“You lay one damn hand on a WWII vet,

I’ll bring half a million people to DC”
Mark Levin

‘Levin, author of “The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic,” told his audience on his Wednesday radio show should there be any action taken against those veterans for visiting the World War II Memorial on the National Mall, even with the government shutdown, he would bring 500,000 people to march on the Washington, D.C. in response..’
“I’ll be damned if one president with his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office, with a smirk on his face, looking at his golf cart — I’ll be damned if this president or anybody else is going to shut down that World War II Memorial, period,” he continued. “These men are in their 80s and 90s, so let me repeat: You lay one hand on one of those men and arrest them for going to their memorial, which they fought, which was not paid by you, dammit — was paid by the American people — we will come out of every town and city in this nation, we will come out of every county on both coasts, both borders and we will march on Washington against your tyranny. You have been warned.”……’
UPDATE:  ‘A WW2 memorial that doesn’t require staffing is being barricaded to keep WW2 veterans out and a Colonial Farm that isn’t even operated or funded by the government was forcibly shut at virtual gunpoint…’
Daniel Greenfield

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41 Responses to “You lay one damn hand on a WWII vet,

  1. KG says:

    ‘House Speaker John Boehner Monday called on colleagues to ban an exemption lawmakers and staff receive for health insurance, but he and his aides had worked for months with Democratic leaders to save the subsidies, leaked documents and emails show.

    The documents were provided to Politico, which revealed Tuesday morning that Boehner and aides were working closely with Democratic rivals to protect the payments…’


  2. Pascal says:

    I would add a cautionary note to Mark Levin’s daring. The Bonus Army.

    It was a different time, yet one wonders if those in power would enjoy the opportunity. Thinking “bring it.” The Obozo’s chief marionetteer is always compensating for her lack of gonads, so who’d be surprised?

    If something like that confrontation were to happen today, it would serve an entirely different purpose and, I would imagine, result in an entirely different response from the general public. That’s what Levin is thinking too. But bear in mind we have an Soviet-style media, more brazen as never before. I have my doubts it will come to this. Are we ready for it?

    • Darin says:

      “Are we ready for it?”

      Yup,ANYTHING even remotely like The Bonus Army massacre happens and it will be open season on feds of every stripe.My only caution would be is that once it starts it will be violent,brutal and complete before the killing stops.With any luck it we be known as the Great Liberal Purge of 2013.

      • Pascal says:

        “it will be open season on feds of every stripe.”

        You weren’t one of the ones with the opinion that the Feds were buying up ammo in large quantities even of non-military calibers only to drive the price of ammo up were you?

        • Darin says:

          No,I’m one of those who stocked his arsenal with the same caliber weapons as the feds ;-)

    • THANK YOU for the link explaining the Bonus Army-
      Looks like the officers mac arthur -eisenhower -patton did not take their oath seriously- officer oath does NOT include the word President!!
      My esteem for the three is no longer!!

      Thank you – too- Rabbit – for the Levin link!! He is the only one in the media whom I really trust!!

      • Pascal says:

        Yes. Patton’ cavalry led the initial charge which came as quite a shock to the veterans who thought the military attachment was an honor guard who come to give them symbolic support. They were as shocked as anyone that the Posse Comitatus Act would be violated that day. We won’t be, will we?

      • Ronbo says:

        It’s a steady drip…drip…DRIP… of events in America until the revolution/ civil war/bloody insurrection breaks out shortly after the economic collapse and hyperinflation wipes out the white middle class and radicalizes enough to attack the Ancient Federal Regime in Washington, D.C.

        I’m terrible at timelines, but my guess is anytime within the next three years…

        But one thing is certain – IT WILL HAPPEN :!: The USA has become once again a nation divided between ideologies that where compromise is impossible.

        There will be blood…maybe this year…maybe next year…But the socialist traitors in America have danced the same tune for decades, and they will pay the piper. :evil:


        These many, then, shall die. Their names are pricked.

        (to LEPIDUS)

        Your brother too must die. Consent you, Lepidus?

        I do consent—


        Prick him down, Antony.


        Upon condition Publius shall not live,
        Who is your sister’s son, Mark Antony.


        He shall not live. Look, with a spot I damn him.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    As utterly disgusting as is this deliberate, willful two-finger salute from the feds, I can’t help but think the irony is just so … right.

    I’m not sure it’s not the Faust in me, but I really, really like the idea that the brave and heroic men who defeated both fascism and imperialism in WWII 70 years ago, are the same ones who will begin the fight against fascism in the Imperial America of Emperor Brokeback Barry I. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

    I just hope you all have enough ammo, my patriot friends.

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Further to my earlier comment, the bastards have shut down Omaha Beach.


    They really are a pack of contemptuous arseholes, aren’t they. And there are only two known cures for what ails them:


    • mawm says:

      Do you think he’s hoping the shutdown will last until Armistice Day? What a miserable petulant little prick! :evil:

      • Findalis says:

        The truckers are planning to shut down the nation Oct. 11, 12, and 13. I wonder if many truckers will join?

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I think he’s praying to ALLAH the shutdown will last until Armistice Day, so he has the chance to send his jackbooted thugs to beat up on a few more veterans and patriots.

    • KG says:

      And we have plenty of the latter, Gantt….. :twisted:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Aye, and as darin alluded to, patriots are better-trained than the brown shirts. The smart ones have armed themselves with weapons of the same calibre as the brown shirts, so cometh the day, they can use their own weapons and ammo against them.

  5. Darin says:

    New painting out-“Stand your Ground”


    From the comments section-
    “Oh man, this is a fantastic painting. I really like this. You can’t see it because of the way it’s cropped, but his left leg is up captain morgan style, because it’s perched on Obama’s head….”

    Best comment ever!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

  6. BTW- Oct 4 is my Birthday–
    So- tomorrow – when it is Oct 5 is NZ and Australia-
    Think of me- in the U S –Oct 4–


  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, I just read this article, which draws a link between Emperor Barry’s treatment of the WWII vets at their own memorial, and the BarryCare death panels. It makes a good point; Barry will kill these veterans and patriots the first chance he gets, especially now they’ve made him look so stupid.

    But what got me thinking was this; Barry dispatched his stormtroopers to deal with the vets, and not one of the unthinking jack-booted thugs took one second to think “geez, there’s a lot of us here keeping these codgers out. What if, instead of that, we help them get close to their memorial. Maybe talk to these guys like people, instead of keeping them away from a monument they paid for with their blood.”

    Make no mistake, come the day there will be plenty of brown shirts and black boots on the street, mowing down anyone who dares speak – or think – anything against The Regime.

    • KG says:

      Gantt, I’ve always said there was nothing uniquely evil about the Germans who did Der Fuhrer’s dirty work. Those people can be found in every society.
      There will be no shortage of clipboard carrying minions, ready and willing to load dissidents into the cattle trains again.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Look, 1930s Germans = absolutely no different than 21st century Americans. or Australians. or Kiwis. or POMs.

        The danger faced in the coming stuggle is not that tyranny will be overthrown by patriots wanting liberty, but that it will be replaced by ultra-nationalism; by exactly the kind of fascism which is being slowly revealed upon the American people today,

  8. Pascal says:

    Somewhat off topic, but lacking a current open thread here goes.

    If nothing else proves to the most hardcore members of the Democratic Party (the unions) how UNHINGED is the president they’ve been supporting without question, his speech today saying striking workers deserve to lose their jobs — could there be a more fascistic comment for them? — ought to do it.

    So you think I’m making it up? Here’s the proof.

    Man, and this is only day THREE of the shutdown.

    Save that before Google, under White House threats, sends the youtube down the memory hole. This one is a gem.

    • KG says:

      Saved it, Pascal. Thanks for that.
      The boy’s an inarticulate drooling idiot without his teleprompter, isn’t he?

    • I’ve had you tube embeds erased from my site several times-
      How does one ‘Save’ a link?

      • KG says:

        Carol, I have a program called KeepVid and I download the clip and keep it.
        There’s no way I know of to stop YouTube from taking a vid down, which means your site link no longer works.

      • Darin says:

        Carol,if it’s not copyrighted material and it’s in the public domain you can use one of the Youtube downloader programs to download the video to your hard drive.

        Then you can upload it to a file hosting service and link to or embed it from there.
        I use Photobucket to host pictures I post on blogs and BBS forums.They have free trial accounts that feature ads in the PB side bar and the paid accounts are ad free and feature tons of tools.

  9. Angel says:

    this administration hates our precious Military..Mark rules. :mrgreen:

  10. john says:

    Years ago I read Churchill’s “Great Contemporaries” being essays on various politicians etc of the 20’s and 30’s. I can’t remember now whether it was Lenin or Trotsky but Churchill described him as “a bag of malice”.
    I think Obama was made for that description.

  11. thor42 says:

    Outstanding stuff by Mark Levin.

    There is no word strong enough in the English language to say how much I *despise* that treasonous PUNK in the White House.

    • WebWrat says:

      One of the commentshttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif

      So now the earflapped mincing imbecile is speaking out against unions going on strike. Trumka must be reeeeeeeeeeeally happy he hitched his wagon up to this ridicutarded horse (‘s arse).

      This tortured and idiotic jibber jabber is painful to watch, and princess golfsalot burped it up in order to make a moronic analogy between factory workers going on strike and congressmen pursuing constitutional means to achieve their goals. That being something Democrats have neeeeeever done. Ever. Except all during the last half of the Bush administration. And during the entirety of the Reagan administration. And on and frickin’ on.

      Also- this “shutdown” we’re under… is it not the result of the congress declining to vote for yet another contintuing resolution?

      Aren’t said continuing resolutions in existence to fund the government on a spot “emergency” basis due to a budget not being passed? Something that Obama and Reid have signally failed to do for the entirety of the O’dumbshite infestation of the white house?

      The nevada pedophile won’t even bring the matter to the Senate floor for discussion, despite the congress having passed multiple budgets the last three years. Which is against the law.

      Though in Barky the unicorn rider’s world, the law just doesn’t apply, now does it?

      Pathetic on all levels. Zero points awarded. You are sentenced to go live in Altgeld Gardens, Barry Soetero.

      Get thee gone, you gangly coke scarred dope. And take your hideous greed monster “wife” with you.

      GrassMudHorsey on October 3, 2013 at 3:15 PM

  12. WebWrat says:

    Have any of you guys discovered http://joeforamerica.com/ :?:

  13. KG says:

    Link added to sidebar>>>