How about some bloody honesty?

’90 missing after asylum boat capsize
Rescue efforts are continuing after a boat carrying 200 people capsized late yesterday halfway between Indonesia and Australia.
Scores are feared drowned in an apparent attempt to reach Australia to seek asylum…’
The vast majority of these people ARE NOT ASYLUM SEEKERS. They’ve paid a lot of money, bypassed intervening countries and destroyed the documentation they used to do that in order to get into Australia. Something made possible  encouraged by the leftist/greens government of Australia.
Let’s call them what they are: Illegal immigrants. And they’re costing the taxpayer a fortune, as well as introducing long-term problems.

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17 Responses to How about some bloody honesty?

    • KG says:

      I don’t think it’ll get much traction here, Grappler. Most Kiwis contribute in Oz and this is just a distraction from the real (and expensive) problem of unwanted third-world primitives being imported by the Gillard Gang.

      • octagongrappler says:


        Yep thats correct! just a smokescreen, although the new parties aim is prob 3rd world migration, but they are using kiwis to start so there are know claims of racism?

    • Katie says:

      It’s very simple. The more NZ expats there are, the fewer taxes they get. They have to stop emigration out of NZ fast otherwise there will be nobody left to pay taxes.

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    I note that only men and one boy survived…

    • KG says:

      hmmmmm….I wonder what the m/f ratio was when they left Sri Lanka?
      Still, not to worry–if they left the women behind, the family reunion thing will soon have them, their goats, pots and pans, leprosy-ridden uncle and whoever joining them at our expense. :evil:

  2. Seneca III says:

    Come on guys, where’s your heart? Let’s all be a little more altruistic when the next boatload capsizes and airdrop them a load of surfboards; those that do make it ashore could then be gainfully employed as lifeguards at Bondi. :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      “h.e.a.r.t.”…..hmmm….is that an organ or something Seneca?
      Good to see you. :o

      • Seneca III says:

        Am lurking here regularly, Wabbit , but have little time for posting these days. Will bring you up to speed in due course and, meanwhile, best regards to you all. SIII.

  3. I was remarking at an American blog yesterday that in America when illegals sneaking across the border spot a cop they run, hide, etc.

    In Australia thanks to fat-arse juliar and that other ratbag krudd who shares the blame for this bloody mess, when illegals see our navy they call out, they call ahead and tell us where to come get them.

    Calling this nations border security a joke is an understatement. When I think about it, why the @#$% do we have customs checking our passports at the airport when we fly in, when we take all these illegals in who toss their passports overboard, give them free food, welfare, healthcare and chartered flights.

    • KG says:

      I wonder the same thing, RWT. Broadly, the answer is that the laws are for the control of the peasants, and may be ignored or broken by our rulers any time they find it convenient.

  4. KG says:

    A wonderful snippet over at Cold Fury:
    “This isn’t a presidential administration; it’s a criminal conspiracy against the American form of government and the Constitution itself. Every last one of Ogabe’s treasonous scoundrels ought to be in jail for it, at the very least. Some of them ought to be swinging from gibbets…and in a country that still had any self-respect, they would be.”

    He’s talking about America, but it applies equally well here.