Are you ready for the show?

The CNN made for Hollywood sh*t show?

Peachy Keenan


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12 Responses to Are you ready for the show?

  1. David Lenny says:

    On one of those matters – calling neo-Nazis very fine people – Trump could also say, quite correctly, that he clearly excluded neo-nazis from such a description and ask the debate moderators why they are misinforming the public.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    I was disappointed Trump didn’t answer a couple of questions (drug addicts/child care) but Joe was an unmitigated disaster. I don’t see how the Dems can keep him on the ticket, the only question is who to replace him? At this late date the grassroot Dem support will collapse like a house built on sand.

    • Pascal says:

      It was far worse than that. Each time he mentioned the border, Trump only referred to the murders, referring to his photo-op with parents of little girl at least twice, which overdid the concern trolling even for those of us who detest the obama machine behind biden.

      HOW IN HELL DID HE NOT MENTION THE FENTANYL? The border is controlled by the cartels. Is he afraid of them too that he only mentioned the handful of murders and not the tens of thousands of death by not just overdose but due to contamination?

      I maintain we are witnessing the endgame of the NWO takeover of America and all its power. Nothing I saw last night gave me any hope in voting. When prayer looks like the only option left, maybe it is time to forget all doubts and just do it. Maybe an answer will come to someone who prays really hard. I’ll back that man.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    So…the talk is how will the Dems get joe to step aside and who will they choose to replace him. One line in amongst the pundit analysis may be more to the point. The Dems may accept that the Presidency is lost to them and decide to put all their efforts into the House and Senate races to win them and totally handicap Trump during his term, and shoot for 2028.

  4. mawm says:

    Is anybody surprised? It has been patently obvious that he has been unable to look after himself let alone his country and that he was just being propped up as a front for whoever is doing so. Maybe all those delusional never Trumpers and traditional Dem voters will take a hard look at their administration and the havoc that has been let loose in their country and realise the Democrats (C) have done this deliberately.

    This situation could not have existed without the knowledge of the GOP leadership!

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      “This situation could not have existed without the knowledge of the GOP leadership!”

      Hence the term ‘Uniparty’

      • Darin says:

        As Bill Ackman points out, there is plenty of blame to go around, but the lion share of it falls on the Dem lap dog media- They ALL knew

        • Pascal says:

          Dem lap dog media

          Mark Levin refers to them as The Praetorian Guard Media. I only yesterday had a reason to recall its significance when commenting at Liberty’s Torch.

          Fran had, in his essay, listed only 3 choices remaining for the Democratic Party. He left off another because, well, maybe a reader or two will figure out why from my comment.

          4. The “unspeakable.”

          Do you know that it took over 200 years after Augustus for men to realize there was only one way to eliminate the greatest threat to an emperor? It was to eradicate the Praetorian Guard and rebuild it from scratch. (Yes a general belled that cat and became emperor.)

          Augustus had given the Praetorians superior authority to protect him. By the end of the life of the second emperor (Tiberius), they controlled that office lethally. Many an emperor was “unseated” and replaced by one of their choosing. Kind of like an oligarchy behind the scenes, but one more closely resembling a secret police (thugs) than pretentious elites.

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