Screwed Britain #252

Murdered soldier Lee Rigby will ‘burn in hellfire’ and those who killed him should be considered martyrs, hate preacher Anjem Choudary (who claims US$38,000 a year in welfare benefits. kg) has said in another poisonous rant on film.
The extremist maintains that despite being executed in barbaric circumstances the 25 year old father of one deserves no sympathy because he is a ‘non-Muslim’ and called one suspect a ‘nice man’.
It is yet another vile outburst by Choudary, who insists on using Drummer Rigby’s murder to stir up hatred, but police will still not arrest him.

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16 Responses to Screwed Britain #252

  1. Richard says:

    Worse, the police are protecting him and his family. But they can’t and won’t protect ordinary people from musloid scum.

  2. KG says:

    But they’ll arrest an English Defence League member on the slightest pretext.
    The police have become as much the enemy as the goat shaggers.

    • I’m sorry to say that I have to agree with you on that. This is why law enforcement should stay the hell out of politics. When they pick sides, they will inevitably become the enemy.

    • RWT says:

      Exactly, if it had been a white Christian saying such things about a muslim or a homo, he’d be in cuffs, shamed and regretting ever being born.

      That’s really how effed up the west has become, protect and pay the very pieces of shit that despise us with every fiber of their being.

  3. nominto says:

    like .
    excuse my O/T rant…lets see what a proper poll supporting the death penalty will show….[real outcome would never be enacted]
    some MSM twat did that after her heart string pulling boo hoo story about a drug smuggler about to get the bullet[you know ..”hey folks ,”we” should be pulling together and stopping this ” ]…….I loved the “we” bit.
    …all said and done, the poll voted 67% for the bullet..the look on this dumbass TV “hostesses” face was absolutely priceless.I couldn’t stop laughing.She didn’t know where to look ..”the shock ,the horror”..she couldn’t believe in her powder puff marshmallow world that was what “us”-“the people” support…..she was so far out of touch and is was very telling about the hipster MSM .
    .This was a few years ago ..I’ll never forget that -I’m still laughing.A good memory to have when clearing a septic line as I had to do tonight.
    ….they firmly believe that is “They ” who have the handle on the pulse and culture of a nation and it is They that influence “us” in their reckoning.
    so..back to topic….
    Just too much”forgiveness” in our culture..I don’t believe in it ,don’t support it , and [metaphorically] spit on those who do…….forgiveness: another reason why we have Choundary’s in our midst.

  4. FX Phillips says:

    Orwell said it well “Some animals are more equal than others”

    Especially when those animals are part of a murderous 7th century death cult.

  5. Darin says:

    I’d be a shame if Choudary tripped and fell under a moving bus.

  6. Contempt says:

    Quote from the news article”I think you need to blame the people who are inciting and who are radicalising these youths, which is really the British government”

    The World has gone crazy. Hell, I receive retirement that is considerably less than the muslim speaker doth.

    All around LOLs on this comment from each side. :shock:

  7. Findalis says:

    They won’t arrest him because he hasn’t insulted Islam yet.

  8. Flashman says:

    Charged under inciting racial hatred laws?

    No chance.

    We mustn’t do anything to inflame the islamists, old chap.

    Britain is as screwed as a 20-cent crack whore.

  9. KG says:

    Te EDL is being set up, Flashy. From this morning’s online news, a Somali community center burns and ..gasp!.. EDL is found sprayed on the wall of it!
    That closes the case, naturally. Proof-positive of what’s described as a ‘racial’ attack innit?

  10. KG says:

    Meanwhile, here in Oz:
    ‘A SRI Lankan asylum-seeker illegal immigrant who committed suicide in Villawood by consuming cyanide had been diagnosed just months earlier with leprosy.’

    So the news isn’t all bad.