‘..“Likable”? Pardon me while I laugh in your silly face. He’s a bully and a thug; a conceited, supercilious ignoramus wrongly convinced of his own innate superiority; a thin-skinned, whiny bitch whose self-styled Chicago “toughness” collapses into blubbering, excuse-making, and buck-passing at the first hint of dissent or failure; a vengeful, spiteful wretch who seeks not only to defeat but to destroy his opposition; a petulant child who expects everything to be given him without real effort on his part, merely on the basis of his obvious righteousness alone; a man convinced of his own shining genius whose intellectual “gifts” are actually very, very modest–to be kinder to him than he deserves.
He’s a sorry excuse for a man; he was a lazy, irresponsible fraud as a student; an arrogant, duplicitous goniff as a “professor” and “scholar”; an entitled, timid, over-ambitious zero as a Senator; and is an unmitigated disaster as a President. Everything else is subterfuge, smoke, and mirrors…’ Cold Fury
That about sums the Boy Wonder up, I reckon!
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Obama isn’t HITLER!
Maybe Lenin, or Mao, maybe Castro – but Hitler, he ain’t!
For one thing, Hitler was a decorated German soldier in the First World War with four years on the front line – and we all know that Obama is chicken shit and hen pecked.
You mean pussy-whipped.
“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell
“It’s impossible to wrestle with a column of smoke.” Redbaiter
Like his education records. Like his records as president of the Harvard Law Review. Like the details if his birth. Democrats have introduced a bill to seal Obama’s presidential records.
Stop trying to soft soap it… Tell us how you REALLY feel about bastard.
Underpinning all that is the instinct that tells us that there is something fundamentally UNTRUSTWORTHY about the man.
“Untrustworthy”?Lying sack of degenerate filth is closer to home.
Another completely O/T, but here’s Bill Whittle in a two-parter talking first about Progressives and Critical Theory, and secondly about the Conservative Solution.
What amazed me most was there wasn’t a single “um”, or “ah” in there. He must’ve been using one of those new magic invisible teleprompters, I guess.
:censor yeah!
Buy that man a :cheers
Better yet, make him President!
But why does Whale Oil love Him?
Ummm, perhaps because he’s a Statist Utopian masquerading as a member of the VRWC?