‘TRIBUTES are flowing for 14-year-old Ben Phillips who was stabbed at a party in Cranbourne last night.
Witnesses say Phillips was leaving the event with some friends when he was attacked.
The gang of 20 teenagers, who witnesses say “were mostly Sudanese or of black African descent” , lay in wait for the teenager and slashed him four times in a frenzied group attack…’
And let’s not hear any bullshit about these thugs being a “tiny minority”. They’re not. The countries and the cultures they come from are failures because this behaviour is the norm. To claim that those we import are somehow, magically, from a more civilized sub-species is fatuous and an insult to our intelligence.

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  1. dondiego says:

    Link goes to a “Somethings wrong” page with a safari looking joker with binoculars. At first I thought “That’s effin poor taste” before “The Ministry of Truth may have un-storied it” (my ‘net is slow loading right now)~

  2. Oswald Bastable says:


    The left will call that racist.

    I say: if it is true- it can never be racist.

    • Robertv says:

      EU same problem.

      The opposition Socialists have formally requested in Congress that the government turn over surveillance camera footage of the Ceuta border near Tarajal beach from February 6, when 15 would-be immigrants drowned as they attempted to cross into Spanish territory.

      There is no work in Spain (and Europe) so the best thing to do would be inviting more people to the party.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    KG, didn’t a lot of these savages arrive during the previous government? Just asking.

    • Wombat says:

      They’ve been around for the better part of a decade in South Australia.

      Wanna hear a funny story?
      Sudanese arrive.
      Commonwealth bank realizes that Sudanese will all be on welfare for life.
      Commonwealth bank does sums. Monthly welfare payments minus basic living expenses = $X
      Commonwealth bank offers the illiterate Sudanese refugees pre-approved loans with very unfavourable terms and conditions. The monthly repayments = $X.
      Suddenly every piece-of-shit tricked-out clapped-out aftermarket-turbo coupe disappears off of the second hand car market.
      The streets fill with dark-skinned drivers in ’84 Celicas sporting 20″ rims.
      Commonwealth Bank laughs as repayments are drawn from Sudanese accounts the second the centrelink cash goes in.
      Sudanese cannot even afford to put petrol in their POS cars.
      Sudanese engage in crime to “make ends meet”.

      This, told to me from an insider about seven years ago.

    • Mathew says:

      Well yes, the previous government of 6 years did everything they possibly could to bring in as many of these ratbags as they could. And as you can guess they’re the ones shouting, fighting tooth and nail to stop anyone else from doing anything about this problem. Never mind the stabbings, rapings, muggings an everything else that comes along with them, they hate Conservatives far more than they love Australia.

  4. Wombat says:

    Ahhh. I spotted the problem!

    “Witnesses said the group had tried to gate crash a Cranbourne party and then waited outside to ambush any of the guests that left.”

    These racist white kids had clearly denied entry to their fellow man on the sole grounds of racial persecution. These new Australians were merely fighting prejudice the only way they knew how. Cultural differences aside, their motives were pure, don’t you see?

    If you stop to think about it, these four young men are actually heroes in the fight against inequality! :mrgreen:

    • Ronbo says:


      This is, indeed, the truth.

      I live in a nation that has over 400 years experience in dealing with black Africans who, aside from perhaps 10%, have not advanced above the violent subhuman tribal level they achieved in Africa. :evil:

  5. Jarred says:

    I got to Ben Phillips school…

  6. Jarred says:

    Go to*

  7. Barry says:

    In NZ a few years ago a woman slashed both pilots on a regional airline’s plane. The pilots landed the plane safely. She was a Sudanese refugee or immigrant.

    • Barry says:

      Sorry, she was a Somali.

      • Ronbo says:

        Why was she unhappy :?: Pork in the airline meals :?: :roll:

        • dondiego says:

          I told the Arab who lives where I do about that incident. She had been named as a nutter who shouldn’t be allowed into N.Z, in parliament, while they were being processed.

          I told this Libyan:”It’s like you or I holding a knife to the ride-on-mower driver accross the road there and saying “Drive to Sydney” “.*700 miles away

          [She wanted to get to Aus, probably to Adelaide …]

  8. Brown says:

    While we are stereotyping remind me about the black guy in the US who is a neurosurgeon and would make good republican president Oz. I don’t say we put up with these thugs at all but we should allow a lot of respect when its due. That black guy has made a difference in the world I won’t get close to in two lifetimes. Character matters, not colour.

    • dondiego says:

      That’s what Martin Luther King Jr preached; when he wasn’t bashing hookers or plagiarising.
      Trouble is those “Good Ones” don’t make up for the overwhelming numbers of normal ones. Blacks in the U.S rape elderly white woman quite frequently, whereas white scum rape elderly negresses NEVER, for example.

      Have you personally dealt with any that aren’t the super-talented diversity darlings? Taxi drivers etc? [And I’m not referencing the negroid child rapist one(s) I’m aware of]. Ever had to read the effing map to the cabbie?

      If you like ’em, enough to fund them, then be sure to take responsibility when they invariably mess up.

  9. KG says:

    “Stereotyping”? I hardly know where to start. If you, Brown, cannot see that we have to categorise and generalise in order to deal with reality, then I suggest you got to fucking Somalia or Detroit and try your “selective respect” theory there.
    Good luck with that. When you’re walking down the street in those places, please tell us how you’ll distinguish between those worthy of respect and the rest.
    Of course, you won’t–you’ll treat all of them with equal wariness until they demonstrate that they can be trusted. Which is exactly how I treat anybody, regardless of colour.
    We generalise, and we also allow a lot of respect where it’s due, witness the support in CR for people such as Dr. Carson, Allen West, Thomas Sowell et al.
    Don’t fucking lecture me. I’m too old, too beat-up by experience to tolerate it.

  10. KG says:

    Living among New Zealand maoris taught me a lot about racism–they’re most racist, violent and dishonest assholes I ever met. What’s more, I never met an exception.
    The few white racists I’ve known had a long way to go to catch up with them.

    • Ronbo says:

      Ditto for the blacks I met in my six decades plus voyage thru life – a minority are worthy individuals – but the vast majority are low I.Q. racist scum who hate whites, Hispanics and Asians with a passion.

      In fact, their entire black ghetto subhuman lives are centered around intense racist hatred for anyone not exactly like them, as light skinned blacks discover real soon in life.

      And as you say, white racists (and I would add Spanish and Asians) have much work to do to come up to the level of intense racism and hatred of others of different races as displayed by most American blacks.

      When was I a child growing up in the South, my grandmother educated me on race saying, “Now Ronald, colored people are decent, Christian folks and should be given respect, but them NIGGERS are dirt under your feet.”

      My granny was wise.

  11. Darin says:

    Your Granny was right,there are white and black people who are honest law abiding hard working salt of the Earth members of the human race.

    On the otherhand you have niggers and the new subset wiggers aka the urban pavement ape.Useless as tits on a Boar hog and not worth the price of the bullet to shoot them.

    Wigger= stupid whites who emulate nigger behavior.Makes as much sense as a human emulating a Baboon.

    a Refresher course in primate behavior-