Fast and Furious: All you need to know,

in one article

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18 Responses to Fast and Furious: All you need to know,

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Obama’s Watergate.

  2. KG says:

    We hope….I like the bit about him not throwing Holder under the bus because he’s up to his neck in this himself. :twisted:

    • Adolf Fiinkensein says:

      For some time now, I have been wondering when Holder will throw the black arsed jack ass under a bus. I suspect that is the Republicans’ planned end game.

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!WOW!!!fast n furious should b d tolling of the bells for these idiots* who hate America so much. When BlackBerry was @ Harvard Law Skool with yrs trly they say he was somewhat of an oddity but 4 d life of yrs trly yrs trly simply cannot remember BlackBerry@Harvard tho they say he enjoyed lots of Koolaid 24/7. When he N his Diplomatic Pouch screwed yrs trly out of his 46 room 56 bathroom cottage on Martha’s Vineyard way back when it left a bad taste in yrs trly’s mouth and now they have taken it to annexing America for their own idiotic murderous purpose and yrs trly would not even attribute this bizzarrity to South side Chicago gangsterism that is why yrs trly is working for them now and also trying to find a method to shut down Harvard as a bullshitosky skool of hate.

    !!!Well!! yrs trly could go on and on but is hopeful that d wheels of justice will do a burnout on this murderous crowd. Gotta go take a dump on BlackBerry’s desk, tata yrs trly HarvardPotatoHead.

    *go to Hell government snoops and stoops
    PS: Southern is now @ 969waterboardnz by BlackBerry’s true islam friends @ Gitmo, says he is no longer very thirsty but ok otherwise except 4 havN 2 wee wee a lot. He is asking that readers send him $10 gold pieces for each H2Obrdng. Send care of yrs trly.

  4. KG says:

    ‘..Both President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made bold assertions in March 2009 that the drug war in Mexico was being fueled by guns purchased in the U.S. Internal Department of Justice memos–published by Sharyl Atkisson of CBS News in December 2011–reveal that officials discussed using Fast and Furious to push for stricter regulations over gun sales. In addition, Obama had already supported new gun rules on the campaign trail in 2008, and Attorney General Eric Holder had once spoken of his desire to “brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”..’

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Executive Privilege! Executive Privilege!

      There shall be no discussion of guns, and no mention of Fast & Furious. At least not until after November 6, when His Imperial Majesty has more flexibility.

  5. KG says:

    Bastards. I pray to God they’re out on their corrupt ears on that day.

  6. KG says:

    I hear you had some fine weather (sarc) around your way yesterday, Gantt…. :twisted:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Beautiful. We had a top of 8 degrees, and a little more than 14mm rain. Reminded me of summer at home in Auckland (minus the humidity, of course).

      It’s worse a little further out from us at Koo Wee Rup, where the water is waist-deep and the town is being evacuated. Brace yourself for the “temporary” disaster levy to be extended.

  7. KG says:

    We do, however, have some cooler days coming up…. :sad:

  8. MIchael in Nelson says:

    And the dumbocrats are trying to push the meme that ‘It was started by Bush’. I am constantly astounded at the level of stupidity exhibited by the left. :shock:

    • KG says:

      As I’m constantly astounded by the lack of spine shown by the right, Michael.
      Things will have to change, sooner or later. But it’s getting later…..