Wabbit’s back

(click the pic for full size)
And not feeling wonderfully well, for some reason. That was one tough trip, but a ride in a little R22 chopper, “low and hot” was a highlight. The pilot (14000 hours) was the most casual I’ve seen yet. sitting there dressed only in shorts and flip-flops, chatting away and seeming to pay no attention to flying the thing. Impressive stuff.
Thanks to Gantt, for not merely holding the fort but doing a much better job of running the place than me. Why he won’t take over CR is a mystery.

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24 Responses to Wabbit’s back

  1. Darin says:

    Much of a trip in an R22 and I wouldn’t be feeling well either,they don’t call them eggbeaters for nothing :mrgreen:

    Looks like you had a better last few than I did.Managed to get in a tangle with a Pipe Threader and lost,no broken bones,but I got one big arse bruise propped up under ice. :sad:

    Yup,Gantt did a fine job of moderation only complaint is he guards the keys to the booze cabinet like a Nun :popcorn

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: It was fun, Darin. No doors, close to zero altitude…..
      Jeez, you pick your opponents, don’t you? :shock: What was it, loose clothing our just inattention, hmm..? It’s off to the elf’nsafety gulag for you, son.
      (Glad to hear there’s no permanent damage. :smile: )
      Gantt’s from Scottish stock, Darin, so guarding the booze from the barbarian hordes comes naturally to him–he’s still looking for the sixpence that rolled under the pub counter forty years ago. He even saves the holes in his socks, in case they’ll come in handy sometime.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Nonsense. Complete and utter tosh. The liquor cabinet is always open. It’s just paying for the booze that causes ulcers.

        And I found that damned sixpence just last week. It had actual metal in it and is now worth $97.53. :whoop

        The drinks are on KG, everyone!

        • Darin says:

          “What was it, loose clothing our just inattention, hmm..? It’s off to the elf’nsafety gulag for you, son.”

          Neither,was threading some 6″ pipe with a drop head threader.That’s driven off a power head via a drive shaft.The bastard locked up and flipped the power head over on me.Luckily it only weighs a few hundred pounds so no breaks,just bruises.No visit from OHShit,the ER bill will be punishment enough :shock:

          I’m off work til Monday and not a blessed thing on TV worth watching :rant

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Welcome back, Kapitane KG!

    We have a request to add a site to the blogroll, for your review and decision:


    Other than that, it was the usual assortment of drunks, micreants and drunken miscreants.

  3. KG says:

    Thanks, Gantt.
    “Other than that, it was the usual assortment of drunks, micreants and drunken miscreants.”
    So it was just Darin and Mawm visiting, then? :mrgreen:
    I added that site to the blogroll. It’s a rare, sorely needed thing in NZ, a truly conservative voice and I’m sure we all wish them well.

    • Darin says:

      Mara is not gonna be happy you leaving her out :popcorn

      • KG says:

        Well, she was there in my thoughts, Darin. It’s just a bit risky including her in anything without her permission, express or implied. Something to do with the whip and the boots, maybe?

    • mawm says:

      Hey :wtf Getting drunk is serious stuff and takes lots of practice. There is no time for this “miscreant” malarkey.

    • Darin says:

      Good one :twisted:

      The headlines up on Drudge-
      Gas Shortages May Not End for Another Week…
      Fear Turns to Frustration, Anger…
      Fistfights, Guns Drawn…
      ‘You’re not getting gas tonight’…
      Lines grow…
      Some Siphoning From Cars!
      ‘I’m pretty pissed’…
      Troopers deployed to gas stations…
      Stars throw extravagant Halloween party despite destruction…
      Commuter Delays Rage…
      NYC Official: Red Cross ‘Absolute Disgrace’…
      Looters Dress Like Con Edison Workers to Gain Access to Houses…
      Staten Islanders Plead for Help: ‘We Need Food’.

      Obama,came,looked,got back on the plane and left to go to a rally,guess he can blame all this on Bush too.

  4. mistress mara says:

    Darin bless you, you could not afford me. :razz:

  5. Pascal says:

    Yes, welcome back. OTOH, if you were so far out of touch you were able to forget the insanity of our “civilized” world — sorry, it’s all still circling down the drain.

  6. KG says:

    Thanks, Pascal. :grin:
    It was good to meet people who were so thoroughly grounded in the basic realities of life and survival. Not surprisingly, they’re thoroughly decent, kind individuals, almost without exception.

  7. MvL says:

    ……And here’s another R22 pilot…..
    Demonstrating there’s still some hope for humanity :mrgreen: