The latest Woodpile Report is up

‘President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he is declaring the month of November ‘National Muslim Appreciation Month’. “So from now on, November will be a month to celebrate the Muslim community, the Sunnah and the Quran… Mr. Matei of the Muslim Brotherhood assured me they want to come to this country to help us, not harm us.”
Paul Horner at, 28 Sep 2013

Just in time for Obama’s new National Muslim Appreciation Month, the photos you’ve already seen of the Kenyan shopping center massacre, plus the ones they held back, at Totally Cool Pix….’
Wabbit says in a sane world, that Kenyan bastard occupying the WH would be swinging by the neck….

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16 Responses to The latest Woodpile Report is up

  1. Contempt says:

    November is Veterans {WWI Armistice Day} Day Nov 11, Thanksgiving which muslims had Zero to do in any shape or form, so what’s a muslim appreciation month for? Appreciation to oBowa for a series of killings, returning Churchill’s bust? Shit.

  2. D.T. says:

    I still haven’t seen any protest marches in cities anywhere in the world from the so called moderate muslims…because the is NO such thing as a moderate muslim.I’ve heard appologists of muslims though.Fuck pisslam , fuck ALL muslims , fuck their paedophile warmonger mohummad , fuck their evil koran.May all the pigs on earth piss and shit on mecca.

  3. mawm says:

    Evil. :evil: They singled out the muslims and let them go then killed the rest and some people still try to say that Islam is not at war with the West/Judeo-Christianity. Obama and his MBA are part of it.

  4. Mathew says:

    This sort of groveling stupidity or treachery depending on how you see it, is nothing new for obama, and yet he got voted right back in.

    Is fate kind to nations that toy with such stupidity or treachery, time will tell.

  5. RossN says:

    If I wasn’t a Christian, was a sniper, and lived in the USA, Obama wouldn’t last long.

    • Ronbo says:


      Your heart is in the right place, but a word to the wise: Watch this type of rhetoric in regards to our Fearless Leader even if you’re not an American citizen, as the reach El Presidente’s Personal Praetorian Guard (a.k.a. Secret Service) is world wide – and they are on super paranoia watch for potential assassins :!:

      Yes, and they have Drones – and, yes, Obama has ordered even U.S. citizens killed by them.

      Anyhow, even if successful, what good would it do :?: Obama would be an instant martyr like John F. Kennedy and he’d be replaced immediately by Biden – a man even more stupid, crazy and Leftist than Obama.

      One more thing – after years of studying this Obama creature, I’m not sure if he’s not some sort of Manchurian Candidate under the control of a “Mr. Big” like George Soros…And what about the Congressional leftist traitors? The federal bureaucrats? ….and so on :!:

      Like cockroaches that have literally taken over a once clean and beautiful home, Leftist traitors are everywhere and it’s going to take a years’ long major effort to drive them out.

      No, the only thing that makes sense to me is a revolution after which we purge ALL Leftists from ALL major institutions – and execute, imprison, or drive into exile upwards of 25 million of these worthless traitors and parasites. :evil:

  6. Findalis says:

    I hate to burst everyone’s bubble but this was a satire piece by The National Report. SOURCE

    While I wouldn’t put it passed Obama, it is a false report.

    BTW: The only thing I appreciate about Muslims is that they burn hotter and longer than any other people.

  7. KG says:

    Well, yes, Findalis. The point being that it’s become impossible to tell where satire ends and reality begins with this Administration. ;-)

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    I thought it sounded like a satire piece when the MB was specifically mentioned. The One may have insisted they be represented when he gave his ‘historic’ speech in Cairo but after the purges following the overthrow of Mubarack (sp?) I noted the lack of direct mention of the MB.

    I was amazed to find the IRS getting orders from the House Committee to destroy the Conservative organization donor lists.

    The Committee has asked for written confirmation of their destruction but I wouldn’t trust anything any part of the Executive branch said, wrote, swore to, or offered their first born as proof.

  9. KG says:

    “..I wouldn’t trust anything any part of the Executive branch said, wrote, swore to, or offered their first born as proof.”
    Absolutely. These bastards aren’t a government, they’re a criminal enterprise by any rational meaning of the term.

    • Ronbo says:

      As I’ve said before, the criminal psychopathic personality types (subhumans) are drawn to socialism and Islamonazism, which are little more than organized crime families created by criminal psychopaths for criminal psychopaths.

      These subhuman traits are:

      Glibness/superficial charm
      Grandiose sense of self-worth
      Pathological lying
      Lack of remorse or guilt
      Emotionally shallow
      Callous/lack of empathy
      Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

      Therefore, in my never humble, socialists of any type and collectivist religious nutburgers like the Muslims are subhumans who should be terminated with extreme prejudice like foaming at the mouth mad dogs. :evil:

      I repeat – A SUBHUMAN HAS NO RIGHTS :!: :evil: