Tracey Barnett: Commie U.N. stooge with an agenda.

‘Don’t play Australia’s asylum game
Manufactured misery that has created rampant self-harm and suicide attempts, writes Tracey Barnett. There is no will to process their cases for years…’

The article on the front page of the NZ Herald this morning is a litany of flat-out lies, distortions and selective reporting. A disgraceful abuse of public trust on the part of the Herald.

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11 Responses to Tracey Barnett: Commie U.N. stooge with an agenda.

  1. Mike says:

    Great to see lots of comments there pointing out what a load of PC bleeding heart bullshit the whole article is!

  2. Redbaiter says:

    There are so many its hard to know where to start Mike. How about only 500 mills of drinking water a day? In the kind of heat they have to endure, they would die of dehydration in a few days. Just so patently incorrect it is shameful that the Herald published it. Doesn’t anyone there fact check anything????????

  3. KG says:

    Facts are an inconvenience to leftards.

    • Darin says:

      If they stuck to the facts then they would have to tell the truth and there is no chance of that happening.

      Don’t know anything about this guy,but this one article was pretty good.

      • KG says:

        Bob Jones is brilliant, Darin, he tells it like it is and the snivelling leftards and feminazis hate him for it.
        He once punched out a reporter who turned up in a helicopter at the remote back country area where he was trout fishing.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Jones’ columns never fail to get lefties into a proper rabid tizzy.

          Jones (a former champion boxer) smacked Rod Vaughn
          – a part-time reported and full-time sanctimonious sack of crap. Vaughn wanted to interview Jones about his decision to put the Kiwi Party into hiatus. Vaughn had stalked Jones from his home in Wellington, to his office in Wellington, to his holiday home in Turangi and, ultimately, to his fishing spot. So, Vaughn got what all stalkers deserve.


          Here’s an excellent interview with Jones from 1987:

          Ultimately, Jones’ legacy will be Manichaean. The purpose of the Kiwi Party was to break the cozy duopoly National and Labour had had on Parliament for 50 years, which they succeeded in doing. Sadly though, it ushered in the referendum which gave New Zealand the distorted, unpopular and unsuccessful MMP system which exists today, and which has significantly increased the pace of the country’s lurch to the left. I guess that’s an object lesson in how much the law of unintended consequences can hurt.

          • Darin says:

            “It’s women who buy halfwit magazines comprising photos of cavorting bikini-clad, brain-dead starlets and pop singers; I could write a set of encyclopaedias on this subject.”

            It’s true,it’s true

  4. KG says:

    ‘I’m getting tired of being held accountable for what other people do. Being punished, not because I’ve caused anyone any harm but merely because I chose not to get on the short bus, grin like an imbecile and accept being treated like an imbecile because some people are imbeciles.’
    Eric Peters at

  5. thor42 says:

    *** Bloody hypocritical MSM. ***

    The Saudis have recently deported 12,000 Somalis (good job) and there’s been nary a peep from the MSM.

    Oh, but if Australia tries to stop a boat with (say) 80 people on board then *all hell breaks loose*. Bloody hypocrites.

  6. Mathew says:

    Shove off tracey, Abbott is doing exactly what we want, how he does it matters little to those of us dealing with the crap labor left us. Who by the way set up all those people on Manus. So suck on that dear.

    Lastly, sorry but all the crocodile tears are just washing off this ducks back, none of you pricks were mewling anything when close on 2000 people drowned at sea prior to the Abbott government, now all of a sudden all these SOBs want to criticize Abbott for stopping that?

    Thank you Tony and Scott for stopping the boats. You got my vote on that alone.

  7. Wombat says:

    The comments below the article are solid proof that the MSM is on a completely different page to the average guy on the street.

    This is the way of the entire ruling body of our nations, the press (their propaganda wing) included. Pretend, day in day out, that there’s some kind of progressive majority and then legislate accordingly.

    What I want to know is, where’s our Fox network? I can’t think of a single genuine anti-progressive media outlet in Australia. And THAT is how you know you’re being played.