Words fail. Really.

‘..The Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick, wants the ADF (Australian Defence Forces) to fundamentally rethink the way it selects its leaders. She wants to temper the warrior culture that traditionally sees the most senior officers in army, navy and airforce come from backgrounds in combat or command. ..’
Wabbit has several suggestions for Elizabeth Broderick, all of them unprintable.

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12 Responses to Words fail. Really.

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Conceivably, if this mad social engineer’s schemes are implemented (and you can bet Gillard is working on it) the next Chief of Defence Force could have been promoted out of the army’s kitchen (or the navy’s mess), and not fired a weapon since basic training.

    This silly woman wants to “temper the warrior culture”? In the military? Don’t they exist to … you know … defend the nation’s borders and kill people? Or are they a sub-branch of the boy scouts now, and serve the community by helping old ladies cross the street?

    It’s almost as if they *want* to destroy the defence forces.

  2. KG says:

    “It’s almost as if they *want* to destroy the defence forces.”
    A Labor government, packed with trade-union heavies, led by a communist, destroy the armed forces? Nah, surely not. :shock:

  3. Andrei says:

    Using the military to advance social engineering agendas never works out well.

    1960s – USA project 100,000 the military was forced to take 100,000 guys who were rejected by the existing criteria – Mcnamara’s Morons they were known as. And while it did work out ok for some of them, they filled the military prisons and consumed the time of their officers and fellows. There were reasons why the military had deemed them as likely to be unsuitable for its purpose – But the politicians knew better and were wrong.

    Nixon killed the program.

    Of course the latest program to undermine the US military is the repeal of DADT and the promotion of poster child gays to positions of leadership.

    Is it any wonder the decline in morale of the US forces is also an issue of the day?

  4. octagongrappler says:

    Maybe we can see that this is a plan to destroy nation states and usher in world govt.

    Stop the desire and discourage men and women from wanting to marry or have children with each other, Discourage traditional families and encourage single parent and gay relationships. This is promoted in TV series and movies, and is on the news every day. They say we need migrants because we are not having kids!!Well have kids for christ sake or we are going to die out!

    But they have stigmatized the role of being a wife and mother so thats not going to happen :rant ..

    Reduce testosterone in the military!! :popcorn Render are defence force impotent! And leaves us easy pickings for our enemies, which looks like our own Pollies!! This is treason and we wont actually ever do anything about it. So Long as the International banking cartels control our money supply, they control the politicians and they control the mass media and the oil companies. We are screwed!!We dont want Immigration yet they will never ever listen to the people.. :rant

    • Andrei says:

      Maybe we can see that this is a plan to destroy nation states and usher in world govt.

      That is exactly what it is – mankind will be dragged kicking and screaming into a secular Garden of Eden constructed by the elites who know what is good for us far far better than we do ourselves.

      Of course what they a really building is hell on earth – a degraded and debased society of a disunited people at one another’s throats kept apart by tyranny

      • octagongrappler says:

        And Multi-Culturalism is a tool being used so that we have no Basis to Unite and see who the real enemy is!!

        We are the Target group and this is why they are opening our borders to hordes. I mean the allow Muslims to denounce Homosexuality and feminsim but not us!!

        • Andrei says:

          We are supposed to unite around the benevolent and all wise Government and its apparatchiks who will take care of it all for us – your every whim and need met provided you surrender your free will and conscience and allow them to take charge

  5. Brian Smaller says:

    Kumbaya time. That will work when the barbarians storm the gate.

  6. oswald bastable says:

    I’m guessing the standards for their protection details will not be compromised by this bullshit…

  7. Cadwallader says:

    “Warriors” isn’t that what they are paid to be…or are they pastrycooks, interior designers or hair-dressers?

  8. Maybe they should select military leaders based on their flower arranging skills, or their ability to give a good lecture on the importance of multiculturalism…