‘…Our police, once a model to the world, increasingly resemble an alien occupying army, or fascist militia, festooned with all the apparatus of repression, who inspire fear mainly in the innocent, and who are bullying yet ineffectual.
The state of the country is parlous in more ways than one. Large areas, once industrial, resemble the Soviet Union with takeaway pizza. The only “private” enterprise consists of retail chains that recycle government subventions to the unemployed. The middle class in such areas is composed almost entirely of public employees and professionals who cater to the social problems created by mass unemployment….’
Read the whole thing. It’s true all across the West, in varying degrees.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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Ultimate irony, that Peel’s rules came from that place.
Isn’t it, just. :roll
What you are seeing documented is the collapse of Western civilization.
I once thought we were in a period of cultural malaise and would bounce back but now I think the rot is far too deep and the night is coming.
“..but now I think the rot is far too deep and the night is coming.”
Agreed. Absolutely.
The reality of what’s happening is simply too horrifying for most people to be able to accept it. They’ll keep denying the evidence right up until the moment they go to an ATM and find they can’t withdraw funds and then their local television station announces that martial law has been declared.
The UK is lost. I just hope it serves as an example to other European States.
Can’t see it, Pencarian. The other states seem to be locked into the same downward spiral without either the fortitude or the will to do things any differently. Some smaller East European states, maybe, but not the rest.
Of course the way the undermining of the West is being accomplished is illustrated here where the Danes have allowed an agnostic Indian to define their church
As I just said over at your site, Andrei, this is an obscenity. Not that the word has much meaning any more……..
Good example of the Nanny State and its failure. When you give people a handout, telling them that they don’t have to work, they will become lazy slobs.
Worth reading Dalrymple’s ‘The Wilder Shores of Marx’ (available as a Kindle eBook) which is his account of visits to North Korea, Cuba, Albania and other communist states (some of them, eg Romania, having since thrown off the yoke).
Frightening, the lessons we seem not to be able to learn.
“Frightening, the lessons we seem not to be able to learn.”
Isn’t it! People seem to have some sort of “this time, it’ll be different” dialogue built into their brains.