This shirt is illegal in Britain

2469761 Via Tim Blair “Incitement”, eh….It’s a perfectly reasonable statement, so if somebody is incited to violence by it, the fault clearly lies with the assholes who can’t tolerate free speech. Tolerating the intolerant has become part of the British way of life.

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24 Responses to This shirt is illegal in Britain

  1. Contempt says:

    No doubt about it! That t-shirt is racist and hateful. Hey if you don’t like this country [society, club. group, etc.], get the hell out and start your own. Contempt for jackasses offended by this simple belief. :shock:

  2. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!HOLYHOODIE!!! BlackBerry has axed yours V. Truly 2 announce a prayer service 4 Travon. The memorial shall be helt on Level 69, Algora Chapel which is adjacent to the recently opened Mecca B HeadN Lounge. Immediately following the service, discussion groups will be embraced und the main topic will be “What it is?” – Head Grope Leader: Dr. Jeremiah T. Cornpone & Family including Dr. Josephiuis T. Cornpone* Dr. Mendeles T. Cornpoonular**, Dr. Pull Yr Pudd*** These esteemed intellectuals will accept no questions/comments from the attendees.
    That is allular. OMG!!!here come Diplomatic Pouch with First Family Gra’mom help they gots black hoodies on please get me outta this place hhheeelllpppquick..

    * first cousin of Jeremiah
    **distant cousin twice removed more closely related through the Ular Klan
    ***half bro descendant of Mendele Line whose veracity is DNA verified.

  3. Seneca III says:

    I am thinking of having a T-Shirt with a picture of a large mushroom cloud on the front and underneath @No more Hiroshimas or Nagasakis’.

    On the back it will read ‘Next time Bradford and Birmingham’.

    That should go down with the cultural invertebrates we ludicrously refer to as the British Police.

    Seneca III

    As you may have noticed I am in one of my more moderate moods today.

    • Findalis says:

      Or you can put: Next time Mecca and Medina.

      • Seneca III says:

        I think I said that sometime in the past on a previous rant, Findalis.

        Oh dear, I think it’s time for another pint and dreams of endless supplies of ammunition and comrades to share them with.

  4. And yet, how many Muslims are arrested for inciting violence against the Jewish community? I have been following the news from the UK for a while now and I cannot recall a single one. Seems to be a bit of a double standard given the Muslim love of the Holocaust and disdain of the Jew.

    • RWT says:

      The brits chucked their lot in with the muslims when it comes to Israel, you know that old saying, this is what happens when you lie down and coddle with dogs, you wake up with fleas.

      It’s a funny thing, you start hating the nation of Israel and before you know it, you slide further down the toilet.

  5. Brown says:

    Part of the problem is that secular Britain doesn’t have “beliefs” any more. As the Christian influence reduces something else less enlightened will replace it – there are no vacuums (except in politician’s heads perhaps). There’s a fight to be had but the side of right needs to have foundations built on something other than singing Rule Britannia.

  6. KG says:

    “There’s a fight to be had but the side of right needs to have foundations built on something other than singing Rule Britannia.”
    But the side of right does have foundations built on far, far more than jingoism.
    Let’s take Magna Carta, for a start…..
    The real achievements of England, Scotland and Wales are huge. Almost beyond our modern comprehension. Let’s start teaching people what our ancestors created, what the white European in general has created, invented and produced and let’s start being proud of our own heritage again. And making our pride in it very, very plain.
    Apologising for being a straight white male (or at least staying silent in the face of denigration) has almost become reflexive.
    Fuck that.

    • Seneca III says:

      Quite, KG, quite. (I refer to the idea of fornicating with abstract concepts, if that makes any sense :???: )

      Best, S III

      I’m off to bed, I think reality is getting the better of me. :grin:

    • kz7 says:

      Totally agree to that, the brits WILL rise again! Just hope its not too late.

  7. ZenTiger says:

    “Respect our beliefs”

    Now there’s something that incites progressives to justifying using the State as a weapon. Three very hateful words in the progressive lexicon.

    Respect – This is a one way concept. Other parties must respect them. People are free to do whatever they want of course, as long as it remains invisible to a progressive. However, they will support moral relativism and multi-culturalism providing all people bow down and acknowledge the progressive for being enlightened and better than everyone else. Because conservatives get “uppity” on this matter, it makes Conservatives an official enemy of progressives, and therefore not entitled to any consideration.

    Our – an unknown word, unless it can relate to “me”, “my” and “mine”.

    Beliefs – Progressives don’t have beliefs. They have secular standards. Very different. Again, a source of moral superiority. Lesser classes of people have “beliefs”, which is why the Cross is offensive, and the mosque permissible. The cross – because it reminds them of the nation’s history and roots, something a progressive would rather not acknowledge. The mosque – because it reminds the progressive of their magnanimous tolerance for those that haven’t converted to the Church of Liberalism as yet (but are bound to do so once they see the light).

  8. Redbaiter says:

    “Fuck that.”

    Yep, fuck that. :!:

  9. The Gantt Guy says:

    An actual conversation which took place today, between me and a “good” muslim, about a recent visitor from another country:

    “Good” muslim: ‘He told me he is a bad muslim’.
    Me: ‘Yes, he said the same to me. He drinks alcohol and eats pork. He said it’s very hard to get into muslim heaven and only really pious, boring people go there so he’d rather have fun here and go to hell.’
    “Good” muslim: ‘He eats PORK! That’s disgusting. I guessed he liked to drink,but pork? That’s the worst thing a muslim can do. And he’s from the middle east as well! I’ve never heard a muslim do that before. He’s not a real muslim then!’
    Me: ‘That’s the worst a muslim can do?’
    “Good” muslim: ‘Yes. It’s one of the fundamentals. You can’t be a muslim and eat pork. He brings shame on the whole muslim community. It’s people like him who say they are muslim and don’t follow the faith who give muslims a bad name.’
    Me: ‘So, people who eat pork give muslims a bad name. And here I was thinking it was people who go around blowing other people up and threatening to destroy the western world that gave muslims a bad name.’
    {end of conversation}

    • KG says:

      Like leftists, muslims are utterly unaware of the contradictions inherent in their destructive ideology.
      But then, they don’t need to be aware of them, since there are so many multiculti clowns in the West anxious to paper over and otherwise obscure and excuse their rotten behaviour.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Yep, quite right KG. I just found the entire conversation a complete mind-fuck.

        • john says:

          GG, if eating a rasher of bacon or a juicy pork chop is the baddest bad bad a muzzo can do, then it is easy to see why all the killing, raping and goat-humping is no problemo.

    • ” And here I was thinking it was people who go around blowing other people up and threatening to destroy the western world that gave muslims a bad name.’”

      ;-) :twisted:

  10. Phil Stephenson says:

    If that shirt is illegal because of what is written on it, and the store owner liable to arrest because he displays it, then why are there no mass arrests when Muslims parade through London with signs that say, “Behead those who insult Islam”?

  11. KG says:

    Cowardice, Phil?

  12. mistress mara says:

    Yeah, all of the above but how would you feel to see a Muslim wearing this T shirt in an Islamic held town in England, in the country formally known as Great Britain?

  13. nominto says:

    I was thinking of a shirt with a photo of Anders Behring Breivik …scripted “please forgive and pray for him”. some symbolism on the back eg/.77- 0 [meaning-no muslims harmed]..but I could get more creative and tongue-in-cheek than that.
    give it a couple of years ; his face will be everywhere.
    if anyone[troll] thinks this is obscene..then just consider this fellow : Nelson Mandela