Just got back from the coast, where it’s much cooler.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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- Michael in Nelson on Elon Musk is on Fire
- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
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- Andy5759 on Elon Musk is on Fire
- Andy5759 on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Phil Stephenson on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Michael in Nelson on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Michael in Nelson on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Darin on California: The Continuing Tragedy
- Darin on California: The Continuing Tragedy
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Pushing 40 That’ll be me soon too… Totally O/T: John Ansell is to have some T.V time 8:30 N.Z on the maori channel :popcorn
Jeez, you kids, DonD :whoop ….
Ansell on the Maori channel should be interesting.
Here too and it is not the weather.
Metal : Gold
Currency : EUR
Date Range : 5 years
13 nov 2007 540/oz
07 oct 2012 1362/oz
the eurzone crisis with Godfrey Bloom
Good links! Thanks, Robert.
Right now I’m trying to find my way around this new iMac with OS X Lion installed. And configure the bastard.
Next job, try running a dual-boot setup using linux on it, but for a computer-illiterate person such as moi, it’s a lot of work – and trial and error…. :rant
Good links! Thanks, Robert.
Right now I’m trying to find my way around this new iMac with OS X Lion installed. And configure the bastard.
Next job, try running a dual-boot setup using linux, but for a computer-illiterate person such as moi, it’s a lot of work – and trial and error…. :rant
Want to borrow my son ?
Is he a geek-child, the sort who can do in minutes that which takes us hours?
If so, yes please!
yeb ,and with his eyes closed
One thing about Catalan People.
Okay,now let’s see them do it drunk
no problem
The top floors can’t drink, they are too young.
Hmmm…is that the iMac with the shock resistant case so when it gets
droppedflung across the room in a fit of rage it survives?That’s why I like desktops,much more difficult to throw with all the cables and what not attached,hard to get any good air time out of a throw with those. :popcorn
I like Macs, Darin! Only rich nortamericanos can afford to play frisbee with ’em.
Mac or PC sometimes they just get to you