
NZAin’t it grand?

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4 Responses to “Democracy”

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    New Zealand is exactly the elective tyranny of which Alexis de Tocqueville wrote. And, it demonstrates the beautiful genius of what the USA was meant to be (until successive governments decided to use the printed version of that genius for toilet paper).

    New Zealand is not a “free” country, it is a Parliamentary dictatorship. New Zealand’s citizens have a government-granted opportunity once every three years to traipse to the polling booth and tick a box indicating which tyrant they want ruling their lives for the following three years.

    All those “rights” Kiwis think we have? An illusion. Granted not by their Creator, but by their government. Encapsulated in an Act of Parliament (the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990). Granted by Parliament, and thus apt at any time to be taken away by Parliament. By a simple majority vote of those whom the majority of people decided the last time they visited the polling booth, would rule the lives of every New Zealander for the following three years.

    New Zealand is a nation born by Royal Decree, and in which the Parliament is essentially the owner of every New Zealander.

    Think you’re “free”, Kiwi? Think again.

    Now, having said that, let’s take another look at the list of things Kiwis can’t vote for, and apply it to the USA.

    TPPA: By granting Barry Trade Promotion Authority (“fast-track”), the American People – via their Senate – have precisely zero say on TPPA. The Senate can vote TPPA either up or down and I can guarantee you that whether the Senate votes up or the Senate votes down, the result will be UP.

    GCSB spying: let’s talk NSA spying and FISA Courts, shall we?

    Selling state houses: Barry’s HUD is going to torture the language in existing legislation to force neighbourhoods to become “racially representative”, to force neighbourhood designers and builders to include “affordable” (read: Section 8) housing alongside McMansions and to generally ensure that there is a ready supply of storm-troopers to riot-on-demand.

    Seabed drilling: Gulf of Mexico, where only the South O’ The Border countries can drill, the US companies cannot.

    I could go on, but it’s futile because everyone here already knows it. The Framers are no doubt spinning in their graves at what has happened to the greatest experiment in liberty the world has ever known. They never envisioned a tyrannical dictator could get elected to the Highest Office in the Land (twice!), nor that the Congress would be so weak-kneed, lily-livered and cowed by said tyrant, nor that the Supreme Court would legislate from the Bench to facilitate the Tyrant’s programme of fundamental transformation.

    Sunday Morning Melancholy…

  2. Robertv says:

    Big Brother


    “Mobilising the revenues needed to further development and improve people’s lives will depend on broader tax bases, stronger tax institutions, and redoubled efforts to stem both cross-border and domestic tax evasion and avoidance. In many countries billions of dollars are lost every year to narrow tax bases, weak administrative capacity, and poor tax compliance. Helping countries to strengthen their tax systems and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires a new framework for action.

    In launching the Addis Tax Initiative, over 30 countries and international organisations have now teamed up to strengthen international cooperation in this area. The Initiative highlights the crucial importance of domestic revenue for financing development and specifically stresses the importance of tackling domestic and cross-border tax evasion and avoidance.

    Harnessing the momentum of the Financing for Development agenda, the Addis Tax Initiative brings new energy and enthusiasm to the field of domestic resource mobilisation (DRM), emphasizing the importance of building sustainable DRM capacity through increased technical cooperation, strong domestic governance and institutions, and the political will to drive forward tax system reforms.

    The following countries have joined the Addis Tax Initiative: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Cameroon, Denmark, Ethiopia, European Commission, Ghana, Finland, France, Italy, Germany, Indonesia, Kenya, Korea, Liberia, Luxembourg, Malawi, Netherlands, Norway, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, United Kingdom, and the United States.”

    I did not know the ‘European Commission’ was a country. It is ALL about Big Government and not We The People.

    • KG says:

      The reek of tyranny…..And these same bastards are about to spend up to 3 million on fancy tableware for their “parliament”.

      Machine gun