Conservative? Shortly, you’ll be a “terrorist”

From III Percent Patriots:
‘…Make no mistake: You have heard such language from people in the Executive and the Legislative branches of the American government and beyond, and now from the Leftist stronghold of academia.  (Don’t worry, the Judiciary will back them up soon enough.)  This is a concerted, deliberate action.  This is not Sarah Palin and scope reticles on a map – this is men who mean to be Masters laying the ground to kill many, many millions of Americans who identify as Tea Party or Conservative or Republican, if those people refuse to bend knee.  They will kill a large number of “extremist terrorists of the political Right” (and family members and collateral damage) as a warning to anyone who may consider standing in opposition…’
And this is no coincidence. I believe Kerodin is right, and there’s been a seismic shift in the relationship between the Federal government and the people. Exactly as the Kenyan promised.
Conservatives are now being clearly identified and isolated as the enemy.
The DHS and the Patriot Act will be used to treat non-compliant Americans as terrorists. Soon.

It occurs to Wabbit that even if no formal plan exists to destroy conservatives, sheer momentum may push this Administration to try it on.
A combination of a large constituency with a grievance mentality, flat-out communist academia, union thuggery, and a vast army of wannabe stormtroopers – all egged-on and publicised by the media – may force the Kenyan and his accomplices into a corner from which the only exit is direct action against “enemies of the State”.
They could easily reach the point where they have to order that, or risk losing the support of their useful idiots because expectations have outrun delivery.
In other words, events are overtaking anybody’s ability to control them.

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17 Responses to Conservative? Shortly, you’ll be a “terrorist”

  1. Ronbo says:

    As I’ve said before, the Obama Regime must conquer the opposition or die – this is just another turn of the Progressive -Oppressive screw, and was to be expected.

    The next turn of the screw will be mass arrests, imprisonments and execution of American patriots – the response from the patriot side will be bloody civil war,

    “Nudge, Shove, SHOOT!” the mantra of all dictators…and Obama is no exception to the rule.

    However, in a revolutionary era where you have ARMED Texas patriots showing up at the Alamo, the unexpected may happen to Obama and his lackeys, as was the case with the unbeatable “Napoleon of the West” Santa Ana in 1836.

    “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided, but by iron and blood.” –Bismarck

  2. KG says:

    See my “read more” update Ronbo. Any thoughts about it?

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Just tame a look at the number of articles in the conservative press outlets highlighting leftists saying that the Republicans will never win as long as there is a TEA Party faction (i.e. ‘extremists’), if you don’t think there is a push to eliminate true conservatives.

    From PJM

    or showing how the establishment Republicans are not different from Democrats

    What is most telling is the vilification of conservatives by RINO leaders

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    Slightly O/T, but I just read an AFP hit piece on Ted Cruz. They’re clearly seeking to pre-emptively sink any 2016 Presidential ambitions he might have.

    The bit that made coffee come out my nose, however, was when the “writer” had the temerity to posture:

    “Cruz however has a secret absent from his official website senate biography: He was born in Calgary, Canada.

    As the son of an American, Cruz was entitled to US citizenship at birth. Nevertheless, his foreign birthplace could become a point of contention during his bid for president, a job restricted to natural-born citizens.”

    This from a MSM which has spent 6 long years covering for the illegitimate Africa-born bastard of an English national and American communist (unless of course Frank Marshall Davis really is the bastard’s father, in which case he is the eligibility question disappears)!

    FWIW, I think Cruz is a rock star, but because he wasn’t born in the US I don’t think he should run for President. It would look like hypocrisy to have a Conservative born overseas accepted by Conservatives, after so long arguing against a Marxist born overseas.

    • Darin says:

      Cruz will never get the nomination,simple as that.The establishment RNC with help from the MSM will see to it that a conservative will not win nomination.It is what happened in the last two election cycles.

      Mark my words,it will be a Christie or a Jeb Bush just wait and see,another loser or another closet liberal.With that in mind I’m not looking to 2016,but rather 2020 before things get bad enough that maybe people will try something new just out of shear frustration

      • Ronbo says:

        KG said,

        See my “read more” update Ronbo. Any thoughts about it?


        Interesting how much the thinking by three persons separated by thousands of miles is pretty much the same on the issue of American Revolution 2.0….

        I think a bloody communist revolution was on Obama’s agenda from Day One in office – and that it would happen when the Regime felt strong enough to pull it off – but even if that wasn’t the case, as you said, “sheer momentum may push this Administration to try it on” – to that I would add desperation and the fear of imprisonment.

        Like bank robbers who have become trapped inside by the police their only hope is to shoot their way out.

        • Ronbo says:

          Darin said,

          “Cruz will never get the nomination,simple as that.The establishment RNC with help from the MSM will see to it that a conservative will not win nomination.It is what happened in the last two election cycles.”

          I think point of elections are moot until the Regime is destroyed – Clearly, the Progressives will not allow themselves to be turned out of office by the “will of the people.”

  5. KG says:

    “Interesting how much the thinking by three persons separated by thousands of miles is pretty much the same on the issue of American Revolution 2.0..”
    Distance sometimes lends a certain clarity?

  6. WebWrat says:

    More on Ted.

    He will be first on the hit list and it will probably be a RINO that pulls the trigger.

    • KG says:

      Yep. The Repub Establishment will do to him what they did to Palin and every other real conservative.
      If Obama is the problem, the Republican Party is definitely not the answer.

  7. KG says:

    ‘Cruz: McCain Sabotaged Republicans’

    ’60 Minutes: Congress Using ‘Slush Funds’ to Bankroll Lavish Lifestyles’

  8. Michael in Nelson says:

    And you will be forced to pick a doctor of your race (for whites, that may not be a bad thing)

  9. Wombat says:

    The Republicans lost control of the nation a ways back and now they’re desperately trying to keep things competitive by reaching further and further beyond the middleground.

    As one commenter said of the first debate between Obama and Romney: “Poor Obama. He arrived expecting to debate a Republican and instead found himself in the Democrat primaries.”

    Conservative Americans are finding out the hard way how democracy ends when the nation diverges between two distinct groups.

    Whether you’ve got 5 percent of the vote or 49, you’re still the majority’s bitch.

    • Ronbo says:


      But the Progressives ARE NOT THE MAJORITY…NOT EVEN CLOSE!

      At best only 10% of the country are hardcore Progressive – the rest of their base are fellow traveler journalists, criminals, union thugs and parasites who help them steal elections that now include nationwide presidential elections by means of dead voters who still vote, and voters who vote once, twice, or three times :!:

      Stalin said, “It’s not important how they vote, but who counts the votes.”

      This explains why the Secretary of State in the various states of our federal union are Democrats, because the S of S oversees the counting of the vote.

      In 1903 the Russian Social Democrat Party was divided by Lenin who formed a tiny radical minority faction he named, “The Bolsheviks” – The Majority :!:

      So never believe it when our latter day American Progressives (Bolsheviks) claim they have a “majority” of voters. :twisted: