‘The tiny mosque on the Brune Street Estate, Spitalfields, holds only 100 people, so the local Bangladeshi community throng the street for Friday midday prayers’
Just yesterday the same newspaper ran an article telling how elderly and infirm Catholic worshippers were being targeted by traffic wardens for illegal parking, even though where they were parked inconvenienced nobody. “Rules are rules”, you see…unless it’s some ethnic group breaking them. *spit*
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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So now we know where to place the claymores…
Great Take!!
Pat Condell on jihad and Islamic terror:
Centuries ago, they used to run huge herds of pigs through London at night, to clean up the filth.
If only I were in the same position over the Muzbots where the picture was taken with my Vietnam War era M-60 machine gun — and I would have positioned the rest of my squad at the exits with M-16s and frags….then sent up a red flare…and
You get the picture… 
We do indeed, Ronbo. Oswald would have some fiendish twist to add too, I’m sure……
Me, I’ll hang back and bring up the ham sandwiches and coffee afterwards.
Meanwhile back in the Homeland, a U.S. Army NCO gets punishment instead of a medal of honor for taking our campaign against Islamic terror to its logical conclusion.
“Do unto others what they would do unto you, but do it first!”
I’ve been following that case, Ronbo. The “hearts and minds” idiots are having seizures. I’d give the guy a medal.
Fight to win, or go home. Better still, don’t go to war in the first place if the intention isn’t to win at all costs.
Well, I would like to try a mythbusters type experiment after a bit I read in a Larry Correia’s
Monster Hunter Alpha, where they took out a zombie horde with a highway snowblower…
Here’s another interesting story using that same picture-
Food for thought I reckon.
Oh sorry, I’m a dumbarse.
Didn’t realise the link took you to the very same story.
Well, as you point out, the other two pictures are certainly food for thought…..and my theory is that the Christian churches are near-empty because they’ve come to stand for nothing.
Contrast wishy-washy feelgood pap with the clear and uncompromising message of islam, and a population that’s been conditioned to look for a parent substitute is going to respond to the latter.
Either that, or drift away from a church which stands for nothing.
A few well placed pressure cookers will do the trick nicely. And they can be traced back to them.
The churches that take the Bible seriously are doing quite well – like the RC and Southern Baptists in America – this in contrast to the Lamestream Protestant churches like the Lutherans that are closing.
Napalm run!
On the news now, they’re describing it as a death, so the solder was just walking along taking in the warm sun and just fell down from a effing heart attack. Why can’t they even describe it as a murder, the first few seconds of the video was edited out, the scumbag is recovering in hospital, why don’t we just let them go, brand them as heroes and fucking go to the mosque to bend over.
I’ll bet some treacherous, chicken-shit leftards in the UK would love to do just that, but they’re a bit scared a lynch-mob will come after them, perhaps they will but to be honest, I don’t think the Brits will go after them.
“but to be honest, I don’t think the Brits will go after them.”
I don’t think they will either.