Obama’s Social Security Number challenged

‘If Barack Obama has an immediate eligibility problem, it is more likely to derive from the Social Security Number he has been using for the last 35 years than from his birth certificate.
Ohio private investigator Susan Daniels has seen to that. On Monday, July 2, she filed suit in Geauga County (Ohio) Common Pleas Court demanding that Jon Husted, Ohio secretary of state, remove Obama’s name from the ballot until Obama can prove the validity of his Social Security Number.
……When Daniels ran the numbers immediately flanking Obama’s, she came to the firm conviction that Obama’s number was issued in March 1977 in Connecticut.
By all accounts, as Daniels thoroughly documents, Obama was then a 15-year-old living in Hawaii. There is no record of him even visiting Connecticut in or near this time frame…’

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37 Responses to Obama’s Social Security Number challenged

  1. Al says:

    You do understand even if Obama is a pure holographic invention of Alinsky’s imagination no Court or Congress in the US will ever declare it so.
    That would invalidate every bit of legislation he ever signed, let alone all directives, the US would grind to a halt in a maze of litigation.

    Careful what you wish for.

    • KG says:

      I wish for the bastard to be exposed and jailed, whatever the consequences.
      “let justice be done, though the heavens fall”.
      Without justice, there can only be tyranny.

      • Al says:

        Never happen. Even if he confesses, SCOTUS would use a legal principle that relates to the consequences for the State being so appalling that it never happened. I forget the latin term.

  2. Darin says:

    “The US would grind to a halt in a maze of litigation”

    I’m willing to risk it :popcorn

    • oswald bastable says:

      So hang all the lawyers.

      • KG says:

        :cheers I’m on board with that!

      • Richard says:

        And all the politicians. And everyone who works at the EPA, and Holder and his people at the DOJ, and all of the DHS including the TSA scumbags. We’re gonna need a lot of rope (or a longer wall and the hundreds of millions of rounds of .40 that DHS ordered)… I’m sure I forgot a few agencies, too, like the Department of Education. There are others.

  3. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    The US already has ground to a halt. Wait until you see the job numbers tomorrow.

    Some astute person of wit a while ago coined the phrase “Bullshitter In Chief.”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Barack-passage Obama.

      How else did he pay for Occidemtal and Harvard. And his trips around the world. Fuckng rent boy.

      • Darin says:

        Unemployment still stuck at 8.2% today.Total for all categories 28,000,000 out of work.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          14.9% using real (U6) numbers. Eligible? Who cares? Look at the record! He’s the 4th best President in US history!

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    The SSN fraud has been known for quite a while. The difference here is the PI has established a proper paper trail of evidence. That said, I wait for the day someone challenges the WH in some way (a reporter during a Cairney briefing?) to refute it and for once!!!!!! forces an answer out of the corrupt bastards.

    I think that is what pisses me off the most is the incompetence of the 4th estate in the US now.

  5. john says:

    The only thing that’s going to make the O go away is rule 303.

    • OK-I want bho and all his alinsky-ite ‘friends’ to go —

      What is rule 303!?!

      • KG says:

        .303 is a rifle calibre, Carol. :twisted:

        • Al says:

          Your blog your choice, but there are a number of reasons I’d drop the 303 references.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            If the authorities don’t understand metaphor, Al, I reckon that’s their problem.

            After all, we’re talking about Rule 303 as a metaphor for voting them out of office in November. Nobody *really* is implying anything else, I’m sure. :gunner :roll:

            • KG says:

              I am.
              Look at the masthead of this blog, Al.
              The first and most important liberty is freedom of speech.

              • Al says:

                Very courageous Minister, just understand that your next US entry visa could be a worry. There is no doubt that such language associations are routinely errr….noted, especially easily on English language blogs in NZ, where the intel community have very little of substance to do otherwise.

                • KG says:

                  They can do whatever they like, Al. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I self-censor out of fear of the bastards. I’ve noticed around the blogs this past year or so that self-censorship is becoming much more common.
                  Besides, there’s an old saying: ‘threatened men live long”.
                  :grin: :cheers

                • Al says:

                  That’s the reply I was hoping for.

                • The Gantt Guy says:

                  So, Q: how many dead bureaucrats does it take to make a revolution?

                  A: At least one more than there is already!

                • KG says:


  6. KG says:


  7. KG says:

    ‘Maricopa County, Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is preparing to reveal what his team claims is explosive new evidence that President Obama was not born in the United States. Arpaio, whose “Cold Case Posse” has already held one press conference on the supposed forgery of Obama’s birth certificate, plans to hold another media event on July 17th with the new details. “I can’t disclose to you what we’ve discovered, but it’s going to be a shocking revelation at our press conference,” Mike Zullo, head of the posse, told a Tea Party radio program..’

    • HarvardPotatoHead says:

      !!Gotten ver Dammin!!!Yrs Trly whilst pawing around performing my dooties in the Oval Office has indeed found under BlackBerry’s chairkushion* my ole roommate @ Harvard’s** birth certificate N Kenya*** additionally a pack of Social Security cards securely held by a rubber band plus other documents and various denominations of different currencies. Also a “Made my Bones in Chicago” bumper sticker and lapel pin. Also plus a dozen condominiums in foil packs & can’t figure why BlackBerry@Blackberry needs them.

      Keeping this communique brief – Mr. Bog Administraitor: why do you insist on placing the same icon on yrs trly’s posts that U also put on that Contempt dude? You R a stupid dumbkoff so please ponder the severe consequences and U don’t even want to know what they are. And don’t even think about hiding any secrets in your rectum – my best friend@Harvaard loves doing colonoscopys.
      * the cushion has a kevlar fart deflector encased in it, btw
      **Nobody except the dorm maids seem 2 remember him, perhaps BlackBerry is an halluciation.
      ***Do they even have birth certificates in Kenya?

      • Contempt says:

        keep it simple you dumbass New England Ivy Leaguer

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Now you’re getting the evil genius that is our mole in the WH! :whoop

          And remember, you and he are two sides of the same coin.

  8. MikeH. says:

    obama is living proof that you CAN fool most of the people, most of the time. Then again, I suppose he is living proof that someone is spending huge sums to manipulate the brokerage of power that is crippling not only the United States, but the world as a whole.

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    Don’t despair, people.


    Bill Whittle for VEEP.

  10. KG says:

    Sigh…or Allen West or Thomas Sowell or any number of fine people. But the VP will likely be some insipid compromise.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Tragedy that there’s no shortage of excellent choices (hell, Sarah Palin even suggested Mark Levin the other day) but it’s likely to be a facsimile of Romney. Which means Conservatives will have to hold their nose and pull the lever for Romney, without ANY hope of a supporter in the Executive.

      Which makes the House and Senate elections all the more important.

    • mawm says:

      Save West to be President next time around. One doesn’t want him to be tainted with RINO’ism.

  11. mawm says:


    The American people probably aren’t going to fall in love with Mitt Romney. I’ll tell you this: 95 percent of the people that show up to vote in November are going to show up in that voting booth, and they are going to vote for or against Barack Obama. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/07/07/Boehner-People-Don-t-Love-Romney-But-They-Dislike-Obama-More

    WTF….are the Repubs trying to lose the election again! :roll

  12. KG says:

    Honestly, I think this is now a case of 50% of the people vs the ruling oligarchy.