‘Pre-nup law ‘will save career women from greedy men’
Pro-marriage campaigner suggests law would stop men marrying successful women and running off with a large share of their wealth..’
Because women don’t do that to men, you see…

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12 Responses to HUH?

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Exactly KG, as long as it was men getting the shaft by gold-diggers (remind me now, how old is that term?) there was no push for this law by feminists. Now that the loss is approaching 100-1 (men-women) there is a sudden need to protect stupid women.

    GAWD, I’d have loved to have seen Medusa’s comment on this

    • KG says:

      Me too, Michael she’d have been brief, to the point–and savage. Rightly so, too.
      I miss her wonderful comments.

  2. Ronbo says:

    LOL! :mrgreen: Turnabout is fair play :!: :mrgreen:

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    Dateline: BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound. [immediate release*]!!!OMG!!!!did not know yours very truly’s mic was on!!!OOMMGG!!!

    *oooohhhhaaaahhh more Diplomatic Pouch!!!more more more!!!yesyesyes

  4. Contempt says:

    :shock: Holy S#$%t. KG, email me I have a way to get rid of that tri-polar Harvard jerk. :roll:

  5. Contempt says:

    funky music white boy but look over your shoulder.

  6. Darin says:

    Bill Burr:”An epidemic of gold digging whores” :mrgreen:

  7. Mathew says:

    Oh they know that women do it to men, but perhaps they think that since the man would have earned his wealth by doing something mean and nasty to oh i don’t know, people of other cultures, being racist, sexist or whatever, the gold digger making off with some of his hard earned is some sort of a get square against the man or some crap.

    Who knows with these nutjobs, but seriously i thought those pre-nup things swung both ways by default.

  8. andy5759 says:

    We’ve always been hag-ridden, only now they have cut our balls off and fed them to us. Or maybe not, if they are all right-on veggies. Cnuts, the lot of ’em, some useful, most not.

  9. Lucia Maria says:

    A pre-nup from a Catholic point of view, means there is no marriage to begin with.

  10. Cadwallader says:

    If a woman needs a document to protect her from a “greedy man” she’s hardly likely to be smart enough to have much of a career. This is garbage from this bint.

    • Wombat says:

      Women don’t need to be smart to have a career. Here’s how it’s done.
      Find a low ranking job in a big company (govt included).
      Dress like a high class hooker.
      Flirt with their superior until he makes a pass at them.
      Act indignant and go to the boss of their boss, making undertones of a law suit.
      Get promoted sideways and upwards in return for her silence.
      Repeat until she finds her new boss is a woman. That’s as far as she’ll go.

      Typically that will get you pretty far in life. At least to the 200k p/a mark I’d suggest.