‘…Similarly, as National Review has reported, “Dearborn, Michigan is home to just under 100,000 people, about 40 percent of whom are Muslim. In 2013, a leaked government document revealed that more people from Dearborn were on the federal terrorist watch list than from any other city except New York.”..’
‘Why import this danger?’
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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If a government wants to maintain power over a populace, they will need someone to terrorize that populace. This way the people “need” the government to save them, by enslaving them.
Exactly so.
Even more malign than that. The object is to set things up so that the true opposition can be blamed for the imported terrorist actions.
Go back and read 1984. Random explosions — killing untold numbers of proles and never inner party members — would go off it anywhere and anytime. Big Brother always blamed it on Emmanuel Goldstein, his alleged opponent and leader of the opposition. Turned out even Goldstein was a fiction created by the secret police chief (O’Brien) in order to draw out apparatchiks who were getting used up, like Winston Smith.
I offer this observation to help complete the answer to KG’s question “why import this danger?”