Kiwi ignorance, racism and stupidity, in full flight:

I read something like this article, and I despair:

(Bryce Edwards is a lecturer in Politics at the University of Otago)
‘..Appropriately, New Zealand cartoonists have responded to the tragedy with a variety of satirical images – see my blog post, New Zealand cartoons about the Paris Killings . There are a variety of responses in these images – mostly expressing solidarity with the slain, but also addressing issues about islamophobia and hypocrisy…’
Of course Kiwis aren’t alone in this – you can find similar views in any lefty “news” outlet in any Western country. But the fact that maori and academics wield so much influence in this country and ordinary Kiwis are so reluctant to speak out makes it especially worrisome.

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16 Responses to Kiwi ignorance, racism and stupidity, in full flight:

  1. mawm says:

    I was listening tho ZB this morning and a few of those who phoned in were just skating around the edges of blaming islam. Of course Kerry what-ever-her-name-is-now was doing her best to deflect their comments. On the other hand there were many who were toeing the official line of not all muslims are like that.

  2. MacDoctor says:

    No matter how gross, how crass and how hateful one may have found the Charlie Hedbo cartoons, one thing is abundantly clear – the cartoonists did not deserve to die for them. Any response short of condemning this murderous action outright is condoning it. Anything less than unequivocal rejection is not the sort of response one expects from civilised people. Therefore, the intellectual tosspots who spout this sort of nonsense are, in fact, merely barbarians not far removed from the maniacs who murder cartoonists for mere insult.

  3. Ronbo says:

    There are no objective news outlets in New Zealand, aside from the Internet :?:

    No conservative voices on the sir like Rush Limbaugh :?:

    If so, no wonder why anti-Islamic and anti-socialist views get no traction in your country.

  4. Alan says:

    You are right Ronbo, New Zealand is a little socialist utopia and has been for a very long time. Our so called National goverment is supposed to be a conservative party but in reality a long way to the left of center.

  5. Lara says:

    Your site was down for ages yesterday, seemed odd…! : Missed visiting.

    • KG says:

      It was down for a few minutes for me, Lara, but so were some other sites I regularly visit. The traffic monitor didn’t show up anything unusual.

  6. Lara says:

    Not only do they get no traction, they are sneered at our even shut down. Our MsM are a bunch of enablers and apologists.

  7. KG says:

    Yet another example of a particular Kiwi mindset. Both the article and the comments are nauseating.
    Older Kiwis seem not to share this knee-jerk PC self-subjugation, but the “education” system is producing several generations of younger people who do. :evil:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Author: Chris Braae (like a donkey).

      Some of the more specific stupid:
      (a) hashtag campaigns – like candlelight vigils – accomplish precisely nothing. There’s a reason it’s called “slacktivism”.

      (b) “These (SocMed “campaigns”) are only done for those in the Western world. I do say that as a generalisation, not everyone is the same, but was there anything on social media supporting those in Nigeria, or Peshawar or Yemen? No.” I wonder why? #JeSuisCharlie was started by French journos. #IllRideWithYou was started by a silly girl from Sydney (based entirely on a lie, as has been explained previously). The point is, those “campaigns” were started by people with a connection to the incident and/or the victim. The reason there isn’t an outpouring of hashtag grief for the Nigerians killed is because no Nigerian has started one. Same for the Pakis or Peshawar. Why is that, I wonder? Maybe because they’re not stupid enough to think a hashtag – even one “trending” globally – is going to make a blind bit of difference to some goat-rapist in a cave somewhere? Maybe because the goat-rapists live for – thrive on – publicity caused by their terror (they are “terrorists” after all? Maybe because the MASSIVE failure of the Kony 2012 “campaign” to accomplish anything was enough of a lesson learned? Maybe because your average Nigerian or Pakistani is smarter than your average Western ProgLib?

      (c) “Maybe we in the West don’t think it’s a big deal when people in poorer, war torn countries die. Perhaps we shrug it off and just say ‘that’s what happens there’.” Maybe it happens there because the people in those countries have refused to embrace modernity, the enlightenment, free-market capitalism and cling instead to their subsistence living? Maybe it happens here when we invite goat-rapists from the 7th century into our countries, and invite them to keep their medieval culture because after all, all cultures are equal.

      (d) “In Paris, 44 world leaders marched together. That’s 44 more than in Nigeria or anywhere else. When leaders of the world react more strongly to an attack in the west than anywhere else how can those they lead act differently.” Firstly, they marched, but for what did they march? Secondly, what did their march accomplish? Thirdly, what kind of “reaction” is a march, when a far more appropriate “reaction” would have been to bulldoze the mosques at which the goat-rapists received their indoctrination, and subject the imams thereof to some extraordinary rendition.

      (e) “The real problem though comes from the mainstream media.” No, no and no again. The real problem comes from the goat-raping acolytes of the paedophile prophet who eschew all forms of modernity and are attempting to behead their way to forcing us to do so.

      And don’t even get me started on the comments. #WhatAPackOfFuckwits.