‘Darkness Descending in England’

By Pamela Geller

The arrest of over 53 people in the United Kingdom is the beginning of the end for once-great Britain.  The leaders of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, were among those arrested, as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP).  I spoke with Kevin Carroll about his recent arrest and that of Robinson and Weston, and he told me the appalling details.
…….This is a defining moment in British history, as significant as any major turning point.  It is in many respects like the Night of the Long Knives, which marked the point of no return from Nazism for Germany.  With these outrageous and politically motivated arrests, Britain has entered a dark and dangerous new era.  Said Weston: “The full power of the State appears to be concentrating on shutting down any political dissent.  This does not really feel like a democratic country anymore.”
Carroll is organizing a demonstration outside Wandsworth prison this coming Saturday morning.  All free citizens in Britain should be there.  And is there no one is the political establishment in the U.K. who has any decency, integrity, or spine?  No one who will stand up against these outrages?..’  (emphasis mine kg)

I urge you to read the whole thing. Those people who think that this can be resolved by working “within the system” -by political means – are dreaming.

Tommy Robinson has been placed among the general prison population of Wandsworth–and that population is largely muslim. If a private citizen deliberately placed a person at risk of his life, that person would be charged with attempted murder. In what way is what the police have done any different? Why is no politician, no newspaper, speaking up for justice?
The police are supposed to do their job without fear or favour, independent of political pressure. What the English police are doing is no different in any significant way to what the Gestapo did in Germany before and during WW2. (yes, I’m aware that the Gestapo also tortured people..the English police simply need a little more time to get to that point, just as the Gestapo did.) Yet there are conspicuous outpourings of grief when police are gunned down and people are invited to join the chorus of disgust and outrage that “English Bobbies” have been killed.
But I ask…why? When the police can act as goons in the service of their political masters, in the service of the great cultural genocide project now underway, they’ve forfeited any right to co-operation or sympathy.
It’s a damn fine demonstration that the same kind of closet thugs, the same kind of spineless apparatchiks that enabled Hitler and Stalin exist in all societies. The Germans and the Russians didn’t have some special “thuggery gene”. There are those among us who would willing don the armband and the clipboard and herd their fellows into cattle trucks bound for the gas chambers.
To think that this cancer can be excised by “democratic” (those are sneer quotes) means is a childlike dream. Things have moved past that and it’s time to wake up. Face facts. What’s happening in England will happen all over the West. Already, in Greece, we have a democratically elected head of government replaced by an appointed apparatchik from Brussels–does anybody still seriously believe that we’re still in Kansas?
I guess they do. It’s a very human tendency, to refuse to acknowledge evil, to hope that things will somehow “sort themselves out”.
They won’t.
We have to take responsibility for fixing this, or accept a future of cultural nonentity and slavery.

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17 Responses to ‘Darkness Descending in England’

  1. I pray for Robinson the EDL and all are being ‘terrorized’ by the PC Brit govt…

    the HS and et al are starting to invade privacy here in the US –
    I also pray for Pam Geller-and all of those who are visibly standing for the Constitution of the US..they are ‘being watched’ too-

  2. KG says:

    I’m busy packing at the moment Carol, but I have some further thoughts to post on this outrage. :rant

  3. Katie says:

    Why do I feel that darkness is descending all over the world?

  4. KG says:

    Because it is?

    • Ronbo says:


      But it is always darkest before the dawn.

      …There is REVOLUTION brewing in the West World.

      Actions like these are PANIC! on the part of the leftist ruling classes who look out into the darkness and see LEGIONS of rebels massing before their palace gates.

      So relax mates…but keep your rifles clean and buy lots of ammunition. :gunner

      • sbk says:

        So relax mates…not on yer life.

        • KG says:

          Me neither. The harsh fact is that the vast majority do not own rifles.

        • sbk says:

          relax…shit…reload. :gunner

          • Ronbo says:

            Yes…RELAX! We have plenty of guns and people who can shoot.

            The Left and the Muzbots are out of gas and they know it…

            What we are seeing is their last great offensive like Hitler’s Battle of Bulge…One last great throw of the dice…Pickett’s Charge at Gettysburg….The Hail Mary Play…

            If you get my drift…

            The falling Muslim demographics tell the tale about Islam – they have lost their encounter with the modern age – there will be no Muslim Reformation…Islam will die within the next 100 years.

            And the Left? In 1989 to 1991, Communism in Eastern Europe and Russia. Today we are witness to the soon-to-be collapse of world “democratic” socialism.

  5. Urban Redneck says:

    In Britain you have two classes of super-citizens – two classes who are beyond all reproach and who are to NEVER EVER be allowed to be offended: Muslims and homosexuals.

    • Katie says:

      I wonder what the government will do when Muslims start going after the homosexuals? Which side will they take?

      Might be fun to watch.

      :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn

      • Ronbo says:


        The Left and Islam have a latter day Nazi-Soviet Pact in force, so the Left ignores the obvious contradictions in Islamic philosophy with socialism.

        …and like the Nazis and the Communists in 1941, they will have a falling out and one party will stab the other in the back.

        But for the present they united in the same hatred for Western Civilization.

  6. Barry says:

    The same ugliness is in NZ with the awful government giving the country to part-horis and having special policies for them and for Pacific islanders

  7. Contempt says:

    What is the difference between Fast & Furious and Bengazi? Nothing. They both appear to involve US government gunrunning.

  8. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!U say ginrunning??? BlackBerry has assed yours V. trly to post the lektures 4 2day down heah N D BlackBerry@Blackberry.Chigger.Kompound.org so heah they is:
    {all times R Sub-Saharan Equatorial Afrikkkan Daylight Savings Time]
    Uno. “How to run guns and get caught ever’time” hosted by Erikkk Holder of D Justiss DepartmEnt.
    Dos. “How to find hott porn sites & keepit in your hand” hosted by Mohamed O’fukkk’meHard N D Ass.
    Tres. “How 2 open wide for BlackBerry” with Hillary “Dual Exhaust” Clinton
    & quattro. “How 2 really fundamentally transform America” Barrackkk Hussein OSama lectures course quattro in la Fundamentally HaterZ Lounge on Level 6669 [six thousand six hundred and sixty-nine.] Go down on the elevator with Diplomatic Pouch with her 500 horsepower pressure washer.

    Look, YV Trulily is going to ass you peoples down theere in the 56-57th Steaks to please rescue me at once. Please!!!OMAllular!!!Miss Ms Mrs Mister Your Honor [It} Contempt please save me I no U off your meds but it’s okustupidshitasscome get me NOW!!!!!!OOPS got a beep gotta go Yours Verily Trurily HarvardPotatoHead of an infinite Intelligence Quotient way past the first black hole PLUS classmate maybe of BlackBerry @Harvard. tata.