NZ’s taxpayer-funded Nazis.

There’s a hell of a lot of ’em about:
‘Smokefree cars next step, says lobbyist
Community and Public Health smokefree promoter Leola Ryder yesterday said the tax increases had proved a step in the right direction.
..”I’d love to see the government push for smokefree cars. So we’ve ticked off smokefree playgrounds and parks. Our Smokefree South Canterbury Committee have done two years of research around that [smokefree cars],” she said.’
Readers here know my views on self-righteous little scumbag parasites such as this one, so I’ll leave it at that.

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11 Responses to NZ’s taxpayer-funded Nazis.

  1. Cadwallader says:

    The otherwise unemployable, bleating on about non-issues.

  2. KG says:

    Yep. Sure beats working for a living, eh?

  3. Ronbo says:

    ….and the first thing we do is kill all the bureaucrats… :evil:

  4. DavidW says:

    Mind you I often get an almost irresistible urge to leap out of the car, pick up a smoking butt and throw it back in through the window of the car from which it issued. As a (once-upon-a-time) diver I shudder at the volume of non-composting butts being flushed into our harbours.
    The only thing that prevents me waging this campaign is that I don’t move as fast as I once did and would likely be left standing like a complete dick in the road with a butt in my hand as the offending car waves its Greenpeace stickered rear at me and vanishes in a cloud of badly tuned smoke.

    • KG says:

      If you’re bothered about crap being dumped, David, cigarette butts are probably the least of the problem. And I’ve never come across a whole raft of dumped butts at sea, as I have plastic bags, styrene foam and other assorted trash.
      I’ll wager the number of cans and bottles thrown from cars far exceeds the number of butts, and they’re far more visible.
      (oh, and “non-composting” is not the same as non-degradable.)

  5. KG says:

    If trash “in the wild” is a factor, then far more could be done by lobbying local councils to stop wasting money on vanity projects and instead make garbage receptacles more numerous and free. That would cut down the amount of illegal dumping, beside which the occasional butt smokers toss out of their car pales into insignificance.

    • Darin says:

      Exactly right,we just did that in town here.For years there has been a problem with folks dumping everything the garbage trucks won’t take.Finally the city came to it’s senses and adopted a simple fix.Monday and Thursday are now “dump what you brung” days.Residents can now bring whatever they need to get rid of to two pickup points free of charge.Amazingly the place is getting cleaner already.

  6. Wombat says:

    I can think of no more encapsulated space available to the common man than the automobile.

    Smoking in your car is the essence of an act which affects no other person but those willingly remaining in the car.

    Attempting to ban it is the essence of authoritarian meddling for its own sake. It benefits nobody but the bloated egos of the collectivist bullies that push for it.

    It’s damn near time for some of these “activists” to wake up in a ditch with swastikas tattooed on their cheeks.

  7. KG says:

    “It’s damn near time for some of these “activists” to wake up in a ditch with swastikas tattooed on their cheeks.”
    Past time. :evil: