Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Basil L. Plumley has passed away at 92 in Columbus, Georgia. May he rest in peace.
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End of an era.
Taps for a great soldier.
At Battlefield Park in Vicksburg,Ms there is an obscure little memorial stone under some trees that was placed there sometime shortly after the Civil War.The inscription reads-
“Hold no sorrow for these men passing,
but instead rejoice that we knew them
and that they walked among us,
Giants among men on the field of honor.”
– unknown –
R.I.P. Sgt Major Plumley
Thanks for that KG.
A nice “Final Salute” Here. :cheers
I wonder how this SOLDIER would have handled any skinny dipping in his ranks
‘What’s the story about you and a German tank and he just grunted and said, ‘Obviously I won’.
A fine tribute, MvL. Thanks for that.
I always liked the part in “We Were Soldiers,” about the guy, (I think he was a lieutenant), who had TWO medals of Honour but was shit-scared of Plumley. He must have been a hard man.
Worked for a WO2 who generally replied to a ‘good morning, Sarn’t Major’ with ‘FUCK OFF!!!!’
If he ever said ‘Good morning’, you kept head down, arse up and worked very hard all day!
“if you could possibly find the time” = I think you’re a lazy bastard
“that’s a clever idea sir” = you’re a fuckwit but I won’t put it quite that way
“perhaps you’d give us the benefit of your experience, sir? = you have none, I have lots and I’m rubbing your nose in it
“your sergeant probably has that in hand, sir” = because he runs things anyway so you’d better leave him do it.