Pope Francis and the U.N.??

‘a robe-wearing politician.’
I’ve seen nothing to change my original opinion that this Pope is an avowed socialist.
UPDATE:    Francis Porretto’s opinion on the subject.

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19 Responses to Pope Francis and the U.N.??

  1. Darin says:

    Same here,like I have said before,if it’s a priest and he’s from Latin America chances are he’s a Marxist.

    I guess a certain someone will be defending this pious lefty tyrant in 3…….2…….1 :roll:

  2. Ronbo says:

    Ditto Darin, a commie bastard who has sold out Jesus Christ.

    We need a new pope.

    Where are the Borgias when we need them :?: :evil:

  3. Well-Great Minds do think alike!! :mrgreen:
    Posted about the Pope and the hypocrisy of the commie Dems on one post – this morning!!!
    POPE- let’s start w/ your Roman Catholic Wealth-= the Vatican has Lots Of Gold/ Jewels/Property Et Al..
    You First-leave the real producers alone–

  4. Darin says:

    Living where I do I have met many people who have either immigrated here from South and Central America,or who have lived and worked down there.

    What I have come to know about the Catholic church down south is many times they are used by the government as a tool to control the people.This has happened in Cuba,Venezuela,Honduras on and on and if a priest or bishop should do the right thing and stand against it he finds himself dead or has an accident.Many of the priests of a certain age that are alive today are sellouts and are all too willing to lead their people astray.

    I follow the Christian faith,but increasingly I find myself not having much use for cafeteria christians.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    hmmm. I used to think the enemy was using 1984 as a blueprint. But these days, I suspect that’s not sufficiently nuanced or subtle for the modern multi-culti lefft. I think many of them see Jean Raspail as their prophet, and Camp of the Saints as their strategy.

    One of the major gripes I’ve always had with the Papists is they invest a single man with so much power. From the article:

    “The pope is the head of the Church. He is the Vicar of Christ and is infallible on matters of doctrine”

    I can’t be subtle about this; I call bullshit on that statement. Complete, total and utter bullshit. And the man sitting on the throne (Christ rode a donkey and had a crown of thorns, and this POS has the temerity to suggest it’s appropriate for the “head” of the Church to sit enthroned in a palace?) is but the latest example.

    It’s really quite simple: no true Christian can be a socialist. It’s like saying ‘Conservative Leftist’ or ‘Compassionate Communist’. The two just simply do not mix.

    Anyway, the article reminded me of this passage:

    “The very same day that the last pope had sold out the Vatican. Treasures, library, paintings, frescoes, tiara, furniture, statues—yes, the pontiff had sold it all, as Christendom cheered, and the most high-strung among them, caught up in the contagion, had wondered if they shouldn’t go do likewise, and turn into paupers as well. Useless heroics in the eternal scheme of things. He had thrown it all into a bottomless pit: it didn’t take care of so much as the rural budget of Pakistan for a single year!”

    But at least the Pope in the novel had the courage of his convictions, such as they were.

    • john says:

      Reminds me of a skit from “Spitting Image” many years ago, GG.
      IIRC it went something like this;

      Aide: He’s here, He’s here.
      Pope JP II: Who’s here?
      Aide: Him, JC.
      Pope JP II: Quick, sell the Popemobile and buy a Renault, I want Him to see I’ve been suffering.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Carol and The Gantt Guy raise an excellent point: If the current Pope is REALLY serious about the redistribution of wealth by the governments of the world shouldn’t the Vatican State set the example by giving away something like 2,000 years of riches?

    I understand in New York City alone, the RCC owns billions of dollars of prime real estate, not to mention other billions in bonds, savings accounts, stocks and so forth.

    Hence, it is the height of hypocrisy for the Pope to demand other governments do that which his government will not do.

    The truth is the RCC as an institution (individual Catholics are a separate case) is an old painted whore that has sold out to every government in the world willing to pay her price.

    It’s the old game exposed by Ayn Rand -“Caesar and The Witch Doctor” The “moral” man obeys the dictator because if he doesn’t the witch doctor will put a curse on his immortal soul. Thus tyranny follows even past the graveyard.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

  7. KG says:

    Far as I’m concerned, what the leader of the Catholic church chooses to do is no concern of mine.
    Until, that is, he calls for the theft and redistribution of other people’s property.
    Yes, I know he supposedly used the term “legitimate”, but–if true–who decides what is legitimate? The corrupt U.N.?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Of course. I mean, someone has to decide how to divvy up the pie, else people might think the property and possessions they worked for, paid for and contracted for is actually, you know, theirs!

      • KG says:

        And we can’t have that in this Brave New World of equality and inclusiveness, can we?

      • Darin says:

        Too right,leftist always ask-“well Jesus said to take care of the poor and sick right”?

        To which I say show me the verse where he told someone to take from someone else by force of law or force of arms and give it to them.

        I have only ever heard Crickets after that.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Yep, me too.


          • Ronbo says:

            Another reason I just thought of that very likely was one of the reasons the Pope made this statement at this time –

            He thinks the collectivists will come out on top at the end of the struggle and his RCC will be on the winning side.

            THE POPE IS SUCKING UP TO THE NEW CAESARS :!: :twisted:

            The thing is that he may be backing the wrong horse. :mrgreen: We have not yet begun to fight.

  8. mawm says:

    Read “In Christ’s Name” by David Weiss and you’ll no longer have any respect for the hierarchy in the Catholic Church.

    In other news the left want to take away super, which is not means tested, from ‘rich’ superannuants because we can no longer afford it, but at the same time want to extend paid parental leave …….which is also not means tested. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif