Sly, anti-American traitor:

‘In an attempt to avoid public scrutiny, President Obama plans to sign the controversial United Nations gun treaty in August, when Congress is in summer recess…’

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13 Responses to Sly, anti-American traitor:

  1. KG says:

    ‘Obama administration publishes details of missile base Israel wanted kept secret…’

  2. mawm says:

    I am continually surprised that no one has ever even attempted a kinetic solution because the GOP certainly will do nothing. Here is another anti-American traitor:-

  3. KG says:

    It just leaves me shaking my head in disbelief, Mawm. Perhaps the only rational response is to conclude that principles are a thing of the past?

  4. FX Phillips says:

    Obama is the result of the dumbing down of the American public education system (which extols the virtue of government intrusion regardless of the ineffectiveness)combined with a noxious noblesse oblige “liberal” elitist fringe, media supplicants, a Wilsonian “professional” government paradigm and a major imbalance in net tax taker vs net tax payers.

  5. Darin says:

    Marko Rubio just got schooled this morning by Laura Ingram on Fox over “comprehensive immigration reform handing the dems a permanent majority.
    As she correctly pointed out,if the dems are giddy about the bill passing,it can’t be good and why would we want Janet Napolitano be left in charge of enforcement when they are refusing to enforce the law now?

    His answer was “the current administration is only going to be in charge for another 3-1/2 years and it’s a 10 year program”.

    That done it for me,Rubio is firmly on my enemies list as of now. :evil:

  6. David says:

    So by inference we have to conclude that the next American Revolution will begin sometime during the August – November time frame.

  7. Contempt says:

    :shock: :shock: :shock:

  8. The train of abuses grows longer each and every day. Thirty percent of America now believes that blood will have to be spilled in order to recover our freedoms. Does the Federal government relent? No, it pushes forward tone deaf to the ripples that such mismanagement and tyranny produces. Even the press is blind to the danger which they helped to create.

    The left will get the fight that they so desperately want, but I don’t believe that they will like it when it comes. It will be a fire that will sweep the nation and will settle old scores. On that day, you would not wish to be Bill Ayers. Those who sow the wind had best be prepared to reap the whirlwind.