Darin, on the anniversary of 9/11:

“Today at work I was standing once again in front of the same machine I was running on 9/11/01.Went to work that morning late,like everybody else an hour behind the East coast after having witness the second plane fly into the towers on live TV and confirming the horrible truth that it wasn’t an accident.

That same fall feeling is in the air,just a little warmer than then.The same smells,sounds,the same radio playing,but this time not the news,but the names of the dead being read.I began thinking about how much has changed,how much is the same and how much worse off we are as a people and how we got here.

I thought about all the people who survived,the tremendous out pouring of sacrifice and generosity.The feelings of brotherhood that allowed all manner of American to come together in a dark time.The awe inspiring ability of a nation of free individuals to coalesce behind a common ideal and work towards a common objective.

But I also know that even then there were those who schemed with hate to tear that unity apart.The same ones that worked night and day,slowly to destroy the ties that bind America together.The ones who said hating an enemy is wrong.The ones who argued against natural justice to avenge the deaths of innocents.The ones who seek to gain power by division and fomenting envy and the ones who now that they have gained power are hollow in it’s proper and just use.Those who have set in motion a tyranny more insidious than that of the people we are at war with.

It is now perfectly clear who the real enemy of freedom is,it’s been right infront of us all along.The battle is with the Islamists,but the war is with the left,they are the main enemy of free men everywhere.

As a Christian I pray,but when I pray it is for the Lord to send down the Angel of Death and slay them,because they have been allowed to run too long.”

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23 Responses to Darin, on the anniversary of 9/11:

  1. KG says:

    Amen, brother.

  2. Phil Stephenson says:

    Any news on the 8 Million Knuckles Drag to Washington DC?

  3. KG says:

    Failed to appear, M’Lud. :mrgreen:

  4. Ronbo says:


    As Pogo said, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.”

    In words of GWB on 9/11/01: “This will not stand.”

    In America, the big gun fight at O.K. Corral has yet to be fought, although the opposing forces are moving into position in the dark.”


    The “8 Million Knuckles Drag to Washington DC” yesterday produced only 25 Muslim demonstrators on the Mall; however, the two million biker protest of the “8 Million Knuckles Drag to Washington DC” produced 900,000 counter protestors on thousands of motor bikes who royally screwed up traffic in the federal city for the worthless politicians and bureaucrats :!: :mrgreen:

    Of course, this put down of the American Muzbots on 9/11/13 (spit!) was covered on my blog:






  5. Darin says:

    This Million Muzzie march was supposed to be a big “don’t hate us we’re your super friends”tolerance fest.
    Nobody showed up which tells me they aren’t our friends and they aren’t tolerant,but then we knew that already didn’t we?

  6. nominto says:

    Darren, a lot of Kiwis are with you on this..
    but we are suffering the true horror of deniability ..yah’ know..it was a setup; it was this group, it was that group…
    The one lasting image I have of this is the cheering Muslim scum..so the nett conclusion is the same ..vile crettins like that should be exterminated..but the first through the shredder should be the enabler’s.
    I’ve drawn my own conclusions on this from all points and my resolve is harder now; not softer or forgotten as the enablers think they have achieved.
    to them-“Breivik..oy,oy,oy!”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      It’s something I’ve found utterly amazing in the year I’ve been home in NZ, how easily-led the sheeple are. They will fall for pretty-much anything, from 911 truther fantasies to contrails to climate change.

      But try and tell them the Greens are irrational, delusional, dangerous economic terrorists? You must be some kind of right-wing extremist who hates the environment and poor people.

      Tell them the Kenyan is not fit, qualified or eligible for the office he holds? RRRRAAAACCCCIIIIISSSSTTT!!!!!

      I’ve come to realise that’s why for so many New Zealanders, there is no problem in life either too large or too small for a government programme to solve.


      And no, not Breivik. His tactic was all wrong. He should have targeted the actual perpetrators of the crimes against humanity in his country. He should have targeted the politicians and clipboard-carriers and hi-viz-vest-wearing OH&S reps themselves. Not their children. Children are teachable. They have a distorted sense of “fairness” which naturally leads them to Progressivism. When they grow and mature, the tenets of Conservatism become more real for them. Politicians and clipboard-carriers and hi-viz-vest-wearing OH&S reps are not trainable, they are rabid dogs and must be put down.

      • KG says:

        I think Breivik chose exactly the proper target.
        Children may (or may not) gravitate towards conservatism as they get older, but there are plenty (try 45%+) of people who vote Labor because their parents did, because they’ve been brainwashed by the “education” system etc.
        The few who become conservatives aren’t enough to stem the tide. Socialism is very attractive to the young and if they can vote they can do enormous damage.
        Still on my first coffee here, but what I’m trying to say is there isn’t time to wait for the young to come to their senses. It’s more effective to make it too frightening and too expensive for socialist parents and teachers and politicians to indoctrinate them. I see no difference between that young socialists summer camp and a young nazi summer camp.
        More later on the Breivik thing, when I’ve had more coffee.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Thus, the issue is not with the children, who are unformed lumps of clay, but with their parents and “educators”.

          Remove the state from the education/indoctrination of children, proscribe the Greens under anti-terrorism legislation, a few targeted assassinations of key political figures and the problem goes away.

          • KG says:

            Well, I don’t disagree with that, Gantt but the problem is, as always, time.
            And time is as much a factor in battle as combat numbers and supplies, perhaps the most important factor.
            In a (nominally) democratic society, where the media is very much a socialist propaganda organ, getting the numbers to get the state out of education is an almost impossible task.
            The “march through the institutions” is well advanced and continuing too fast for us to stop it by any traditionally acceptable means.
            The term “children” in the context of what Breivik did is somewhat emotive and misleading, too. Sure, they were young people, but not children. An 18 year-old can be a very effective tool in the hands of the left.

  7. Amen- to the Angel of Death-
    and –
    My God Is A God of War-
    Is 59- God asked – “What are you doing about the shedding of innocent blood and un-just judges?!”
    ” Nothing!” (I paraphrase here)
    God put on the Full Armor –
    God gave us the Full Armor as written in Eph 6–and Jesus gave a command to “Occupy Til I come!” Lk 19–
    Occupy – a military term – hold the ground won-
    OKJ version-source of above verse references-

  8. K2 says:

    Hate the sin, love the sinner.

    Too heavy on the old testiment, dude. ;-)

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      K2, for my money I reckon it’s long overdue time for us to go a little Old Testament on these savages. We’ve been dancing with the devil for decades now, and all it’s gotten us is death, destruction and misery. They (and I mean all of them, whether “radical” or “moderate” – and there is no such distinction) despise us and everything we have and everything we stand for.

      Our leaders need to realise they will soon face a choice (which should have been faced long ago). We either completely, utterly withdraw from the moslem world – that means our people, our commerce, our technology, our civilisation, and we close our borders to them – and let ’em destroy each other, or we go Ann Coulter on them – we invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. All of them. We need to either completely withdraw or we need to nuke them back to the medieval times in which their death-cult was born.

      It isn’t about hating them or loving them as individuals. It is about defending ourselves, our families and our civilisations from an insidious virus which seeks to destroy.

      • KG says:

        “It is about defending ourselves, our families and our civilisations from an insidious virus which seeks to destroy.”
        http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif Says it all, for me.

  9. Contempt says:

    Other thoughts at The Thinking Housewife on the significance of 9-11. http://www.thinkinghousewife.com/wp/2013/09/the-other-september-11/#more-59810

  10. Brown says:

    I think I’m with K2. I can’t quote it but know of an OT verse where a Jew asks the angel what side he’s on (believing themselves to be God’s can do no wrong chosen ones) if he’s for or against them. The angel says he’s on God’s side. We need to be very measured if we are going to pick up arms. We can undo Islam but we need to hold to an alternative first – liberal relativism doesn’t cut it.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Brown, I just replied to K2 above.

      I fundamentally disagree with you on this one. We do not need to be “measured” if we are to pick up arms. If we take up arms against the moslem world (and for all the obfuscation and vacillation, we are at war with Islam, not with terrorism or any other amorphous concept), it needs to be with the goal of completely and utterly destroying Islam, driving it into the annals of history, never to be revived.

      Liberal relativism has gotten us to this point, where we have lost wars to groups of savages because we wanted to be “measured”, we wanted to prove we are better than them when all they wanted to do was destroy us and everything we stand for.

      Was the destruction of Dresden in WWII a measured response? The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Of course not. They were responses designed to utterly demoralise and destroy an enemy and bring about victory.

      No victory can be won against a suicidal death cult like Islam if we are “measured”. First, of course, our rulers need to realise there’s even a war on, but that’s a rant for another day.

  11. KG says:

    I have no patience with people who preach proportionality and measured responses against islamists.
    For starters, that proportionality and measured responses idea gets good soldiers killed. Volunteers or not, they’re not volunteering to be sacrificed on the altar of other people’s scruples and inability to face the truth of what must eventually be a fight to the death.
    Secondly, on one word in response to your arguments, K2 and Brown is necessary:
    If you think that and plenty more similar obscenities can be addressed by some kind of carefully calibrated violence, you’re dreaming. What’s worse, if you can view the photographs of Beslan without being moved to white-hot, killing fury then I suggest you’ve lived too long in the security and comfort bought you by men who were prepared to do the dirty work necessary to hold back the howling tides of barbarism – and who pay the price for doing that for the rest of their lives.
    In short–you have no fucking idea.

  12. KG says:

    I’m not interested in angels or gods or the relative merits of various philosophies or ideologies or religions–we are in a fight for civilization itself and a lot of people need to wake up, identify the enemies and if they can’t fight then at least they can get out of the way and let loose the dogs of war to do their thing unhindered by peacetime civilian scruples.
    Once battle is joined, morality is irrelevant.

  13. Darin says:

    “Hate the sin, love the sinner.”

    “love the murderer while he’s murdering your family”- doesn’t work too well that way does it?

    As Christians we have a responsibility to God to defend our neighbors and our families from attackers even if those attackers are disguised as our fellow countrymen”who just want to help us”.

    Who has done more damage the Muslim terrorists or the beltway liberal who whole heartedly supports Abortion?Which one is the more evil of the two?The Church that used to be a moral anchor,has been asleep in the light for 50 years.It was the watering down of of the Church and it’s moral authority that brought much of the societal wreckage down on our heads.

    The “love the sinner,hate the sin” mantra is why the pews are filled with un-repentant adulters,thieves,liars and murderers who darken the door every Sunday and campaign from the pulpit come election season.Given what the Church allows these days,is there really any difference between them and the world?It’s like a Lighthouse with a burned out bulb,what good is it,what difference does it make?

    • Ronbo says:

      Like all other major institutions, the mainstream Christian Church has fallen victim to the Progressive Agenda.

      The good news:

      There are plenty of independent churches…. :mrgreen: