‘Trevor Loudon: An Urgent Message for America: Please Help This Go Viral.’

Posted by Col. B. Bunny, over at Liberty’s Torch
At 1:50, listen very carefully indeed, Aussies and Kiwis.

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16 Responses to ‘Trevor Loudon: An Urgent Message for America: Please Help This Go Viral.’

  1. oswald bastable says:


  2. KG says:

    Good on yer, Oswald! :grin:
    I put this comment under the post at Eternity Road:
    ‘I’ve done my bit (the widow’s mite, and all that) by putting this up on my blog with a link back to here, Colonel.
    I lived in NZ for some years and Trevor is either reviled or ignored in that country. Kiwi blogs and the media either ignore him or ridicule him as a “reds under the bed” conspiracy theorist, which is what I’d expect from a socialist country with a corrupt and incompetent media.
    For years, some of us have been saying that the idiot policies of the NZ and Australian governments towards Fijii are calculated to drive that country into the arms of the Chinese.
    Since it’s happened, the media and politicians have been very, very quiet….no more do we hear self-righteous lectures about what Fijii ought to do in order to “restore democracy”.
    And of course, no admission of mistakes and failure from politicians……’

  3. Katie says:

    On a different note, what the Hell is this about:

    Aucklanders protest against Jewish cemetery vandalism

  4. Darin says:

    Passed on to everyone I know,very good video and many thanks to Trevor Loudon for putting all the pieces together.

    I’ve said it before here and elsewhere,my fear is not a second civil war or a depression.My fear is both of those along with interference from the Communists.

    • KG says:

      There are still people who have this romantic notion of taking to the hills and waging guerilla war in the event of an invasion.
      But of course, it won’t happen like that. A puppet government (Fijii style) will simply implement the wishes of the new overlords and turn the screws tighter and tighter on ‘dissidents’.
      There will be no clear point at which people will say “enough” and take up arms.
      We either kill our own politicians who enable this, or we accept serfdom. It’s that simple.

      • Darin says:

        Your probably right,it’s just like the current debate as to the cause of the Liybian massacre.Some say it was the video,some say it was terrorism I say why should it f—king matter?Four Americans are dead.In times past cold steel would have already rained down on their primative heads IF the attack ever even was allowed to occur.

  5. The man is right. Unfortunately, those who espouse Soviet era policies will never yield or relent. The Soviet mechanisms left ticking by the U.S.S.R. kept working even after the Soviets imploded. The vacuums that they created have facilitated the spread of Islamization across Europe and in the States. You cannot reason with them because no matter what evidence that you show them, what you tell them, or how you reason with them, they will not hear you. That is why the Soviets would have shot them first, because as soon as they realized how wrong they had been they would have turned on the Soviets.

    The United States is fighting for its national life as I write. The next election will decide if we will become a socialist welfare state or if we will stave off the end for a bit longer. Our children no longer honor our founding fathers, they have no care nor concern for the U.S. Constitution, and they believe that Europe has the right ideas about human rights and taxation. Conservatism is ranked with Nazism and even the Republicans are ashamed of we Goldwater/Reagan conservatives. Instead of standing by traditional American values the Republican Party has a guy with a flashlight in the attic searching for a bigger tent.

    It really isn’t any wonder that the fourth estate has abdicated its responsibilities as freedom’s watch dogs with the track record I have just described. American culture has changed and it has changed due to the poisons of multiculturalism and diversity. Two concepts that tease apart and destroy the native traditions and culture and replace it with nothing because that is precisely the point. Leftist polices were designed to be destructive to the native culture and morals and for that reason I label them societal acids due to the corrosion and corruption that they leave in their wake and that is exactly what Angela Merkel was complaining of when she spoke out against them.

    The left will never relent or go away because they are similar to a catalyst in their functioning. They are tools that repeat the exact same behaviors time and time again ad infinitum. The threat is not Red China, but a resurgent Russia with Vladimir Putin at its head, an ex-KGB officer and darned smart politician who is as pragmatic as the day is long. Putin’s background insures that he is aware of his useful idiots out in the world and how much do you want to bet that he can activate them if he has the will to do so?

    Obama has abdicated his role as the leader of the free world and in so doing he has allowed the barbarians to gather at the gates. This is getting much longer than I intended, but suffice it to say that I am reminded of a sentence from Heinlein’s Starship Troopers, “To permit irresponsible authority is to sell disaster.” The left has been selling disaster for decades.

  6. Flashman says:

    The video in its current format is far too long to be watched by 95% its target audience.

    It should be edited or re-shot to bring it down to 5 minutes; ten is OK if the presenter is a vibrantly engaging speaker, which Mr Loudon is not.