‘Australian of the Year Ita Buttrose has lashed out at the fact Tony Abbott’s new cabinet only contains one woman, saying it is unacceptable in 2013..’   source
Tony Abbott has committed the heinous crime of appointing people on merit, not their genitals. Unlike Labor, which promoted the lesbian Asian Penny Wong, who turned out to be the worst finance minister in Australia’s history or the girl-fascist Nicola Roxon as Attorney-General no less, who managed to combine totalitarian instincts and stunning incompetence.There are plenty of others in the Labour party who were promoted purely on the basis of gender and the result is a country which has pissed away a hard-earned surplus and divided people along gender and race lines. Labor has much to be ashamed of where the appointment of wimmin purely because they’re wimmin is concerned. Perhaps the media ought to concentrate on that.

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13 Responses to FFS!

  1. Kathleen says:

    Excuse me for being a smart butt. These people are complaining because Abbott didn’t pick a female from Jezebel.com.

  2. Darin says:

    I looked her up,seems she’s female and is sure about it,heterosexual and is even rumored to wear a skirt occasionally,the feminazis must really be fuming :mrgreen:

    • KG says:

      Hell yes–a smart and attractive woman who made it without the aid of playing the victim card.
      At this rate, the sisterhood will be made more obviously irrelevant….

  3. George Romero says:

    Why do leftist , socialist wimmin always destroy everything they get their grubby hands on when it comes to being givin the reigns of power?Just look at Argentina today , they are truly working for their own , (and our) demise with their sick view of the world.
    Clark and Gillhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gifard can rot in hell as far as im concerned.The less wimmin in government the better and Tony Abbot can prove to the world that it can be acheived by only the best getting in , or am i just a sexist , misogynistic , homophobic , frontbum hating, white priviliged racist?.

  4. KG says:

    “..or am i just a sexist , misogynistic , homophobic , frontbum hating, white privileged racist?”
    One hopes so, George. :grin: Along with the rest of us, having those labels applied by the odious leftist mob is a sure sign you’re on the right track. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  5. dondiego says:

    .2c worth here, I think we (the southern anglosphere) are in trouble due to women weilding power. This is new; for thousands of generations the [for the time-being] majority evolved to have a strong family unit headed by the man.

    In these times of unprecedented comfort, wealth, safety etc (all thanks to white men being the best farmers and best soldiers)- with its necessary but blown out of proportion bureaucracy the cleverer women [cunning/scheming psycho types] rode the coat-tails of the radicals and used AA type feelgood shit to get in and wreak havoc.

    The welfare state mentality~ Long March stuff, will evaporate *real* quick if the GFC really kicks in combined with say crop failures [long winter, pests?] and the muzzies showing their true colours.*

    *To all the public- readers here know the score.

    • KG says:

      Francis Porretto:
      ‘…I am adamant that women are the lesser sex; that men are the creators and maintainers of the skeleton and sinews of Western Civilization, without whom women’s lives would be Hell on Earth; that men have an obligation to protect and provide for their wives, and that mothers have an obligation to protect and nurture their children; that women’s gender-specific strengths pertain to a far smaller range of undertakings than the feminist activists claim; and that attempts to dismiss any of the above will inevitably bring about mass misery, social dissolution, and overall chaos. Put any label on those statements you might care to apply to them, ladies. That’s easy enough. Convincing me that any of them is false will be much harder…’


    • dondiego says:

      From the Bolt link:”There have already been several close calls, including in 2012 when thousands of Asian honey bees carrying the mite were discovered on a ship berthed in Sydney.”

      Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/national/csiro-accused-of-slighting-bee-cure-20130914-2trha.html#ixzz2fEm8JSKP

      That’s from a commenter there.

  6. Darin says:

    Bill Burr-“The most difficult job on the planet” :mrgreen:

  7. Mathew says:

    The arse lickers…. er i mean the Canberra press gallery and chattering classes are desperate to find something, anything to put on their front pages now.

    Back when it was the twitter PM and gillard the dud socialist, the media had plenty of screw ups, incompetence and treachery to publish, it was like a real time soapie, every wretched day.

    Now that Abbott is in charge, gone are the shenanigans, wailing and panty-wringing of the tweeners and they have nothing to publish. If it wasn’t the female representation it would be abbos, if not that, then homos, otherwise it’ll be the lack of cats and dogs in Abbotts family. Look! he didn’t smile at the cat and coo at the monkey in the zoo. The outrage!

    Here’s to hoping a lot of these arse-lickers (ABC anyone?) are put out to find real work during the Abbott term.

  8. KG says:

    “Here’s to hoping a lot of these arse-lickers (ABC anyone?) are put out to find real work during the Abbott term.”
    Well, we can hope. But nothing short of garlic and a stake through the heart will kill the beast.
    I was looking to buy season 2 of “Game of Thrones” yesterday, and I see the ABC shop is selling it! What the hell is a publicly-funded broadcaster doing in the business of eating the lunch of private enterprise??
    Defund the bastards.
    Of course, if the Libs do that, they’ll be accused of “silencing alternative viewpoints”, no matter that the ABC is dedicated to doing exactly that–silencing the views of anybody who isn’t a card-carrying fucking socialist.
    At our expense, too.