‘Small volcanic eruptions help explain a hiatus in global warming this century by dimming sunlight and offsetting a rise in emissions of heat-trapping gases to record highs, a new study shows.
Eruptions of at least 17 volcanoes since 2000, including Nabro in Eritrea, Kasatochi in Alaska and Merapi in Indonesia, ejected sulphur whose sun-blocking effect had been largely ignored until now by climate scientists, the study said.
…Santer said other factors such as a decline in the sun’s output, linked to a natural cycle of sunspots, or rising Chinese emissions of sun-blocking pollution could also help explain the recent slowdown in warming….’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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“…or rising Chinese emissions of sun-blocking pollution…”
I don’t think they even realised their complete and utter stuff-up – that this warmists have completely contradicted themselves with this statement.
What a bunch of commie numpties.
Mind-boggling, isn’t it?
“…or rising Chinese emissions of sun-blocking pollution…”
The reflective properties of smog was probably one of the ’causes’ pointed to for the 1970s cooling threat of the next ice age.
“…sun-blocking effect had been largely ignored until now by climate scientists…” is a load of crap because it has been known for a long time (see above). If it was ignored, it was done so on purpose! Gotta follow the narrative don’t ya know…assholes!
Thames Frost Fair, 1683-84, by Thomas Wyke
China ?
Yessir! We can sure use that there Global Warming before the crik freezes up and we can’t get to Saturday nite square dancing….
-53 C -63 F
I don’t know why the world doesn’t listen to us Aussies, we figured this out long, long ago, while everyone was running around like headless chooks, somewhere in the outback, someone said it – she’ll be right mate!
And see, we don’t need any tax, it’s sorting itself out.
Climate Change Driven By The Oceans — Not Humans | Dr. William M. Gray
Climate Change Driven By The Oceans — Not Humans | Dr. William M. Gray