Mugged in Melbourne? Blame the police

‘The Age and academics agree that Sudanese and Somali-born immigrants are five times more likely to figure in crime stats because the police are racist.

How the racism game washes away pesky crime stats’

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6 Responses to Mugged in Melbourne? Blame the police

  1. from one of the commenters at the link-
    “…white flight is just warming up in Aus….”

    white flight – I know all about white flight —
    sad that my old ‘hometown’ is an example to the world!!

  2. KG says:

    It’s happening everywhere, Carol. Some people are going to find out just how well things work without the hated whitey running them….. :twisted:

    • Yuppers- and
      Detroit’s white flight started 40-50 years ago–

      Warning !!
      from one who saw it coming and its results– years ago!!

      • Ronbo says:

        Really bad mistake Australia made in allowing Africans into their beautiful white middle class country…I speak to you as an WASP American who wishes he could go back in a time machine and kill those degenerate slave owners who imported Africans into America at Jamestown, Virginia in 1619.

        Once the blacks have a beach head….

  3. Mathew says:

    Let’s hope that when these criminals go stealing, beating, mugging etc that it’s on these multi-culti arse lickers and labor voters, after all they’re only getting what they voted for. Watch as they squeal now as Abbott saves them by stopping the boats.

    Unfortunately i think that’s the only way the west will learn, for anyone out there who has suspicions that the west is cleverer than you, don’t worry, we’re just as stupid as you are. We stubbornly insist on only learning from our own stupidity instead of learning from others.