David Horner is yet another academic revisionist slimeball

trying to make a name for himself:
‘..In what is viewed by Kokoda Diggers as a stinging insult, professor of defence history David Horner said it was a myth that the Japanese were going to invade Australia, adding the nation had developed a tendency to exaggerate the significance of military battles due to the reverence in which Gallipoli was held.
“It’s all the Anzacs’ fault,” Prof Horner said. “Gallipoli was one of our most significant military campaigns (and now) everybody wants to be an Anzac. Everybody wants a medal. Everybody wants to be recognised … every child gets a prize. If you fought in a battle, it has to be a battle that was really important. Whatever you do has to be given more credit and be seen as being more significant.”..’
More credit? More significant?   Much like academic awards and titles, then, prof? Below the fold is a comment by Harold Bloom, which would seem to apply to you and your ilk…too often driven by leftist ideology to denigrate and minimise the achievements of the past, in the service of your despicable ideology. Better men than you bought you the freedom to criticise and denigrate, better men and women than you are currently paying your inflated salary. Eff off.

Harold Bloom:
On his colleagues in the universities… 
”What I understand least about the current academy, and the current literary scene of criticism, is this lust for social enlightenment; this extraordinary, and, I believe, mindless movement towards proclaiming our way out of all introspections, our way out of guilt and sorrow, by proclaiming that the poet is a slumlord – whether he wants to be or not – and that there is no distinction between Yale University – or the University of Melbourne – and the New York Stock Exchange. This is clap-trap. The poet is not a slum-lord; the critic is not a hireling of the stock-exchange. I am weary of this nonsense, and I will not put up with it. It has nothing to do with my experience of reading poetry, of writing criticism and teaching other people how to read poetry and write criticism. If they wish to alleviate the sufferings of the exploited classes, let them live up to their pretensions, let them abandon the academy and go out there and work politically and economically and in a humanitarian spirit. They are the hypocrites; the so-called Marxist critics, and all of this rabblement that follow them now in the academies. They are the charlatans, they are the self-deceivers and the deceivers of others. If that is bitter, it understates my contempt for them.”
Excerpted from “An Interview with Harold Bloom” by Irme Salusinzky 
Scripsi v4, #1 July,1986

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7 Responses to David Horner is yet another academic revisionist slimeball

  1. john says:

    Of course the Japs were coming for Australia. By their own admission, by early 1942 they were suffering from “victory disease” and would have gone on until eventually stopped, which they were.

  2. dondiego says:

    Apparently they’d already printed postage stamps and currency for their colony in New Zealand too.
    I believe this falsely so-called academic has only now come out smug as he thinks the men who fought for him are too old to him the clip around the ears he so richly deserves.

  3. Phil Stephenson says:

    How does this cockhead explain the money that the Japs had prepared and ready for their occupation of Australia? Another snivelling lefty who wants to rewrite history to suit his own (twisted) view of the world. Another hater.

  4. kz7 says:

    An academic revisionist, I’ll bet he has never served, or even had a real job in his life.

  5. Flashman says:

    University arts departments are full of these trendy-lefty, soft-handed shits. Their worst sin is that they know only how to detract, tear down and undermine in ways that they believe enhances their worthless profiles within a clammy academic circle-jerk. They have never done anything usefully constructive in their “working” lives – nor will they ever.

    Not worth spit.