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- Darin on Open House 1/18/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 1/18/25
- Darin on Open House 1/18/25
- Darin on Open House 1/18/25
- Michael in Nelson on Open House 1/18/25
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- Darin on Open House 1/18/25
‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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Unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans…
Prying into most personal info at most local levels…
All for purpose of ‘racial and economic justice’…
This should be interesting,a gathering of idiots in S.Carolina-
Darin, looks like both groups of idiots decided to not remove themselves from the gene pool, more’s the pity.
Courtesy of Misfit, I offer some Steam:
Travel in style!
Texas Governor Greg Abbott gives guns back to military bases. The list of states that have moved in this direction is quite short, more’s the pity.
Yes!The more I read about Greg Abbott the more I like him,common sense patriot!
Locally I heard through the scuttlebutt some Cops,Highway patrolmen and security guards are offering to stand guard outside recruiting offices on their own time and dime.
Here’s one, Darin. That doesn’t look like a ‘machine gun’ to me.
The journos just love the word “vigilante”don’t they?
No,not a machine gun,just a semi,wonder if that is an AR15 or AR10,heavy barrel,no good side view of the mag so it’s hard to tell.Freakin journos,leaving out the important details
Nah, “machine gun” sounds much better when talking about those gun-mad psychotic Teabagger Americans. AR15, AR10, liberty-defence-equiment, semi-auomatic-inanimate-object-incapable-of-doing-anything-until-a-human-makes-a-decision-to-use-it just sound so … clinical. Especially in a media outlet targeted at a people disarmed so long ago they have no effective defence against an invading force that’s raping their children and decapitating their soldiers in the streets.
I told a Brit anti-gunner once that GB had surpassed the French in the number of manginas walking around
It’s incredible how many people are “anti gun”. Especially POMs, who – strangely enough – aren’t anti-knife or anti-hammer.
Show them the stats which prove there’s far more violent crime in the UK than the US and their heads explode.
Yup,it’s just like all the atheist jewish lawyers in Manhattan that voted for De Blasio.Same mistake they made when they voted for Dinkins back in the day.The first time they wander into
CentralJurassic Park and get eaten by one of the evolutionary throwbacks they will be screaming for more Cops,more cameras and more taxes to pay for it all,but never,evah rethink their embrace of gun control.‘The Empire State Building Submits to Islam — After Muslim Terrorist Slaughters Marines’
Less than 24hrs afterwards!
“Tone deaf” doesn’t even begin to explain the left, but with every insult to each new group offended the tide rises against progressivism. (Well I can hope.)
Acts 9:18 And immediately there fell from his eyes as it had been scales: and he received sight forthwith..
Heh! There are some great quotes from the Bible to use against these Islam-fellating socialists.
There sure are!
De Blasio is a communist,this sort of thing along with the flood of homeless bums,street walkers,murderers,rapists and stickup artists is to be expected.They’re cockroaches,it’s what they do.
Auckland’s Sky tower is green tonight! I didn’t see it last night.
Self-subjugating assholes.
Animated flyover of Pluto created from still images-
He’s far away and cold,but fascinating none the less.
Exposing More Climatism Lies as demonstrated by one home owner in a half day of rain showers.
California does not have a drought problem; it has a water storage problem.
That water storage problem is entirely due to eco-terrorist/fascist alliance manipulation of law. And as the sane will all come to recognize, perversion is now nine tenths of the law.
Yup,and shortly the weather will change again and there will be flash floods and mudslides,which they will also blame on climate change.
In support of the statement that California has a storage problem, let me give you this today:
“But on average, due to environmental regulations as well as a lack of water storage capacity (attributable, in large part, to activist groups’ opposition to new storage projects), 70% of the water that enters the Delta is simply flushed into the ocean.”
It’s a little late, but I finally located the latest documentation for what I wrote above here.
Man-Made Drought: A Guide To California’s Water Wars
Pitching lefty fucktards in the trashbin is fun,but not as fun as chasing them down and stomping a mudhole in their arses would be
Oh great,only Hollywood could take the story of one of the most badassed men to have ever walked the Earth and cast Letardneo decrapreo to play him.
For those of you not familiar with the story of Hugh Glass-
DeCrapio is to play that man??????????
That’s worse than the Cruisedwarf playing Jack Reacher.
Soo many fine cars,sooo little money
Sorry kid,it’s what happens when you’re born white,male and in the USA,you get to pay for everybody else’s bills.
Blue sez:
Just watched Joe Hockey interview on The Bolt Report today. Less impressed with him than ever. Supposed to be the Treasurer in a Conservative government, but on tax reform was about as dry as a Syrian wadi, while hitting all of the hot-button progressive talking points (offshore corporations not paying their “fair share” of tax), and suggesting the GST could be abolished.
Effing moron.
He’s “moving towards the middle”, doncha know. *spit*
Another fifth-columnist.
The most frustrating thing is when those on the “conservative” side negotiate, or move to the middle, or reach across the aisle, it means complete capitulation to the extreme Leftists, who never give a single inch. That then becomes the new “normal”, until the next time some effing fool decides to be “bi-partisan”, when the ratchet is moved a little further.
The Prog methodology throughout the last century in one simple lesson. The art of aggressive compromise:
– demand an amount that is beyond what is reasonably achievable,
– when opposition builds, make offer of compromise,
and get a portion of what you wanted.
Sadly, incrementalism is now passé because the Progs own both sides of the aisle. One side simply folds and claims there is nothing that can be done.
Yep. Although I’m not sure that “simply folds” is the right term, since I’m convinced the two “sides” share the same objectives. It’s more a ritual sham opposition in order to perpetuate the myth that voters have some say in policies and decisions.
Agreed. I thought I implied that when I said the Progs own both sides and when I used the word “claims” before “there is noting that can be done.”
Thanks. Wouldn’t want any of your lame opponents from say kiwiblog or whale oil coming in here and misunderstanding me.
Yes, you did imply that. Careless of me.
Rick Perry demonstrating how he’s a GOPe hack.
He goes into high dudgeon, using his own veteran status as cover, to lambast Trump for dissing McCain’s worn out exploitation of his service. Under normal circumstances — such as political conditions of 30 years ago — I’d agree with Perry. But not today.
Here is a useful tool to help you expose all GOPe hacks. Watch the video and imagine Perry (or any GOPe) lambasting Obama for his utter lack of concern for our troops and our vets, or condemning Hillary for her deadly role in Benghazi, with the same degree of livid anger. If you cannot imagine that, that is why Trump is drawing so much interest to himself. Trump comes close to doing that, but I’ve never seen him this stern or employing this much ferocity.
The important point is to watch Perry’s face and you will find yourself wishing he’d use half as much effort to fight a Democratic POS. And then you will realize why he and every other GOPe is NOT the answer. They always reserve their greatest animosity for lower class upstarts like us.
Folks, it’s a well known fact that the Republican Party created the Progressive Party back in early 20th century under Teddy Roosevelt – you know ole Teddy Bear? – Ole “Bully, Bully, BULLY!” He created the American Empire out what had been the Spanish Empire after the war with Spain ended in USA victory in 1898 – The Philippines, Puerto Rico, Guam and (almost) Cuba became the “Jewels In Teddy’s American Empire Crown.”
Of course, then as now, Progressivism was disliked by the base GOP majority and Teddy was forced to start the “Bull Moose” third party in 1912, which meant that the Republican vote was spilt and Woodrow Wilson – also a Progressive and white racist became president in 1913.
Wilson greatly expanded the federal government by ramrodding into law the federal income tax, direct election of U.S. Senators (an assault against the power of the various states) and his crowning achievement after his illegal invasion of Mexico “In order to teach the Mexicans how to vote right.”- American entry into WW I, which was opposed by the vast majority of Americans.
Did I mention that Wilson segregated the U.S. Armed Forces and the federal bureaucracy? …These measures had been bitterly opposed by the GOP since the U.S. Civil War – but then as now – what does majority opinion matter?
So there you have it folks – the Progressive leadership of both parties only disagree about which one is better able to do socialism at home and conduct foreign policy abroad.
The thing I don’t like about Trump is that he’s too much like Perot was back in 1992. Remember how that turned out? Perot II (Bull-Moose III) becoming a major instrument in saddling us with a Clinton. All part of the entertainment passed off as news by the SSM.
And one of the principal Neocons appears to be setting up Trump to be excluded from any GOP debates http://therightscoop.com/hes-jumped-the-shark-hes-dead-to-me-bill-kristol-says-hes-done-with-donald-trump/ so that he’s even more inclined to start and fund a 3rd party like Teddy and Perot did.
Wait a second. The preceding paragraphs sound like I believe elections still matter. I’m sorry.
Ronbo, You had this added bit of info on McCain you just posted on your blog. It helps explain a whole lot more as to why Perry was assigned the role of defending him.
The GOPe and SSM has been protecting the public from hearing the testimony of the POWs who hate McCain’s guts in the same way that they’ve been protecting the public from climate scientists who have the facts exposing the climate change scam.
A fun day on the water:
We are definitely NOT at the top of the food chain!
I used to fish for those things in a dinghy off St. Kilda beach in South Australia in my young and even more stupid days. Using stingray wings as bait. It’s amazing just how shallow is the water they’ll come into – only a couple of metres deep.
Hooking one was a great way to get a high-speed tow.
Hooked sharks seldom attack the boat. Unless it’s a Mako. But that’s another story….and I used to have the outboard with teeth marks to prove it.
“The last census showed over 22,150 unoccupied houses in the city.”
stuff stuff
No probs. Pass a law that any building unoccupied for more than 12 months goes under the hammer with no reserve price.
Exemptions may be applied for yearly on a one exemption per person basis.
That’d sort the problem out quicksmart.
ISIS set up stronghold in the heart of Europe as terrorists secretly buy land near an isolated village
Via the ghost of Ol’ Remus.
There’ll be no cruise missiles targeting these bastards, will there?
Perhaps the Obama Administration will establish diplomatic relations with them.
I was wondering where I’d left that
Odd, somebody leaving a valuable rifle propped against a tree and never going back for it.
There just has to be an interesting story behind it.
Reckon that stock is overdue for a bit of oil.
‘There were two sets of protesters on the street. The media savaged the more peaceful’
John Nolte has more on the Nazi media
Good article!
14 Facts the Tanking ‘Women in Tech’ Movement Doesn’t Want You to Know
‘Greek air force pilot ‘flew F16 to Turkey’ to withdraw euros’
Lucky it wasn’t an F35 … the Turks may have been withdrawing pieces of a Greek!
‘Suicide bomber kills dozens in Turkey near border with Syria
It hit a cultural centre where the Federation of Socialist Youths, a political group, had been discussing Kobane’s reconstruction with the local press in a news conference.’
Pardon my lack of sympathy:
NZ: Endemic low-level corruption and cronyism. This is very typical.
Yep, and it isn’t just “low level” either. But it is definitely endemic.
I thought you had a note somewhere about NZ leading the UN Security Council vote on the Iran agreement but I can’t find it to pot this there. Anyway, I sae JK on the NEWAS saying something about a non-nuclear Iran is better than a nuclear Iran. WTF, didn’t he read the agreement?! Here is an article that points out what Iran got and still has.
Of course he read the agreement, Michael. He’s just doing his bit to lull the sheeple to sleep.