President Obama ‘may quit politics’:

‘In a surprisingly candid interview this morning, President Barack Obama gave the strongest hint yet that he’s considering quitting politics.
“in a sense”, he said “my community organizing experience has proved to be less appreciated than I expected…and my Emeritus Professorship at Harvard prepared me well for what has proved to be a series of brilliant Middle East policy initiatives, but Americans, you know, are simply not ready to embrace the liberating culture of the Arab world”.
……On the domestic front, the President confessed that Michelle was “somewhat discouraged” that her wonderful efforts to slim down the entire population of the United States were meeting with what he described as “bone-headed” resistance and a determination to cling bitterly to personal food choices.
“But there you have it” he laughed…”brilliance and organizing ability and melanin content are simply not enough in today’s America…a lot of people simply won’t be satisfied until they have what I heard described just the other day as “freedom”…’          (/satire)
In related news: Biden promotes free colonoscopies to seniors in Florida

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14 Responses to President Obama ‘may quit politics’:

  1. The answer to so many prayers…

  2. K2 says:

    I don’t see what the big deal about Biden’s offer is. We’ve been getting the political version of “free colonoscopies” from them for the last four years.

  3. Fairfacts Media says:

    I thought the politicians had been giving themselves free lobotomies.
    Seems to be the case in The White House, Westminster, The Lodge, The Beehive……

  4. Katie says:

    Why didn’t he come to this conclusion 4 years ago?

  5. mawm says:

    Obama quit politics? It must be a pigment of his imagination……………he’s going to be dumped. It’ll cost the American taxpayer a library and a secret service 24/7 detail, but will be worth it. :gunner

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      heh. I can’t wait for November 6th, when he gets “Trumped”.

      That is assuming there is still going to be an election on November 6th. And assuming the votes are counted. And assuming the Dem’s massive vote-fraud machine doesn’t steal it. And assuming King Barry’s gigantic Palace Guard of bureaucracies don’t circle the wagons to keep him in the White House. And. And. And.

  6. RobertvdL says:

    “the liberating culture of the Arab world”

    Ikea’s Saudi catalogue, which is also available online, looks the same as other editions of the publication, except for the absence of women.

  7. Oh if only.

    It won’t happen easily, I’ve never heard of a parasite leaving its host willingly.