Australia’s first female PM

was a corrupt and unprincipled trougher.
‘JULIA Gillard wrote a personal cheque for $4243 to the Department of Finance because her partner, Tim Mathieson, had misused her taxpayer-funded car to drive around Victoria selling shampoo and other haircare products in breach of parliamentary rules.
….The documents were provided yesterday after a 10-month battle by the former prime minister and her office to prevent the Department of Finance from following through on its decision to release the material…’
Good riddance to a typical socialist scumbag.

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8 Responses to Australia’s first female PM

  1. countenance says:

    OMG, her man was the Avon lady~!

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    But, but it is so hard on one having to give up power

    Don’t you have any sympathy for the poor dear?

    • KG says:

      Nope. Not a skerrick. Zero. None. And if I had my way she’d be behind bars where she belongs.

    • Mathew says:

      I do, i wish she hadn’t been stabbed by that slimy twitter we got after her. I so wanted her to be standing for a second term, to give Australians their hard-paid-for right to vote on her term as prime minister.

      We like her were robbed of this chance, we should have been able to kick her and her party of treacherous hyenas hard as we could into the wilderness.

      Instead she’ll get to crow away at every opportunity that she wasn’t voted out, rather she was the first female PM who was stabbed in the back by her party.

      And by the way the same party that stabbed the first female PM of this country in the back is now caterwauling about the lack of females in the opposition’s cabinet. And enough brainless nongs out there are buying again, hook, line and sinker.

      • KG says:

        Not only that, the same assholes are attacking Sophie Mirabella and Julie Bishop, calling Bishop the “token female’, despite her record of achievement in business and government.
        Some token……
        They’re simply unprincipled drooling leftards, the scum of the earth and utterly beyond all reason and facts.

  3. Ron says:

    Well at least we can say she had a real man even if he is a hairdresser. Unlike Hulun’s man who did what?

    Banned in the USA.