Europe is becoming interesting…

‘Germany’s Nationalist Marches Grow…Demonstrators Sing Christmas Carols Against ‘Islamization’…
‘France gripped by fear after attacks…300 extra soldiers deployed into streets…’
(But politicians and police still insist vehicular jihad is the work of “lone nut-cases”)
Via Drudge

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3 Responses to Europe is becoming interesting…

  1. Ronbo says:

    The blowback is against the Left that started with the American Tea Party in 2009 has spread to Europe – we see this with the UKIP, the rise of nationalism in France and the demonstrators in eastern Germany.

    Where will it end :?:

    If the other side won’t give in, it can only end in violence.

    • Darin says:

      Watch the wars start popping up all over the place once the left figures out control is slipping through their hands.They have done it before afterall.

  2. tranquil says:

    Good on the German people for their increasing turnouts to these marches!
    I really like the Pegida logo too – it features a number of symbols being tossed into a bin, one of which is a swastika. That was a very good move to include that, showing that these people are *not* Nazis (despite any media attempts to portray them that way).

    The Dutch people need to rally too in support of the latest ridiculous legal attack on Wilders.