majority of decent black Americans who have defended the Republic.

      • KG says:

        “ not speak for the majority of decent black Americans who have defended the Republic.”
        Aye! :smile:

  2. KG says:

    Take away what this POS owes to whitey, and she’d be left with very, very little.
    Perhaps the best punishment is the fact that she has to look at that face in the mirror every morning….

  3. Darin says:

    Communist bitch.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Traitor-BITCH! :twisted:

    The good news is that by this time next year the Republicans (Tea Party Movement) will be in control and we can do a purge of Leftists from all positions of authority.

    And guess who will be at the top of the shit list?

    Well, maybe not in the top ten to be shit on by the TPM, but we Patriots will fire the Anti-American racist black bitch, sooner or later.

  5. Redbaiter says:

    The thing is these type of scum have not come upon us suddenly. They have been working their way into positions of power now for some decades.

    And this is what pisses me off most about the so called parties on the right, they have done fuck all to stop this. In fact they have enthusiastically helped scum like this women to get where they are.

    They have helped destroy our education systems and our culture through their blindness and cowardice and ignorance. The left have completely blindsided these useless cunts (for example the Republicans, the UK Conservatives and the NZ National Party) and in most cases they still do not know it. Dumb as a sack of hammers.

  6. Andrei says:

    HmmmmStudies” Departments Suffer a Loss

    While few people will say it, nearly everyone on college campuses understands that the “studies” classes are not very rigorous; nor do they have high intellectual standards.

    If, however, you say something like that on a university campus, within seconds you’ll usually hear a reply such as, “No, no academic discipline is any more rigorous than any other. It’s just that different disciplines require different talents.”

    Notwithstanding how often you hear such statements, no one in the history of mankind has ever said, “Darn, I made a D in Chicano studies. I guess now I’ll have to major in chemistry.” In contrast, lots of people have said the opposite. Academic conservatives—even those who are leftwing politically—understand that fact.

    My liberal friend made another claim: The same academic conservatives, although they do not think very highly of the “studies” departments, do not want to admit that fact publicly. They understand the mob-like responses they will have to face, including being called a racist, if they do that. Indeed my liberal friend speculated that if the “community and conflict” proposal had been decided by an open ballot instead of a secret one, then the proposal would have passed almost unanimously.

  7. KG says:

    She said the previous Principal was “Jewish and white” ……but of course, that’s not racism. Nossir.