Doncha just love it?

“Traumatised” refugee punished less for raping his new neighbours
Should an uprising ever happen, judges and those who made high-powered legal representation free for scumbags – but not ordinary Australians –  should be at the head of the queue at the foot of the scaffold…..

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4 Responses to Doncha just love it?

  1. Ronbo says:

    A house in Rome.
    ANTONY, OCTAVIUS, and LEPIDUS, seated at a table.
    ANTONY These many, then, shall die; their names are prick’d.
    OCTAVIUS Your brother too must die; consent you, Lepidus?
    LEPIDUS I do consent–
    OCTAVIUS Prick him down, Antony.
    LEPIDUS Upon condition Publius shall not live,
    Who is your sister’s son, Mark Antony.
    ANTONY He shall not live; look, with a spot I damn him.

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    This comment from another reader, on the linked article, says it all:

    ” … Why is it that everyone else has to suffer for the self-righteous indulgence of the Left? … “

  3. RWT says:

    Don’t tell me this is one of the thousands of refugees that juliar brought in with her pathetic joke that’s called border protection.

    I wonder how all this plays out from the misogyny viewpoint, doesn’t she care about the rape victims…. Oh sorry I forgot, so long as she remains of the left, the arse-sniffers in the media will only find a way to blame the nasty Conservatives, never a harsh word for their precious juliar.

  4. Darin says:

    Judges,media types,politicians,when TSHTF it’s going to be a target rich environment. :twisted: