‘Top UN official says Europe must open borders’




Is anybody else wondering why Isis can hold military parades in broad daylight – displaying long columns of vehicles crammed with jihadis – without have the crap bombed and strafed out of them?
Could it possibly be that they’re doing the U.N.’s work for them, aiding the mass movement of cheap labour aka “refugees” to the West?

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5 Responses to ‘Top UN official says Europe must open borders’

  1. Darin says:

    I’m not wondering,I know exactly why.Because the UN is staffed and chaired primarily by a majority of third world dictators that the west has allowed to gain control and dictate policy since nearly its inception.

    Our leaders have both allowed,if not actively promoted this control for two reasons,one either through blind incompetence(I’m looking you Jimmy Carter) or through open treason as in the case of Obama.

    The problem is obvious and the cure is simple hang all the bastards

  2. KG says:

    “The problem is obvious and the cure is simple hang all the bastards”

  3. Odakyu-sen says:

    Would the UN officials calling for Europe to open its borders be prepared to host a refugee family in their own homes and to look after them?

    Thought not.

  4. Wombat says:

    So of the millions of refugees how many are fighting aged males?

    Because if the shoe was on the other foot I’m quite certain what the response would be.

    Something to the tune of “you made your bed…”.

    Lets take a quarter of that million strong refugee camp and list them as “people who can pick up a gun and shoot it.”

    The bastards don’t even have to pick sides. They can start their f$#king own.

    But no, it always comes down to “lets jump on whitey’s boat” followed closely by “whitey needs to sacrifice his culture and adopt ours.”