Betrayal. Treason. Lies.

“It was an attack on Britain and it was also a betrayal of Islam. There is nothing in Islam that justifies this truly dreadful act.”
David Cameron, liar and buffoon.
‘..Given this toxic British Muslim milieu, and its outward manifestations, the results of a 2010 YouGov poll of 2,152 ordinary non-Muslim adult Britons appear quite rational.  The online YouGov survey found that 58% of those questioned linked Islam with extremism, and 69% believed that it encourages the repression of women, while a mere 13% thought the creed was based upon peace, and only 6% associated Islam with justice.
Despite the continued Big Islamic Lie being enunciated by Britain’s political elites — most notably Prime Minister Cameron himself — the savage jihadist murder of Lee Rigby validates the legitimate concerns most ordinary Britons already had about normative Islam…’        via American Thinker ‘The Big Islamic Lie’
So, the obvious question is this: Just who does Cameron – and his party – represent?

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43 Responses to Betrayal. Treason. Lies.

  1. Ronbo says:

    The same poll results could be had in all the Anglosphere nations concerning Islam – and it speaks volumes to the big disconnect between the Leftist ruling elites and the middle class people who can throw their neo-aristocratic butts out to the street and kick them them to the curb. :evil:

  2. Cadwallader says:

    Is it not fair to say that if Islam didn’t exist (had never existed) these mindless bits of scum would still be committing atrocities anyway?
    I do not excuse Islam or its mindless followers but there seems to be an element which seeks the downfall of the West whether or not it is achieved in the name of Allah or some other form of superstition. These guys are filth and would be regardless of their alleged faith.
    At the time of the rise of Nazism Hitler attracted thugs who were there simply to create havoc and destruction. Their knowledge of the claimed tenets of the movement was limited. I was reminded of this when seeing the blood-stained murderer threatening the west apparently for Allah. It struck me how stupid he was and how pointless his threats were. Basically he came across as an idiot, a dangerous idiot, rather than a soldier of anything.
    It is time to stop pigeon-holing the alleged causes and the perpetrators and to address the retribution our Society must impose on these criminals. (ie Why didn’t the cops take them out when they had the opportunity?) The politicians appear to regard the fact that scum claim their actions are in the name of Allah as salient to the criminals’ actions, they are not! This is crime that is deserving of fast and tough punishment. Get on with it and ignore the alleged role of Islam!

  3. mawm says:

    Caddy – their cult quite simply fucks with their heads…………..not that they have much to start off with. :roll:

    • Cadwallader says:

      Yes, but this type of filth would be a criminal regardless of the weird cult. The guy in the camera exhibited a level of stupidity that would exclude any ability to rationalize or evaluate actions. Yet, if the cops had rightly blown out what passes for his brains, the cops, and not the criminal would be denigrated in the msm this morning.

      • mawm says:

        Usama Hasan (writing in The Guardian……via Melanie Phillips because I dont go there)
        “We need instead to address the extreme Islamist ideology that al-Qaida and its sympathisers promote to incite attacks against soldiers and civilians worldwide……… Muslim leaders need to take ownership of the specifically religious aspects of the problem, that is to say the twisted theology that easily brainwashes vulnerable people……”

        Cameron must have been one.

  4. As per usual Cameron played it safe. It seems quite clear to me that this grotesque murder on video was none other than Islamic hatred of the West and being on video proves that. This to me signals a turning point; the world was shocked and horrified by that video, and I would suggest even many hardened liberals would have got the message that the problem is Islam and nothing else.

    Now if Farage picks up on this sentiment (this turning point) and plays his cards right, Cameron is dead and buried.

  5. KG says:

    The fact is, any ideology which offers a complete blueprint for living, simplified to the point of idiocy and which promises a reward for violence, and is also utterly without nuance and room for debate…will attract followers. Young men especially, who are bored, resentful and frustrated.
    Islam fits the bill because it is designed to fit the bill.
    While it’s true enough to say that a violent asshole might be a violent asshole anyway, islam offers a justification and a complete support system for such people.
    Islam is the problem.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Islam as a justification would be absolutely right. I wager the dumbs pricks know little of the cult though, beyond the dribbles of justification. They would swing through the bumper-sticker levels of understanding, much like many voters in the West.

      • thor42 says:


        Any ONE of us here in this forum would know more about Islam than ALL of the West’s politicians put together.

  6. KG says:

    God Almighty!!!!
    ‘A 22-year-old man has been charged on suspicion of making malicious comments on Facebook following the murder of British soldier Lee Rigby.

    Benjamin Flatters, from Lincoln, was arrested last night after complaints were made to Lincolnshire Police about comments made on Facebook, which were allegedly of a racist or anti-religious nature.

    He was charged with an offence of malicious communications this afternoon in relation to the comments, a Lincolnshire Police spokesman said.’
    The Brit cops could fairly be regarded as the enforcement arm of islam. When was a muslim last charged with the same offence??

    • thor42 says:

      Yep…… so much for “free speech”.
      There has been no such thing in the UK or Europe for many decades now.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Imagine what the Lincolnshire Police would do to KG if they caught him!!!! If they managed to do so it would be after an exchange of fire.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Nope. It would be KG’s mossie against the Lincolnshire police and their batons and “oh, please don’t kill us Mr Wabbit”! :twisted:

        • Seneca III says:

          KG is not over here, I am.

          Same result, none the less, and I don’t even have any firearms. What I do have is a really nasty disposition when it comes defending me and mine and a deep knowledge of and experience with the use ‘field expedients’. So to speak.

          Do watch my space. It could get interesting.

          Rgds, S III.

  7. thor42 says:

    The “American Thinker” site is *excellent* – that’s another great article there.

    Traitor Cameron should have a blowtorch applied to his balls and be forced to read these words by Abu Qatada from that article –
    “I am astonished by President Bush when he claims there is nothing in the Koran that justifies jihad or violence in the name of Islam. Is he some kind of Islamic scholar? Has he ever actually read the Koran?”

    I’ll be he hadn’t (and neither has Cameron or any of his quisling accomplices.)

    This is the ENEMY saying that “Islam is violent”. It doesn’t get any clearer than that.

  8. john says:

    I guess there’s nothing left for dhimmi Cameron to do except eat shit and die.

    • thor42 says:


      I’m thinking that nothing less than *coups* in Western countries will be needed as a starting-point in a fightback.
      All existing Western governments are treasonous enablers, helping (wittingly or unwittingly) the destroyers of the West. Allowing – even *encouraging* – one’s enemy to invade one’s country is treason, pure and simple.

      • Ronbo says:

        Great minds think alike :!:

        I think we see revolutionary movements starting in the USA, UK, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, etc.- they call themselves “Tea Parties” and “Freedom Parties” and the like, but it is important to note they all stand outside the political game – which is owned by the Left.

        At some point these many millions of people will get tired of butting their heads uselessly against the wall and take more direct action.

        In 1989 to 1991 – the world witnessed the global collapse of world Communism.

        Perhaps sometime in the next ten years, we will see the collapse of world “democratic” Socialism.

        • Cadwallader says:

          The human individual is the most neglected minority. The sovereignty of the human individual is the keystone of freedom. This is the distilled essence of all freedoms.

          • thor42 says:


            I believe that almost ALL of those who support parties like UKIP, Swedish Democrats etc can see that there are *two* massive evils that need to be destroyed – Islam and socialism.

            If the forces of freedom emerge victorious, I believe that there **MUST** be two things that every Western country must add to their constitution –

            1 – “Islam is an IDEOLOGY of hate and evil. It is *banned*.”

            2 – “Socialism is an ideology of hate and evil. It is *banned* ”

            Those two things are COMPLETELY incompatible with freedom, so they must be banned from having any place in the West. That INCLUDES bans on socialist political parties.

            If a political party wants to stand in an election, it MUST have (as two of its policies) bans on those two things.

          • The Gantt Guy says:

            I disagree, thor. We are not the people who go around banning things. But I do agree it behooves us, purely from the perspective of societal and cultural survival, to adopt a couple of policy positions.

            First, immigration from the third world ends. We can no longer afford to import into our midst people who hate us and want to destroy our way of life. It goes without saying that any of those already in our midst who choose to not live by our civilised rules and regulations will be subject to immediate deportation without right of appeal.

            Secondly, the Universal Franchise is ended. People who play no part in contributing to the treasury ought not to have any say in how its funds are distributed.

            Those two positions would effectively solve the problem.

  9. KG says:

    “In 1989 to 1991 – the world witnessed the global collapse of world Communism.”

    My take on that’s a little different. What the world witnessed was the collapse of the Soviet Union.
    World communism is alive and well and in many spheres it has won.

    • Ronbo says:


      The endgame for the Socialists – communist or “democrat” – has always been the paradise-on-earth they call COMMUNISM.

      And just like Muslims – whether Sunni or Shiite – believe in the 72 Virgins in a Garden of Eden – the Socialists in the late 19th century divided into the communist branch that believed in a violent revolution and quick plunge into worst aspects socialism – and the Western European “democratic” socialists who favored a “creeping socialism” that could take generations to achieve the same results that Lenin achieved in less than five years.

      This is the reason during the Cold War, the Western European socialists parties backed NATO and opposed the Soviet Union – Like Protestant and Catholic religious zealots of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation they fought one another like cats and dogs over the same Gospel.

      But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Eastern rival socialist faith ended, and this allowed the “democratic” socialists of the West to turn on their faithful allies from the WW II and Cold War days with full force – the patriots and capitalists starting in the 1990s.

      Yes, I agree that socialist parties in the West – under numerous names – pretty much call the shots today and Communism looks in sight…but it is the flypaper that will catch the fly.

      You see the problem for the “democratic” socialists is that they cannot sustain the Welfare States they have created in the West because they have killed the capitalist goose that laid the golden eggs.

      Like Maggie said, “The problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people’s money.”

  10. Redbaiter says:

    Check this out-

    Huge police presence in Sweden to stop people defending against Islamic rioters because police are doing nothing. Even failing to extinguish burning cars unless it provokes rioters further.

    • thor42 says:

      Yeah, the same old story. The Muslims get away with *anything*.

      I was encouraged to see this though (from that article) –
      “Later during the night the police appear to have relaxed their attitude to the presence of vigilante groups in the streets. The police is reported to have stepped aside and watched as [i]a huge crowd of vigilantes chased immigrants through the streets of Tumba, chanting ”the city is ours” and ”we will do what the police can’t do”. [/i] Several independent sources testify about vigilantes managing to scare away groups of rioters torching wastepaper baskets.

      • KG says: Perhaps..just perhaps, the worm is turning.
        In any case, those people are not “vigilantes”–in every real sense, they are now the police.

  11. Redbaiter says:

    More abject gutless surrender-

    Detective Inspector Ed Yaxley of Avon and Somerset Police said: ‘These comments were directed against a section of our community. Comments such as these are completely unacceptable and only cause more harm to our community in Bristol.
    ‘People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.’

    Read more:

    • thor42 says:

      The police there are making things MUCH worse.

      People can see their *blatantly* one-sided actions.

      Muslims can march in the streets with signs saying “God bless Hitler” and the police won’t bat an eyelid as that is apparently “not offensive”.

      Oh, but let an EDL guy so much as cast a sideways glance at someone and the cops are there in full force.

      • john says:

        Ed Yaxley, you are a total fuckwit.

      • RWT says:

        Exactly, i hope the Brits and the Europeans are waking up to all this. Their governments are not on their side and they have nothing to defend themselves with now.

        • KG says:

          Any EDL or BNP guy is free to post anti-muslim comments on this blog and we’ll continue to tell the truth about the scumbag “Asian gangs”.

  12. Robertvdl says:

    How many Chinese people ran in the Boston marathon?

    • mawm says:

      Ye gods! :shock: No Saudi/Palastinian/etc. flag. :mrgreen:

      (There is one oriental looking bloke behind the flag carrier.)

  13. Cadwallader says:

    Utterly random thought: Is there a significant Muslim presence in Greenpeace or any of the similar eco-fascist movements in the West? Just curious as both movements seem to have contempt for western civilization.

    • Yokel says:

      My thought is that each thinks that it is using the other as their foot soldiers to make their own victory possible. Interesting scrap when the Lefties and the Muzzies fall out! But it can’t be Armageddon, because that is when they both gang up on the Jews.

  14. Fairfacts Media says:

    It get’s even better in Sweden.
    While the plods are too scared to intervene over the burning cars, the parking authorities are taking a tougher line.
    Ticketing the owners of the burnt out cars!
    This is beyond parody. You couldn’t make it up!

  15. thor42 says:

    @GanttGuy – “First, immigration from the third world ends.
    Secondly, the Universal Franchise is ended. People who play no part in contributing to the treasury ought not to have any say in how its funds are distributed.”

    Agreed. “He who pays the piper calls the tune.”

    • Cadwallader says:

      I agree too. I have long supported a maximum voting age while maintaining a minimum voting age. Once one begins to suck on any form of old-age pension the price of doing so is the loss of enfranchisement. It is illogical that those who are towards the end of life have a say in society posthumously.

      • Cadwallader says:

        Perhaps all those who receive a salary from government ought lose the right to vote too. A conflict of interest?

        • thor42 says:

          Nah, I wouldn’t go quite that far… *someone* has to work for the government. Then there is the complication of contractors doing govt contracts – do they lose their vote if there’s an election during their contract?

          No – IMO removing the vote from beneficiaries would be sufficient.

  16. KG says:

    ” IMO removing the vote from beneficiaries would be sufficient.”
    Agreed. Plenty of age pensioners have contributed a damn sight more during their lifetimes than the vast numbers of welfare leeches today ever will.
    And what about–for example–middle-class New Zealanders who are in well paid jobs yet continue to receive the scandalous “Working for Families” benefit? Why is that more acceptable?
    The modern socialist state has all but destroyed the concept of family, so there is no family support for pensioners and the pittance paid them by the state pales into insignificance in the context of government waste.
    As for “It is illogical that those who are towards the end of life have a say in society posthumously”……
    Where to begin? They get a say for about four years after their death, is all. And if you follow that line, it is illogical that somebody who has been “educated” under the socialist skool system should get to vote at all, let alone during the first year or two of employment.
    What’s more, the pensioner’s vote has at least the justification of self fucking defence, given the propensity of certain people to go pensioner bashing and the increasing movement aimed at euthanasia for oldies.
    That’s an objectionable comment, Cad and I’d like to think it was merely not well thought through.