Grrr…Wabbit is heartily sick of the currently fashionable womb-centric view of the universe….for example:
‘..The back is literally your body’s support system, made up of more than 30 bones and hundreds of nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
“Women are particularly susceptible to pain because they lug around extra weight every day, from purses and grocery bags to a kid on their hip,” says Heidi Prather, DO, chief of physical medicine and rehabilitation at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis…’ source
Men, apparently are less susceptible. Must be something to do with them bending over all day welding steel, wrangling cattle, lifting heavy loads of timber and bricks and wheeling barrowloads of concrete. My word, compared to carrying purses and grocery bags, we have it easy.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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There is no simply comparison between men and women!
Women are the Masters and Men are the Slaves.
This is why we men were given the muscles, and they were given the BRAINS.
Yes, it’s tough being The Rulers of The World!
But it is the Natural Order of Things!
Don’t believe me?
Ask the nearest and dearest and she will tell you The Secret of Female Control! :popcorn
Women have the bodies we need to raise children. It is our primary function. Men have the bodies necessary to support women who are raising the children.
Isn’t the way G-d’s mind works amazing?
So no male journalist should ever have a back ache
How would the good Madame Prat classify the new ‘gender neutral’ mob? Of course, in this modern day category there’ll be wide spread pains in the arse.
Womens work -vs- real work
Saw this and it made me think of you KG , don’t no why.
Beer Cart Arrives
especially after bending over all day welding steel, wrangling cattle, lifting heavy loads of timber and bricks and wheeling barrow loads of concrete we enjoy it even more.
Nice one, Robert.
It seems that Google is oppressing bi-sexuals
New Zealand has truly gone insane – did you know that in dairies they have to hide their cigarettes in cupboards where nobody can see them and when somebody wants a pack they only can open the cupboard a crack, just enough to retrieve what the customer wants but not enough that any customer can actually see the wicked packets of weed
And the truly depressing thing is, Andrei, that in about a year’s time Kiwis will regard that as absolutely “normal”.
It’ll only take three months :whoop
““Women … lug around extra weight every day, from purses and grocery bags to a kid on their hip,””
I’d agree that a fair few of them are lugging around extra weight… :whoop