Mike at Cold Fury. On Obama being “likable”:

‘..“Likable”? Pardon me while I laugh in your silly face. He’s a bully and a thug; a conceited, supercilious ignoramus wrongly convinced of his own innate superiority; a thin-skinned, whiny bitch whose self-styled Chicago “toughness” collapses into blubbering, excuse-making, and buck-passing at the first hint of dissent or failure; a vengeful, spiteful wretch who seeks not only to defeat but to destroy his opposition; a petulant child who expects everything to be given him without real effort on his part, merely on the basis of his obvious righteousness alone; a man convinced of his own shining genius whose intellectual “gifts” are actually very, very modest–to be kinder to him than he deserves.
He’s a sorry excuse for a man; he was a lazy, irresponsible fraud as a student; an arrogant, duplicitous goniff as a “professor” and “scholar”; an entitled, timid, over-ambitious zero as a Senator; and is an unmitigated disaster as a President. Everything else is subterfuge, smoke, and mirrors…’    Cold Fury
That about sums the Boy Wonder up, I reckon!

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11 Responses to Mike at Cold Fury. On Obama being “likable”:

  1. Ronbo says:

    HEY NOW!

    Obama isn’t HITLER! :mrgreen:

    Maybe Lenin, or Mao, maybe Castro – but Hitler, he ain’t!

    For one thing, Hitler was a decorated German soldier in the First World War with four years on the front line – and we all know that Obama is chicken shit and hen pecked. :mrgreen:

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell

    “It’s impossible to wrestle with a column of smoke.” Redbaiter

    Like his education records. Like his records as president of the Harvard Law Review. Like the details if his birth. Democrats have introduced a bill to seal Obama’s presidential records.


  3. MikeH. says:


    Stop trying to soft soap it… Tell us how you REALLY feel about bastard. :mrgreen:

  4. WAKE UP says:

    Underpinning all that is the instinct that tells us that there is something fundamentally UNTRUSTWORTHY about the man.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    Another completely O/T, but here’s Bill Whittle in a two-parter talking first about Progressives and Critical Theory, and secondly about the Conservative Solution.

    What amazed me most was there wasn’t a single “um”, or “ah” in there. He must’ve been using one of those new magic invisible teleprompters, I guess.



  6. Rufus says:

    :censor yeah!

    Buy that man a :cheers

  7. Anonymous says:

    But why does Whale Oil love Him?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Ummm, perhaps because he’s a Statist Utopian masquerading as a member of the VRWC?