Another of New Zealand’s maori “warriors’:

‘Hastings man Trent Owen Ngaruhe Hapuku has been sentenced to nine years in prison for killing his partner’s five-month old son, who interrupted him while playing a video game…’
So he’ll now spend roughly 5-6 years in prison, with three meals a day, playing video games–uninterrupted by crying babies–at the taxpayer’s expense. Not a bad outcome, from his point of view….

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5 Responses to Another of New Zealand’s maori “warriors’:

  1. erikter says:

    To be expected from a Stone Age savage.

  2. Katie says:

    Given enough time they will kill each other. Unfortunately you don’t have enough time.

  3. MIchael in Nelson says:

    The other outrage about the sentence is, even with the light 9 years, the judge did not impose any (as in zero, zip, nada) minimum non-parole time.