‘The Quest for the Soul of Europe’

The Iron Legion:
Strength and Tradition

‘..The modern idea of freedom is a myth. Today’s freedom amounts to no more than the freedom to work and consume for the benefit of the oligarchs. I speak to men like us and they tell me what they want, what they feel is missing from the modern world, and it isn’t this nebulous concept of freedom. They want a brotherhood. They want order, discipline and tradition. They want old-world masculinity. They want to explore. They want to build something. They want a mission. They want to be part of something which has a great purpose, and they want the simple things like a home and a family, all of which are gradually being taken from them as this broken society dissolves.

This is not a flash in the pan. This is a rising fire in the hearts of hard men. This is not going to be just a few broken windows….’  (bold mine)

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26 Responses to ‘The Quest for the Soul of Europe’

  1. C-CS says:

    posted something similar :

    it is time- my friends–it is time!
    BTW-thank you for the introduction to the Iron Legion site–

    • KG says:

      Good to see you, Carol. :)
      It’s time, all right and I think Simon at Iron Legion has clearly identified the way forward.
      The ballot box most certainly isn’t going to get the job done.

      • C-CS says:

        the ballot box is truly- no longer the way–
        here in the US – there is no real difference between the R and D parties–

      • C-CS says:

        the ballot box is truly- no longer the way–
        here in the US – there is no real difference between the R and D parties–

        it is good to ‘be back’ –I’ll tell you why I’ve been out of the picture if I can find your e-mail-

        • KG says:

          I’ll mail the addy to you Carol.

        • Yokel says:

          In the current Greek Saga, we have the proof that Democracy has had its day. The Brussels “Troika” demanded the impossible, so the Greek PM went back to Athens and put it to a referendum and got a stonking great majority for telling them to take a hike. So he went back to Brussels to negotiate again, and came back with something much worse, and got the Greek Parliament to approve it. But didn’t the people, in the birthplace of democracy, say … …

          Elsewhere it has been reported that Tsipras had banked on losing the referendum, quite likes being a member of the Euro-elite, and has been hook-line-and-sinkered by the puppeteers who lend out the baubles for a season. So my guess is that the Greeks will be offered another opportunity to vote on accepting “austerity”, and another, until they vote the “correct” way. Then there will be no further need to vote.

          Karl Denninger has the plan for what he should have done: http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=230325 and follows up the “progress” at: http://market-ticker.org/akcs-www?post=230341

          Didn’t Erdogan say something like “Democracy is a train that you ride until you get to where you want to go, then you get off”? Or was it Saul Alinsky? Either way, let us be alert to what our enemy is saying about his intent and actions, for that will tell us how to be most effective.

  2. — They want to be part of something which has a great purpose… —

    So did the followers of Mussolini and Hitler. Beware of anyone and any movement that wants to sweep you into “a great purpose.” The first question that should evoke is “Whose purpose? Yours, mine, or that of Fearless Leader?”

    • KG says:

      I wouldn’t be so quick to smear somebody who speaks of men wanting to be part of a great purpose, if that purpose is to sweep away the enemies of the traditional family, the promoters to children of homosexuality, the propagandists of the left posing as “teachers”. The list is a very long one and every commenter here knows what that list is.
      The ballot box has failed, will continue to fail and anybody who has been paying attention knows it.
      Your vote is pointless, your savings and your assets can be seized by the State, your door can be kicked in at 4am by armed thugs employed by the State or Federal government and activist queers can ruin your life at the drop of a hat. That’s after they’ve corrupted your children in the name of “education”.
      Please don’t tell me to beware, Francis.
      The time to beware is past.

      • Darin says:

        Too right! I always liked that line from The Chronicles of Riddick-

        “If we are to survive, a new balance must be found. In normal times, evil would be fought by good. But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil.”

        • KG says:

          My position, exactly. If somebody stands shoulder to shoulder with me in battle I’m not about to question his ideology.
          The first object is to destroy the enemy and that by any means necessary. And I very much doubt it will be done by fastidious men.

          • Darin says:

            Part of the cost for the last great struggle for liberty-“56 Men”


            “The reality of knowing there is no turning back is the greatest motivator for advancing forward”-George Washington.

  3. Look… it’s simple. If you are not going to be part of the solution… just get the hell out of the way of the men that want to build something better… if you are not offering better ideas… don’t piss on the ones we’re bringing to the table. We are trying to encourage men to better themselves, to strengthen themselves… to be able to hold the line from those that want to take it all away from us… and when the time comes – I don’t want a monk by my side I want a prick just like me… and… the men that liberate their countries have a great purpose – Mussolini and Hitler did not liberate their countries… did they.

  4. KG says:

    The fear that after the armed overthrow of an evil system it might be replaced by one just as evil is pointless, since the way “democracy” is structured and operates makes it impossible to change it in any significant way by the state-sanctioned means available.
    I’d have thought that the current U.S. situation would be proof enough of that.
    The act of overthrowing it by violent means at least indicates that patriots have the will and the means to draw a line at some point when creeping tyranny is underway.
    That willingness may be all that we who value liberty have left. And should it come to that it would serve as a bloody warning for the future would-be tyrants.

    • Darin says:

      The Magna Carta planted the first seeds of liberty by establishing a common law and uniform civil code which became the bedrock foundation of western culture.
      It took another 582 years for the Bill of Rights to be birthed and to establish the principle that our human rights come not from a king and not from a parliament,but instead from the creator.

      I’m drawback to that scene in the John Adams series when the vote for independence was cast.

      When the vote passed there was no rejoicing or hip hurrahs,but instead a quiet pause as the gravity of the moment sank in.Those men knew in that moment what the costs were going to be,but they agreed to pay them because if they won the day,then future generations would enjoy liberty like none before. We owe a debt to every man and woman who have gave their lives for the cause of freedom.The only way we can repay them is by doing the same.We must do what it takes,whatever it takes to win the day.

  5. Simon Wolfe says:

    Hello All,

    There have been many projects and missions which have been and are greater than the men undertaking it: the Apollo missions, a cure for cancer, even Western civilisation itself is greater than all of us. Our project of course is more aggressive but that is more a function of the problem which we seek to solve. I can understand the parallels drawn with 20th century fascism but we’re not interested in a mass movement sweeping across continents. I spent 8 years in the Army and then another 8 years in Afghanistan as a contractor. I’ve seen the tribal dysfunction downrange first hand and I don’t want to come home to find it in Europe. We’d like to avoid large scale conflict but both the left and mainstream conservatives seem determined to bring it about for their own ends. A little traditionalist nation for ourselves? Yes, maybe one day, but at first we start small and local.

    I believe in doing everything we can in as non-confrontational way as possible. I believe in like-minded communities practising self-sufficiency and being kind to the environment – but not in the hippy/green taxes way. I believe in bottom-up localised resistance. I believe in not contributing to the system as much as possible. I believe that small rural communities should be pro-active and form their own churches, schools, police forces etc… independent of the state as much as possible without drawing too much anger from central government.

    However as we have repeatedly seen, it will not be enough. The left will never leave us alone. They will never let us secede. They hate us, but they won’t let us leave. For them, our only option is to convert to their way of thinking, or to be destroyed through the banks, courts and prison system if we do not submit to their ideology. In this respect, they’re very much like radical Islam, with its convert or die philosophy. Conservatives and libertarians often think that they can placate the left with a ‘live and let live’ approach. That if we give them just this one little thing, this one time, they’ll leave us alone. That if we just move to the country and get on with our own little lives in our own little communities they won’t come after us. But remember, leftists are people who murder unborn children merely because they are an inconvenience. Conservatives and libertarians are also things which are inconvenient to the left. They are never going to stop killing babies and they will never leave us alone.

    I come from a libertarian background. But gradually I’ve seen libertarianism hi-jacked by the left, just as mainstream conservatism has drifted leftward and come to adopt policies such as gay marriage they would have opposed even just ten years ago. I could be described as post-Libertarian. Modern libertarianism gives ground and adopts leftist ideas – I’ve seen Christian libertarian friends in America adopt the idea that libertarianism is for gay married couples who want to grow weed in their back yard. That’s not the libertarianism that I believe in and it’s not the sort of community I want to bring my kids up in. Live and let live many say, but look where that has got us so far. Give in to that, and what will be the next demand?

    A few days ago I read about a second high school in Germany which instructed the young female students to dress in a manner respectful of Sharia law in order to avoid offending Muslims. Conservatives get outraged at this sort of thing, and we talk about how its an infringement of civil liberties and such. And of course, we shouldn’t be pandering to the whims of foreign cultures in our own countries and we should be able to dress as we please. But you know what the truly sad part of the story is? It’s that it’s taken the presence of radical Muslims in Europe to stop us dressing our teenage girls like whores. Why could we not have done this ourselves?

    There can be such a thing as too much freedom. Where everybody has the freedom to do whatever they want, chaos and disorder reign and although we are free, we become no better than slaves. Unrestrained liberty begets the breakdown of marriage, broken homes and an epidemic of children raised by single mothers, vulgar gay pride parades and unnatural sex education in our schools. Liberty is a high ideal, but not in isolation. What point is there in being free, if your society is dissolving around you? It’s not authoritarian to think that our young women shouldn’t be going to school in miniskirts, or that marriage is one man and one woman, or that a child should have a mother and a father. This is traditionalism, we just think the same ways that our grandparents did. The problem is, to return to traditional values from our current place in the modern world is very difficult and it may take a bit of effort and strength.

    I like liberty, but I like order too. I also want the faiths and traditions of my people to continue into the future. Conservatives and the liberty-minded often find themselves wedded to constitutional ideas which only serve to keep them from taking real corrective action against the left. They find themselves hamstrung by a constitution which the left ignores or reinterprets as it sees fit. It may be time for small independent communities to draw up their own consitutions. We often make the mistake of thinking that because we’re good people and we know how to behave properly that everybody else will too. But not everybody is like us. Not all cultures are equal.

    An independent libertarian micro-nation will not exist in isolation. It still has to contend with the modern world and the machinations of the left. But to keep out that leftist influence is a grand mission. The left has been working away at breaking down religion, marriage, the family, traditional sex roles – the fabric of society – and it has been doing this for decades, centuries. To halt this tide, reverse it, and make sure there is some part of our civilisation which will survive the decline is an enormous task. It is this which is the great mission that we involve ourselves in. And there has to be some militancy and some authority and strength behind any sort of attempt to separate from the modern left, because otherwise they will never stop coming after you.

    Their plan is to have a huge cattle/slave population which serves the tiny elite of oligarchs. They’re not going to call a halt to their masterplan just because we move to the country and homeschool our kids. Eventually some of us need to draw a line in the sand and put a stop to it and defend our communities.

  6. Robertv says:

    In the eyes of the elite 99.99% of the world population are useless eaters who when no longer needed are to be eliminated.

    So They gave them a a mission, something which has a great purpose.

    Save the Earth from Climate Change provoked by human development.

    They keep telling us that our way of life is unsustainable that we are to many for this small planet.

    First they came for the denier and I did not speak out —


  7. KG says:

    Something I thought never to see.. Francis Porretto declines battle:
     Francis W. Porretto said…
    Beware, KG. That is: Be wary, and be skeptical. To do otherwise would constitute an intellectual and moral default. And with that, I’ve said my piece…and so have you.

    Which saddens me, given the enormous esteem I have for the man.
    No, I have not “said my piece” on this subject, it will continue here. Reading what FWP has to say on various subjects has always helped clarify my thinking, since he is smarter and more eloquent than me and I’ll feel the loss of that keenly.
    But there you go – there’s a fight coming and like very many others I’m damn sick of losing to the left. The time to be fussy about methods is past.

  8. Wombat says:

    It’s the paralysis of the intellectual to abstain from any movement which they are not 100 percent comfortable with.

    No two men on this planet want to draw the same line in the same place. Viewed in such puritanical terms, what righteous battle in the history of man would ever have been waged and won?

    No. You lead the way or you choose the best man to follow you can find. If you choose to follow, which is statistically almost certain, then there will be no shortage of mutual adversaries. Later you may have to part ways, or even fight against former allies, but neither of those outcomes is worse than sitting in the dark, waiting to be rounded up into a cattle-car, or even dieing alone on your own doorstep in some sort of petty, futile gesture.

  9. Ronbo says:

    I think we Crusaders are all on the same page as Bismarck in 1862, “Not through speeches and majority decisions will the great questions of the day be decided … but by iron and blood (Eisen und Blut).”http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif