Screw you, Kenyan!


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18 Responses to Screw you, Kenyan!

  1. KG says:

    ‘Two Colorado state lawmakers who backed gun-control measures in the aftermath of the mass shootings in Colorado and Connecticut last year have been ousted in recall elections.’

  2. thor42 says:

    Darned right! I think it’s GREAT that they’re ignoring Obutthead and going ahead with the ride! Hell, if I had a Harley and was over there, I’d be with them in an instant.

    If Obutthead feels free to ignore laws all over the place, then why should *anyone* in the States not do the same?
    “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.”

  3. thor42 says:

    Please, PLEASE let us see some of the bikers doing donuts on the White House lawn……. :)

  4. Findalis says:

    For the record only a handful of Muslims showed up for their rally. While this is what it looked like before the bikers road:

    And on the road:

    Nice site to see!

  5. mistress mara says:

    We won, you lost, eat that Islam. :evil:

  6. Robertv says:

    Screw you, Spain.

    At least 1.6 million people, according to official estimates, took their places in a massive human chain for independence, spanning over 400 kilometres

    with or without the Spanish Government’s consent

    • Darin says:

      “When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another……… like it’s 1776 baby!