I was a conservative once. But today’s conservatives are no longer conservative. A word has entered the modern lexicon: conservakin. Those who identify as conservative, but who are not. They are conservative in name only, those who conserve only the status quo and the incremental victories of the left, those who ultimately have failed even to conserve conservatism itself. If they cannot even conserve their own principles, then they cannot be trusted to protect us and our civilisation…’
The Iron Legion
You listening, John Key and all who vote for your National Party?
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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This powerful piece by Simon Wolfe says it all for me. There’s not a damn thing I can add to what he says here.
There no conservatives among us patriots – we are all wild eyed radicals who want to storm the governmental centers, set them on fire and drag the Leftist traitors inside out on the street and work them over with our jackboots until they are beaten to bloody pulps.
Yeah, I know, we are bunch of incurable romantics.
Hey,hold on Ron,don’t burn the buildings down,we paid for those.Better uses must be found for them,I was just telling a budd the other day as we passed city hall.I told him I want it after the takeover.There is plenty of room for a 12′ jacuzzi hot tub and a super king sized waterbed on the top floor in the city council chambers,great for entertaining
If your local government officials are anything like mine (our Mayor was caught BillClintoning one of the interns on the board room table), there’s probably already a 12; jacuzzi hot tub and a super king sized waterbed in the Mayor’s office.
Only problem with local government buildings: they’re infested with NAZIs.
Careful cleaning is all that’s needed
True, once the infestation has been remediated with the extermination of the NAZIs, the whole place will need to be fumigated.
These last few years have taught me that there is no applicable line to be drawn for a libertarian in today’s world.
Should a woman be allowed to give birth out of wedlock?
How can that question be given an honest answer when I know I’ll be paying her bills with my taxes for the next 18 years?
In ancient times nobody had to make a law against breeding out of wedlock. The tragic results of doing so were a warning to the rest. Our society evolved appropriately. That is to say, libertarianism is what evolved our society before government set about destroying it.
I still believe in libertarianism, but it only works when people suffer the consequences for their crappy choices. It’s all or nothing, and the author is correct, it’s not the solution for our current problems. Still, we ought to remember that our society was not built on the heavy hand of interference but instead in it’s absence.
It appears that being Left isn’t enough for the radicals.
It’s always fun to watch the monsters they created turn on them
I see they both got shouted down and booed off the stage by #BlackLivesMatter activists. These are probably the same idiots that are strongly pro-choice for abortion which has killed more blacks than all other causes combined over the last 30 years.
The KKK only dreams of the numbers Planned Parenthood has managed.
“Planned Parenthood” the most ironic name evah.