hypocrisy and empty preening gestures

bokom_thumb Mark Steyn:
“It is hard not to have total contempt for a political culture that thinks the picture [of Michelle Obama] is a useful contribution to rescuing 276 schoolgirls kidnapped by jihadist savages in Nigeria. Yet some pajama boy at the White House evidently felt getting the First Lady to pose with this week’s Hashtag of Western Impotence would reflect well upon the Administration. The horrible thing is they may be right: Michelle showed she cared – on social media! – and that’s all that matters, isn’t it?..”
Boko Haram also murder boys. Where’s the ‘selfie’ protest for them?

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20 Responses to hypocrisy and empty preening gestures

  1. Darin says:

    This is another one of those times when I miss Reagan.He didn’t post selfies,or sulk and cry about a problem,he took action.

    If Mrs Obama want’s to show that picture to someone,she should have shown it to her husband the man who is supposedly CIC of the most powerful military on the face of the Earth.

    But she didn’t,what does she know that we don’t?Maybe that her husband is beholden to the muslim brotherhood,or maybe that he has no spine? :evil:

  2. KG says:

    “Maybe that her husband is beholden to the muslim brotherhood,or maybe that he has no spine?”
    No “maybe” about it, is there, if we accept that actions (and inaction) speak louder than words?

  3. Darin says:

    Yes and I would add that when a president “leads from behind” it does nothing but embolden evil bastards worldwide.

    We now also see where many of the unsecured weapons from the Libya debacle wound up. Boko now has armored vehicles and machine gun mounted technicals in their arsenal.At a very minimum we should be flying Reaper’s over the area looking for targets of opportunity to smack them back down in the mud.I’m not holding my breath thoughhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

    • KG says:

      Me neither–only this morning I read an opinion piece claiming that Bokoscum can only be appeased by paying enormous ransoms, not defeated militarily.
      Anything but confront evil, eh?

  4. MvL says:

    “You go to a concert and someone “calls on government” to do something, and the world gets fixed.”
    We are bringing up a generation of simpletons who think hashtags and social media are actually related to the real world.
    As mark Steyn observes..”Boko Haram don’t strike me as social media types.”
    No surprise then that Nayland girls join angry global protest . contains not a mention of “Muslim” “Extremists” ” Islamic imperialism” or “Jihad”. Controversial? words that you won’t hear in any NZ school.
    However, never fear, little Debbie “hoped to organise a march in Nelson to draw attention to the situation. ”
    Take That! Bokos.

    • Darin says:

      Same here,I want MY country back,the one where something wrong in the world yielded slogans like “Praise the Lord and pass the Ammunition” followed up by action.Not the new “light a candle and draw a sign”twitter warriors we have running the show now. :evil:

    • Flashman says:

      Pretty typical of a NZ school’s Social Studies onesie teacher’s initiative. Yep, Debbie and Caleb get to write some signs and fart off a few hashtags. Bokos will listen.

      In 1905, the District Commissioner would have arrived with a dozen askari, rounded up the ringleaders, held a drumhead trial, and given the accused a fleeting view of the countryside from a branch of a tall tree courtesy of stout ropes. Nail this problem down hard before it spins out of control. How it works in Africa…has always worked.

  5. Darin says:

    This one bout sums it up-

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    Funny how the world doesn’t really go round, powered by good wishes and unicorn farts, isn’t it?

    Kone is still in charge of the LRA, and the only difference between then and now is people know his name.
    There is as much – or more – poverty in Africa since Bob Geldof and Live Aid.
    Boko Haram still intend selling these poor wee girls into a life of misery and slavery.

    I’m told that the Empress Moochella managed to get through the entire Presidential Address, in which “she” begged for the return of these cihldren, without once mentioning either Boko Haram or Islam. One must, if nothing else, be in awe of the mental gymnastics involved; she must be a true expert in the art of doublethink.

    • mawm says:

      “There is as much – or more – poverty in Africa since Bob Geldof and Live Aid.”

      Instead of 10 million starving Ethiopians there are now 40 million.

      Don’t forget the effect of getting rid of Apartheid in evil South Africa – from having the best longevity in sub Saharan Africa (62 years), South African men can now expect a life of 44 years. Freedom sucks!

    • Flashman says:


      Islam. One huge freakin’ elephant in the room.

  7. KG says:

    The age of Twitter can be summed up very simply—to leftards, feeling good is what matters. Feeling good validates idiot, damaging social policies, validates persecution in the name of “cultural awareness”, validates any statist and legal atrocity.
    Feelings are morality. Feelings matter more than law. Feelings trump facts.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Yep. Someone – may have been the inimitable Bill Whittle – has dubbed this the age of Seeming, and it’s impossible to argue with.

    • mawm says:

      Feelings and using nice sounding words for evil deeds. :evil:

  8. Flashman says:

    1. Since when does a US president’s bloody *wife* get to front foreign policy initiatives? Did this self-referencing ovaried drone win a damn election or something while I was asleep?
    2. The fact that she does says more about her pathetic *husband* than her absurdly cynical hash-tag publicity stunt dreamed up by some White House media wonks.
    3. The hashtag should read “moral_cowardice”. (Bring_back_McRib would have worked just as well, and been more cause-sympathetic to his odious woman.)
    4. Where’s the potus leadership and action in all this? (Rhetorical question. Oops sorry, golf. I forgot.)

    • Ronbo says:

      Ms. Obot is the Queen Marie Antoinette to her husband’s King Louis XVI – and the patriot in me hopes this unholy duo meets the same fate. :evil:

  9. KG says:

    “self-referencing ovaried drone” http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gifhttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif