Free speech in Australia:

a small start to rolling back Gillard and co’s war on it, by The Political Hat.

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6 Responses to Free speech in Australia:

  1. thor42 says:

    “The new proposed amendment of the act would also only make statement prosecutable if “an ordinary reasonable member of the Australian community” found it offensive, rather than the standards of any particular group.”

    That is still not good enough IMO.

    I can make a 100% true statement about Islam but *many* “ordinary reasonable Australians” who are ignorant of Islam might find it “offensive” – even though it is TRUE.
    That is not good enough as far as I’m concerned.

    • KG says:

      I agree, Thor. Which is why I think it’s just a small step.
      What people find “offensive” must NEVER be the test for free speech. Never.
      I find everything the Greens and Labor politicians say deeply offensive, but the idea of censoring their right to say those things is deeply repugnant to anyone who loves liberty.

  2. Darin says:

    How bad can it get?Look what happens when you donate to a political cause and that information is made available to the public to be harnessed and used by PC Fascists-

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed. That’s a shameful business. :evil:
      The only bright spot is that the homosexual activists and simpering pc clowns have shot themselves in the foot here.

  3. Mathew says:

    It’s a very small step, but the usual suspects are screaming their lungs out about it, how the sky is going to fall, fall you bastards!

    The left in this country are so full of shit!